Alien technology

>Alien technology
>It's biomechanical

Other urls found in this thread:

>you still cant buy a loli

Neocapitalism my ass

In some countries you can.
You are obviously uninformed.
But what's that got to do with the thread?

>alien technology
>it's bioships grown from seeds with their growth influenced by nanomachine facilitated telepathy between their subsystems and the pilot chosen to merge with them

But they are brown lolis, who wants that.
You start a thread with little girls and dont expect pedos? How new are you

>alien technology
>it's """hard""" """light"""

fuck off degenerated pedoshit

Help help Im being oppressed

>invaders from outside the galaxy
>they use bio ships
Every fucking time

>humans discover an ancient alien technology that allows ftl travel and communication, kickstarting the era of space colonization

fuck off degenerated pedoshit

Reported for hate speech

>alien space ship

>everything is dirty
>dim lighting

>alien spaceship
>random fucking blinking lights everywhere

>aliens have ftl travel
>they don't have ai

>alien technology
>it's generic pristine rounded edges chrome plated bullshit

This is why Sup Forums deletes threads with any OP that has a pic of a child in it.

Announcing reports is against the rules ;)

>Ancient alien race
>Superior technology

>alien spaceships
>bathrooms nowhere in sight

Aliens don't need to poop or pee, much like little girls.

>alien technology
>just floating shapes
fucking star trek

>alien space ship
>they're neon colors and aren't even shapped like spacecraff

Looks like one of the towers in the Ar Tonelico games...

>Alien biology
>Random bio-luminescence lights across the body
>They're aquatic in appearance
>They communicate through telepathy

>Alien technology
>Never heard of fluorescent lighting
>Doors open up as multiple parts rather than one sliding frame
>Purple hue bonus points

>Alien planet
>Animals have an extra eye
>Trees straight out of Dr. Suess

>aliens look like giant insects or cephalopods and their physiology is as unergonomic as possible

fuck you


nice facebook memefrog

That's a toad

>Human technology
>It's biomechanical

If its an empty abandoned ship then apart from dirtiness it'd be correct to either completely dark or dim?

>>humans discover an ancient alien technology that allows ftl travel and communication
>>it gets buried under red tape.

>Alien spaceship
>The interior is another dimension

>alien technology
>they havent developed a way to be immortal little girls

I want them to stare me like that as I hard in front of them.

>alien soldiers are stupid but strong
>alien leaders are smart but weak

>alien spaceship
>press a button to open nearby door
>makes a fart sound

>The nose knows

>kickstarting ftl travel technology
>they take all the money and fuck off into another dimension

nice, I want to molest their butts

>aliens are stronger than humans
>aliens are smarter than humans
>aliens have FTL travel, energy weapons, and outnumber humans at every skirmish
>humans still win

fuck off degenerated pedoshit

>they look exactly like humans
>bonus points if the males look like aliens but the females are literally humans with other colors and/or tetnacles

>with the power of love

>"telepathy" and "mind-reading"
>it's just like hearing someone speak in their head or sending spoken words into their mind
>the fact that reading someone's mind would make their thoughts indistinguishable from your own is never considered

fucking draenei retconned shit

Being a faggot is against my rules :^)

>tfw no ayylmao

>humans are able to easily operate advanced alien technology

>Alien technology
>thanks to it humanity advances immensily
>10'000 years later time gets fucked
>alien technology was actually human technology from the future
>it allows humans to advance and build itself

>Stable paradox loop

>humans are the not specialized, but good at everything race
>humans are able to adapt and discover things by leaps and bounds compared to other races that were millennia ahead of them
>entire alien race only has one culture
>planets are basically cities

>Stable paradox loop
the shittiest kind

these drive me up the fucking wall

well, the aliens are one culture seems correct, you humans are abnormal

>aliens are not sentient
>consider things sentience produce an informational virus

This would be ok if Humanity has had civil war or something to get proper weapon technologies and ship designs for space combat going.

But if ayylien attack is preceded by 200 years of peaceful expansion into space then its fucking retarded if mankind isn't getting rekt left right and center

>humans are actually space jesus
>because of that space romans blow up earth
>you play as one of 5 or so humans that survived
Name the game for 1500.

How about AI being simply harder to pull and less useful than FTL drive? I mean if you had to pick between FTL and AI, it's a non-question, really.

Not really only for sci-fi, but
>villain has clear superiority in knowledge and ability and easily outclasses anyone
>muh bonds of friendship and desire to protect brings the villains downfall
Bonus points if it was a last second asspull

Titan A.E?

With the power of love
Or friendship
Or being the underdog
Or whatever other gimmick

There is but a SINGLE reason why Battlefield Earth was worth enduring - humanity made a stand against aliens for grand total of...
... 8 minutes
Of course it still ends with Humanity Fuck Yeah and a bunch of savages destroys space-faring intergallactic empire

Advent Rising?

Nope. Advent Rising.


>hardlight technology

But muh dick approves of this, so it's okay.

Where's my 1500 negro?

sent ;)

what did they retcon?

>aliens invade earth
>humanity fights back tooth and nail
>despite heavy losses, aliens ultimately prevail due to superior technology
>about to land the coup-de-gras on remaining humans
>motherfucking Dracula awakens and slaughters the aliens with his vampire army

>Aliens are bunch of space elves
>They won't shut the fuck up with their eco message

but little girls do pee, in my mouth

>humans discover ftl technology
>it's super shit and dangerous and doing it wrong causes horrible disasters

all fiction that does this is cool

Xenoblade x?

>Right… To be totally up-front with you guys, it’s my bad, straight up. The obvious lore contradiction with Sargeras and his encounter with the eredar was clearly documented in the Warcraft III manual. I wrote those bits about four years ago, and to be totally honest, I simply forgot
Most of Metzen's ""contributions"" are him simply forgetting shit and going
>it's better this way :^)

>humans send computer virus to alien mothership

Saints Row 4

>Alien technology
>It's all ancient crap they "forgot" how to build

but the draenei are the eredar race wtf
its like the high elves and blood elves
>sunwell is gone so we bloodelves now ;^)
they are the same things

There are literally no limitations to how life can look in the universe, we know only earth life and we know so little.

>aliens have huge tiddies

>human technology
>it's nanomachines son

>aliens are space elves
>fight a war against humans
>some humans joins them
>main character is one of those humans
Name obscure anime for 3000.

>step onto a "habitable" alien planet
>tissue starts dissolving as alien bacteria consume you

>they're just humans with slight changes to cater to your fetish

if you're so smart, name an original and appealing idea for aliens in a video game

>but the draenei are the eredar race wtf
They weren't before. Just read everything here if you want to get to know the genius.
>Sucks to fail. It may not always be evident, but we take this story stuff really seriously at Blizzard

>They are actually humans but with a quirck that gives them some special power
>main character is the last of them
>also the final boss

>the all-powerful ancient aliens are humans

>interplanetary warfare
>all-out fight for species survival
>find the enemy homeworld
>send a crack-team of commandos on an impossible mission
>instead of just sending some lump of space rock on a gradually accelerating course towards the planet so that it's c-fractional when it gets there

why are there no c-fractional kinetic strikes in my space games and scifi media

i guess because i lot of them have bogus conventions against destroying entire planets worth of civilians, but when it's an interspecies struggle for survival, it should be fair game

Aliens are actually the primitive species and humans are invading. You play as the humans because its not a game for hippies.

>You were the ancient evil that woke up

>Xcom EU/EW
>Ayys can spare shit ton of plasma weapons on sectoids
>Can spare their air force
>Xcom 2
>Can't spare plasmas to Advent
>Air force only for Avenger assault and delaying evacs.
>Shit radars aswell

>It's a SG-1 enters a new planet and fucks shit up -episode

Nah m8


this is basically the premise of the anime Gate


That's not an original idea in the slightest.

>bio ships
>aliens are all organic monstrosities controlled by hive mind
>infests areas and turns them really gross

Favourite kind of alium