WARCRAFT: The movie

WOW! This honestly looks realer than life!! What a time to be alive!!!

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What are the guys in front of the orc doing?

Failed QTE.webm


I'm laughing at the guy on the left who punches that guy and looks at him like "Oh shit. Are you okay?"

>are you fucking sorry!?

even the hobbit which looks literally like a ps3 game looks better than this

why is there a movie thread in Sup Forums, you roody-poo candy ass


am I seeing it wrong or is the human head actually clipping through the orc hand?

Looks like it.

Blunder of the century. Is Blizzard doomed?

Holy fucking shit, clipping in a movie.

What has become of Blizzard...

Blizzard didn't do the CGI

this has to be fake, r-right?

Is that supposed to be a man or a Dwarf?

leave your room every once and a while

>all have swords
>but no shields
>not even spears
Massively triggered.


pic related is the movie dwarf

I wish I was trolling, it's 100% real

i dont understand, they have HUGE budget to make human as CGI. Is blizzard actually has monetary problem?

what's the guy on the right doing?

Are you defending this?

I dunno. I wondered about this myself. I think Metzen or maybe someone else thought if it was completely CGI, which is stupid but it is Blizz, it wouldn't be considered serious / " adult ".

That maybe it'd be dismissed as Pixar shit. Dunno.

They really should of went CGI. The human actors just are too jarring compared to the rest specially shit like the cartoony box in the back.

would you?

He just realized he was playing in the worst blunder of the year and tries to find the exit to leave the set

>tfw china will save this shitty movie

he looks like an npc that can't find a path towards your character

>china will save it
China isn't the only country where it just got released. The movie will easily make over 300 million, more than enough to call it a financial success.

how do we get to this from this?


Is this actually in it?

There would be an attempt.

>that dogshit Terminator movie from last year is getting made into a trilogy because China
Are the Chinese really this big of dumb fucking marks?



hahahha what the fuck
this is the actual movie?
Jesus, what was their budget again?
How much of it did they spend on marketing and CGI trailers?

looks like shit

all CGI is garbage, we should just go back to people in costumes because no-one did anything wrong in movies made when i was a kid and before


I dont even


They should have went Beowulf mode.

LMAO jesus christ, look at that awful CGI!!!!! You're seriously telling me they couldn't get one person in development to model an actual, REAL woman???

Holy fucking shit

gremlins confirmed

China loves special effects and hates movies. They're literal plebeians in every sense of the word, their understanding of cinema was North Korea-tier until like the 1990's.

>The movie will easily make over 300 million
>The movie will easily make over 300 million

I don't know why they didn't just do the whole movie in CGI like this. The human actors are shit and ruin the movie.

I fucking love the CGI cinematics from WoW and Warcraft. Is there a better fall from grace story than Arthas'? I genuinely want to know because I love those kinds of stories.

I fucking like Beowulf, even if it looks kinda crappy now


Imagine if your only reference for good movies was Godzilla 1998

reminder that duncan jones killed david bowie for this

screencap it if you don't believe me.

Godzilla 1998 is good though. Certainly better than any other Godzilla film baring the original.

t. Duncan Jones

I did. This movie will flopp hard.

No, the SOUNDTRACK for Godzilla 1998 is good. The movie is a pile of ass.

would he be proud of his son's work?

i'm sure some dumb fuck playing arthas next to a snow-canon and a cardboard undead dragon will do the trick nigger

Actually a lot of retarded Chinese and Europeans are lining up to see this shit so it probably will make around 300 million


That fucking guy in the front that's break dancing while his buddy is getting clipped to death. Bravo Blizzard

News reports say he actually watched Warcraft before he died, so no.

>the film had a more comedic tone
>producers opted to remove as many jokes as possible
>made everything as serious and grimdark as they could

>he actually watched Warcraft before he died
I bet that's what triggered his death

>le muh Chinese
How much do you think they pay for a ticket? $1?

who do I trust? this determines whether I watch the telecine at 2x speed or not.

Nobody of you haven't even probably seen the movie yet and and all you do is cry and nitpick every single detail out of a 3 second camrip, on repeat. You do realize you'd probably miss 99% you spot while rewatching this shit 30 times? I saw the movie more than a week ago and it was alright, I was hoping it to be a little bit better, but it felt like they crammed too much in 1 movie. But I find that it's better to cram a longer story in 1 movie than to spread it out so thin, that something of importance happens every 50minutes and you get movie 3, part 2.

I rate it 7/10.

fuck this gay earth

>he actually watched Warcraft before he died
>"Well, I better get this album out now."

the m and the green splooge

I can't wait until I can get piss drunk and watch this for free

Trust no one. Not even yourself. Watch the movie at .5 speed so you have more time to watch your back.

are you serious nigger?

i made it through 5 minutes of the camrip before turning it off its fucking aweful.

the cgi apart from the main bloke is terrible and the animation is just as bad.

the never-ending virgins on /wowg/ think the movie is good so there's no way it'll be anything but horrible

same story with the blizzard forums

>breaks his neck, his arms and legs don't go limp

A simple job. A simple fucking job.


They've paid $47 million so far

what's the orc guy to his left doing (viewers right)?
Is he dancing?
Also what are the 2 orcs doing behind the orc who smashed a guy? They also seem to be dancing?
Is this the part where they play All Star or something?

blizztard fanboys everyone

Peter Jackson could

Wait, is there a camrip out?

>talking about the CGI while watching a 600x320 cam rip.

if anything it's gonna look far more jaring in hi def

The human legitimately looks like Paul Rudd circa Wet Hot American Summer.

The cartoon series sequel was pretty good.

it looks as bad as it did in the trailers mate i dunno why anyone would defend this turd.

shame it ruined bowies career i really loved his work so far until this.

holy fuck I expected better from Blizzard



lel it's threl

I want to boycott this for a gross misrepresentation of a filthy xeno race.
This is absolutely heretical.


Fucking loved it.



There's one of those decent quality Chinese PPV rips out.

>Sup Forums shits on this like crazy
>Actually go to see it
>It's fucking great

You must be literally high. Like on fucking pcp, shrooms and meth high. G'98 was fucking god awful.

What's the release called?

Is that guy in the lower right corner just dancing? what the fuck

holy shit

thats like 90's cgi level bad

>black "females"

>mfw the world discover Metzen's terrible writing

I watched Journey to the West which was apparently the top grossing chinese movie in china the year it came out (2013). The quality of the movies they make is not high.

As bad as this may be it is worlds better than what they produce (at least visually) and I'm sure they will eat it up.

The one I got is HDTC shaanig.

That only means that you are underage and retarded, not that Sup Forums was wrong.

>those human soldiers in front of him just sort of dancing side by side while they watch their commander get killed

Daily Reminder Dalaran is floating pre-WLK in this movie