Doom thread

How the fuck does a board about vidya not have this as a permanent feature?

>B..but it's a retro game
>Make a general!

Get fucked. Doom is the absolute progenitor of everything good about the industry. It is a timeless classic that can't be pigeonholed into 'retro'. More and more awesome wads get made every year, so the fact it's 20+ years old is irrelevant.

The game is more fun, more relevant and has more content than any FPS game released in the last 10 years.

Other urls found in this thread:

Its a retro game
Make a general

The board about retro video has an ongoing Doom thread which would generate far more interesting discussion than anything here.
>the only good doom is brutal doom
>brutal doom is shit
>24324 posts arguing about it
>2 infopics about which wads to download
>now that the dust has settled, is 3 better than 4
>what did you think of 64
>what did you think of PSX music
Discussing Doom here is hot garbage


What are some good custom wads? And for fuck's sake, something that isn't Scythe, Alien Vendetta or Valiant, already beat those and I'm sick and tired of seeing only those mentioned. I've also finished everything from that recommendation chart that gets posted often.

Unholy Realms
Going Down
Deus Vult 2

Check out doomworlds yearly cacowads

Anyone tried DOOM the way Id did? i had fun but thought some maps were to huge.

Stop talking about Wolfenstien, the grandfather of FPS's

>Certain Affinity are no longer working on the game. Id have taken over development, and the multiplayer DLC is their work.
>Private and custom matches will be coming in a free patch this summer.
>Certain developer features from the Alpha, like a match browser, are also coming once they've been given a bit more polish.
>Bots are coming to MP and Snapmap in the future - Id's "bot guy" is the lead coder on Snapmap, so he's kind of busy...
> More multi-centric features for Snapmap, whatever that means.

It's a retro game. We have a retro games board.
It goes on that board.

Kindly fuck off unless you are here to talk about post-00s versions

go make a subreddit about that shit and fuck off.

Who gives a shit, shoo

Why is Doom 2's level design so shit?

/vr/ has a permanent retro FPS thread and they're actually pretty chill over there.

That said, we have plenty of Doom threads here, quit bitching.

just played psx tc for the first time this past weekend. Played through Ultimate Doom on it, what's everyone's opinion on it? I thought it was kind of neat.

99% of the content for Doom was made after the millennium (which, incidentally, is probably when you were born kiddo).

It's nonsensical and has no rhythm or reason to it compared to Doom 1. The city levels feel like they were made by an amateur who made them as needlessly and confusing and unfun as possible with the intention of making them "hard."

There are still some great and fun levels in Doom 2 though, you fuckers are too harsh on it. Still a great game.

Shhhh, you'll upset Grandpa, he thinks the original dooms levels are perfect in every way


fuck off

Shut the fuck up and go to /vr/. They have a DOOM general.

Were you actually alive when Doom came out though?

Awesome, this is great news. While I've gotten quite a bit out of the SP, it would be nothing but a bonus for the MP to be revitalized a bit.

If you don't wanna discuss modern Doom as well as old Doom then there's no reason not to post on /vr/

Ahh, you're in the angsty faggot teen phase. How sweet.

I was born in 1984, so yes I played it at release.

>rng hitscans
>rng damage
>rng stunlock

I understand it's historic value, but it's objectively bad by today's standards.

here have a (you)
