Next time you have a Reinhardt on your team, stay behind his shield. That's why they have one

Next time you have a Reinhardt on your team, stay behind his shield. That's why they have one.

For the love of God Reinhardt, would you stop charging into the enemy point and dying before you even hit the wall? No amount of teamwork is going to save your sorry ass when that happens.

>mfw this is me as Reinhardt every single time


But the entire enemy team went Symmetra.

Why do players go like 1 meter in front of the shield? why?


reminder people payed 40$ for this.

What are you, a fucking camper?

b-but it works out sometimes though!

But i barely use the charge user

But that's a good use of charge. Not too many enemies, good chance of landing a hit.

I'm talking when they literally try charging onto a point held down by a turret and a Bastion and expect their pocket Mercy to heal them through that shit.

>tfw you hammer down and they all line up

Like clockwork.

This is getting a little autistic now son

>play attack
>i switch to reinhardt because everyone else is retarded
>we win
>potg goes to junkrat hiding behing my shield spamming on torbjörn and his turret
fuck potg, it just makes you feel unimportant
take that shit out

>Playing on Illios
>Our team has a Reinhardt, we're on the point on Ruins capping it, taking cover behind his shield
>He fucking charges off of the point, up the ramp, and out of our LoS
>He gets ganked


The only thing pub games are good for is stories to bitch about on Sup Forums about morons and assholes.

I love it when they do that.
>play roadhog
>spot a reinhardt
>he charges
>use hook and proceed to shit all over him

You really should not being to hook a charging Reinhardt...makes no fucking sense whatsoever

>5 seconds
>60% capped
>Better charge away from the point with Bastion and D.Va

I want to treat Reinhardts wounds. He's a qt.

I wouldn't hook if he charged into nothing but he usually charges towards me or a teammate in which case it's best to use hook and avoid the cc and damage.

>could tell right away OW had generous hit boxes
>still can't land head shots for shit

That is some fine drawing

Are you honestly still playing this game? It's so last week dude


Blizzard games have long lifetimes, generally. almost valve-tier

Why is your nickname the name of my city of birth?

Also, shit potg.

You do realise reins barrier is limited
Listen when he says his barriers running low and move away

What does that have to do with him charging into the enemy team and dying?

The Reinhardts I play with barely use their shield, they just charge around and die.

because granite

don't dry user


Anyone else get this bug playing as Reinhardt and charging an enemy bastion only to go through them and not even hit him at all, and then trying to ult them afterwards and they're unaffected? happened to me multiple times now and it's getting on my nerves

Made for kids, I don't see anything wrong

I only play as widow so I don't need it I m a fucking beast btw I already have more than 40 hours with her

only projectiles get a more generous hitbox

It's hilarious how once McCree's have their flashbang on cooldown they can't do shit. I mean technically McCree can, he has the best gun in the game thanks to accuracy and hitscan, but the players who pick him every game get no practice at aiming whatsoever since they just get their e+rmb kills and autoaim ults

How is that even fun, constantly playing a character they don't even have any motivation to improve at?

It was probably a turret. An enemy bastion would have killed you during the charge.

>standing behind rein's shield
>he turns 90 degrees out of nowhere
>I immediately get sniped

no it was a bastion, he wasn't shooting at me straight away, if you hit a turret during charge you will stop on the turret, you won't go through it.

>standing behind Reinhardt
>he E's when there's a bastion & widowmaker in front of us
>filled with bullets
thanks Rein

I like McCree, mainly because I'm an unabashed Western-aboo and his revolver's LMB is more satisfying to me than a flash and fan.

That (him being useless after using his flash) is by design, though- McCree's meant for burst damage, not a sustained fight like Reaper or S76. If you're decent at aiming though- like you said- that revolver fuckin' hurts with its 140 dam headshots. Pretty fun to see people baited by me using my flash funneling in for easy headshots.

There's shitters behind every class, though.

I'd like him if he didn't have the flashbang but had improved lmb damage. I want to be an actual cowboy, not an explicit tracer counter who just happens to counter everyone else using the same brain dead combo

Generous is a nice way of saying shit.
Also, are you sure about it only being for projectiles?

So that's why Hanzo faggots are so fucking annoying. All right

This. I would honestly welcome a nerf to fan because I never use it outside of close range anyway, and I hate seeing McCrees that use it at mid/long range STILL be effective.

>tfw enjoy zarya's playstyle but still absolutely despise her look
Just give me her ruskie legendary skin for the love of god

I agree that he gets a bit boring at times; unlike some other characters, there's really not a lot at all you can do with him. McCree's a one-trick pony, his abilities being designed to only be used together, at the same time, in a single combo.

If I didn't like his voice lines, aesthetic, and revolver, I wouldn't play him half as much as I do.

I'm fine if they nerf fan the hammer as well, but I have no idea where the hell people get this 'mid/long range fan kills' thing from. Spread's too damn high to hit anything but a Tank at medium range, I can't even imagine hitting something at long.

But it isn't the spread that needs nerfing, it's fan's damage. 360 damage in a split second is a little ridiculous.

I love Zarya, and the pink hair doesn't bother me half as much as it does other people. God-fucking-forbid you get her goth skins though, man, pic-fucking-related.

I've warmed up to it, her smug face is fun and pink hair goes well with her blue suit.

Her goth skins are the ugliest pieces of shits I've ever seen though.

I need a skintight for Zarya so bad. Do they have plans for new skins ?

Mercy and's pistols count as projectiles. Anything that moves slower than a bullet is.

Maybe if he didn't shield in stupidly bad places to shoot the enemy

I want one that shows some skin, just like that. Muscular women are my weakness.

what skin should i use, Sup Forums


Gurren lagann

Mercy's pistol is a projectile. Anything that isn't hitscan is a projectile.

>implying shield will render fast enough

and that makes it better because..?

you paid $40 for this

Has Blizzard EVER done anything original?


blackhardt is the best tbqh

Wait did you actually seriously play Fuse?

>tfw just got the pixel spray for Symmetra

Whether I played it seriously or jokingly has nothing to do with my question.

> Try to shield team as Reinhardt
> Enemy Mei walks through the shield and ults

>originality when you can just copy 40k or buy up studios and re-use good ideas from competitors

blizzard knows how to make a buck

>tfw a reinhardt walks through my kill room


Old, pre-Starcraft Tyranids were goofy as fuck, though. I'd say GW was influenced by Starcraft at least in that regard.


I'd hate to play devils advocate on this one, but, considering GW owns my soul I feel the need to bite. Nids took a serious looking approach as the rest of the setting did. In this case, I'd say that it's a coincidence.

In the end, what is irrefutable is that Starcraft is a 40k knock off. Which is hilarious because of the warhammer/blizzard snafu which gave birth to Warcraft in the first place.

Didn't GW steal the Protoss to make the Tau in return though ?

Starcraft was inspired by Games Workshop games in the same sense as Warcraft was. In fact, Green Orcs were a thing which Games Workshop invented. In most other settings Orcs aren't green. However, it's undeniable that Games Workshop has gotten inspiration back from Starcraft, which ended up having greater cultural exposition than Warhammer 40K. The 3rd Edition Tyrannids were definitely heavily inspired by the Zerg. Just like the Tau were inspired by Protoss.

Protons fit the Eldar bill way more than Tau.

Dying ancient race so high tech it's like magic etc.

>Rein uses shield
>fly over it as Pharah and shoot rockets at his back

Eh yeah, didn't think of that.

>get sniped by widow in .21 seconds


COD is harder than Overwatch.


I usually kill widowmakers next by stealthfully getting closer, then a surprise attack with shift

>Not taking out the enemy Reinhardt and Mercy in one charge killing the enemy push in one go.
>Not having a team that uses the giant distraction to wipe the enemy team.

>stay behind reinhardt
>he walks back for some reason without warning
>suddenly out of the shield

thanks reinhardt



We can all agree that Reaper is the most brain dead class in the game right?
>unless stopped right away his ult will kill everything around him in a sphere
>get away free card
>shotguns have a long range and do way too much damage
>hold left click to win

Cuntsman is fucking awful as well. What's your point?

Isn't there a character with an attack that passes through his shields though

Damn, that white-gold skin on the right looks nice

God damn you would have to be terrible to lose to a team of them.

hanzo ult
symetra right click
reinhardt E

Not him and not a direct answer to your question, but if the barriers running low, your team hasn't adequately killed their camp and you don't have an adequate means of retreat, sometimes the smart option is to charge in and deal as much destruction as possible to open a push and just tank with your 500 health.

everyone knows about Hanzo's arrows having a crazy hitbox, but to be fair his projectiles have travel time and vertical drop off, still doesn't stop me from getting pissed off whenever he plants an arrow in my head, but in the end i don't mind it too much

Mei's M2 laser icicles piss me off more, those fuckers should have a big vertical drop off

Pretty sure Winston's default attack does.

Yeah except the fucking shield blocks your field of view.

Skill ceilings:

High: Quake, Tribes, Unreal, HLDM
Mid: Team Fortress, Call of Duty, Dirty Bomb, Day of Defeat
Low: Battlefield, RO, Overwatch
Lower: Insurgency, Rainbow Six
Lowest: Counter Strike

This is not debatable.

Aim doesn't really matter in a spammy game like this. It's better to have a shield than none anyway.

show me on the bait doll where cs touched you

Two Symmetra with right click could end that in a few shots.

What the fuck were they even thinking with the goth skins? Not only do they look terrible, they don't even fit her personality. She's like a nationalist Olympic athlete or something, not some fucking mall rat.

Usually the Reinhardt's don't even advance. They just dance around in the back with their shield up and then get pissed that we lose.