Lego Dimensions Year 2

There he is.

Lego Dimensions Year 2 E3 Trailer:


Other urls found in this thread:

Ghostbusters Reboot
Adventure Time
Mission: Impossible
Harry Potter
The A-Team
Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
The LEGO Batman Movie
The Goonies
Sonic the Hedgehog
Teen Titans Go!
LEGO City Undercover
Knight Rider
The Powerpuff Girls
E.T. The Extra Terrestrial



Aww man was hoping for another licensed game instead of more dimensions

>you live in the age where Mario can drive a Mercedes Bentz and race Link on a motorcycle
>you live in the age where Cloud and Ryu can fight in a Pokemon stadium wearing bunny hoods
>you live in the age where this fanfic fueled fuckfest can happen

>LEGO City Undercover
I love it. I still have my Chase McCain figurine.

>they didn't announce this pretending that it was the only thing they were doing for the 25th anniversary
Wasted opportunity to bh

don't forget the time when Bowser and Spyro were in the same game

Why no Naruto?

And DBZ?

I unironically don't see why not



>Someone's fanfiction made reality.
What an age to live in.

>E3 expo trailer
>electronic entertainment expo expo trailer

>not Boom Sonic

I cannot thank those guys enough.

DC Comics
ATM Machine
BFF Forever

What's with all these "E3" trailers coming out before E3 even begins?

>Sonic's arms aren't blue

Absolutely triggered

Look away if you have a weak heart.
OG Ghostbusters got a level. The new sets get the entire movie.

Okay, what the fuck? This picture was leaked here last night. But as you can see, this frame..never appears anywhere in the trailer.

Aaron? Are you pulling pranks on Sup Forums?

It's funny and sad at the same time that people are excited for this while the actual Sonic game that got a trailer received a lot of backlash.

its from the actual game.

>People actually pay $30 for a few lego characters and a 1 hour level.

No one wants a sonic game. The just want sonic

The actual "Sonic" game was Sonic Boom.

Nobody gives a fuck about Sonic Boom.

Because E3 is deader then dead this might even be the last one

It's almost as if OG Ghostbusters has already had 30+ years worth of merchandising and spin-offs and they want to focus on the part of the franchise that's currently in the spotlight.

Why waste money promoting something that no one wants or will buy?
>LEGO Dimensions packs based on 16 new entertainment properties will begin launching on September 27, 2016 with the Ghostbusters Story Pack, Adventure Time and Mission: Impossible Level Packs, Harry Potter and Adventure Time Team Packs, and The A-Team Fun Pack. Additional expansion packs based on other highly anticipated films Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them and The LEGO® Batman Movie and wildly popular properties The Goonies, Sonic The Hedgehog, Teen Titans Go!, LEGO® City Undercover, Knight Rider, The Powerpuff Girls, Gremlins, Beetlejuice and E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial will be released in product waves stretching into summer of next year.

>new Ghostbusters

No, thanks.

Yes I am.

Or the DLC in the LittleBigPlanet series, with a shitload of brands that go from 2000 AD to Frozen to Steven Universe.

I am hyped for season 2. Last episode of season 1 with Shadow was hilarious.

What else, SpongeBob?

Hey, looks like there's at least two toys-to-life franchises still alive. I had kind of assumed they were going to pull the plug on this one as well.

This whole toys to life thing reminds me of U.B.Funkeys.

Who else had that shit?


Those are just the new ones. DW was from Y1

Are you telling me I can play as Judge Dredd in LBP?

There was a JD costume in the game, so maybe.

Gee I wonder what I should be excited for
>Sequel to a game that was complete trash (Yes, Shattered Crystal was still trash compared to Sonic Rush Adventure which came out 7 years prior)
>A fresh, new take on Sonic that can be placed into a multitude of worlds and leaves people curious as to what he will be able to do in it





>we live in a time where you can play as gandalf, batman, ET, doctor who, the wicked witch, and Sonic together in the same game.
It's a pretty neat achievement.

Too late for him now.

There's also a rumor planned that in 2017 there will be plans for Console Exclusive versions of Lego Dimensions for PS4, Xbox One and Wii U

As of right now, Nintendo and Microsoft's deals are already finished. Sony is last one to be worked on.

You didn't hear it from me

What do you mean by console-exclusive versions? How does that work for a Lego game?

>running fast
>on Lego


>Console exclusive versions
>For more than one console

So what? Lego Mario, Lego Halo and Lego Uncharted for each respective console?

>Lego Uncharted

Why, why not pick something much more appropriate like Ratchet and Clank or LBP?

LBP would fit even more.

>They will never release a Rick Grimes Level Pack with a Daryl Dixon and Michonne Team pack, not even if they make the zombies as cartoony and Scooby Doo-esque as possible.

Costumes don't count.

Sonic is now officially bigger than anything Nintendo.

Holy. Shit.

>Year 2
but the first shipment of that shit is still piled up and didn't sell for shit anywhere.

If they're going to start adding more characters from third-party game series, they might as well add something from Capcom. Like Street Fighter

Because Nolan North is easy to get. Ratchet and Clank would be good though.

hothe fuck do these budget models requires 259 pieces? Are the temple pillar made by stacking flat 2*2 squares?

If that were true, they would have announced a game by now for their anniversary instead of dancing around it so much with cryptic shit.

I thought LBP would be the best option because of its theme of small creatures made of stuff and level building, also, Sackboy fits as a mascot while Drake is just a normal person in comparation.

Jesus, they literally shit out Lego games anymore.

>20 new sets
>the worst possible one that is doomed to fail gets the only significant amount of content

The devs must have been fucking pissed when that movie trailer came out.

Maybe they were trying to generate hype for the kids with Sonic in LEGO Dimensions first, don't give up hope user 2016 is still 6 and a half months away from being over

I hear the lego games are good so maybe half of these won't be complete shit. Granted it will be hard to make something not shit out of something that is already shit like Adventure Time for example.

Lego is bigger than anything Nintendo.

So did they mean this when they said they sweared they were going to do something good this time?

Just wait for the Mario Lego sets. It's bound to happen.

>Adventure Time
So how long until they add Steven Universe?

>he doesn't know

So did anyone here on this board even purchase the first game/set/whatever they want it to be called?
I know Lego games can be good, but that was more than ten years ago.

I don't even have a system for the game and I still bought a few of these sets.

Looked cool but I don't support physical DLC.

I'm with you, the last ep was great, if the rest of season 2 is like that then itl be amazing

>Lego Halo
already owned by MegaBlocks.
Mario too

K'Nex does Mario stuff.
That one company who made Tenkai Knights did Pokemon for a while.

Nintendo doesn't seem to have its shit together when it comes to brick toy licensing.

>Tenkai Knights
I watched that show once, and they said "Tenkai" A LOT

Any pics of the PPG? I'm guessing its the 2016 reboot, right?

Half these are outside the demographic. Fucking Goonies? The A Team? What are they thinking?

>Half these are outside the demographic.
There are plenty of AFoLs.

If the Pearl minifig doesn't have a giant nose I will riot.

Are you seriously gonna believe boom2 is gonna be the flagship anniversary game?

Why dont you wait until e3 ends before making assumptions.

Nothing yet on PPG. It's probably based on the reboot, but no one knows for sure. The only product shots we have are for the first wave of releases:

>first wave: Sept 30
Ghostbusters Story Pack
Adventure Time Level Pack
Mission: Impossible Level Pack
Harry Potter Team Pack
Adv Time Team Pack
The A-Team Fun Pack

>people in the comments saying they're suddenly going to buy Lego Dimensions because Sonic's in it
Jesus Christ, they've got them eating out of the palm of their hand

Well Lego "whatever Rare IP Microsoft feels like using next".

Lego killer instinct?

I wonder, is lego dimensions worth it as a game? Does it still have value if you dont invest over $1000?

this exactly

sonic fans just want "moar sonic" it doesn't even matter what form that takes at this point.

if the franchise can survive all the horrible things done to it AND two near-equally atrocious stinkers like Sonic 06 and Sonic Boom U, there is no killing it

there was a grump episode i recall where arin was arguing that sonic has the best character design of all time, since his franchise has survived almost solely on his popularity as a character

I hate to be the one to tell you this, but Lego Dimensions uses Sup Forums to market their game directly.

I actually remember seeing LD threads when it first released, with a ton of fake "stock" comments like "Can't wait to buy this for my son this Christmas!" and "Just preordered! : ) : )"

at the time it was pretty obvious too, even other people pointed it out

dude lego fanatics will buy every single LD related thing just cuz it's got "LEGO" on it

they probably dont even give a shit about the video game level.

>you live in the age where shaun the sheep and baby metal are in a mario game

>Lego Uncharted
>Not Lego Brave Fencer Musashi

I'm actually more surprised that we haven't had Spongebob yet given that he already had actual lego.

Go away Christine

I was seriously tempted to just get some of the sets cuz i like lego but fuck man, that shit is expensive and the characters from existing sets are all recycled minifigures.

>all these classic movies

the goonies are fuckin beast

>yfw they go full meta and put minecraft in it

Gotta lego fast

>new adventures await
This is what they were talking about


>Teen Titans Go!
>Probably the new Powerpuff Girls

>use Ghostbusters
>Its the 2016 reboot


>The Powerpuff Girls

>Powerpuff Girls
>Probably the crappy new ones

>Plus everything is in black and white like the original comics.