>not owning a ps4
>not playing the unanimous goty of 2016

why haven't you played it yet Sup Forums?

Other urls found in this thread:


>unanimous goty of 2016

With all the money used to pay reviews, it will be GOTY for 5 years in a row..

Im off right now to buy 2 Sony Playstation 4 and get myself a copy of Uncharted 4 and 3 copies of Bethesda's Fallout 4, i heard that this game is pretty good hahaha, shame i didnt preorder it

I'll wait for the story DLC then pick up the complete game.

>GAME of the year 2016
>barely has actual gameplay in it
>people generally agree that the actual gameplay is mediocre as fuck
>as soon as you hold Uncharted4 up to the standarts of other cinematic experiences(such as movies) it fails horribly and is laughably bad

Sonyggers getting more delusional every day

>paid reviews

stay mad pckek

Playing the Nathan Drake collection right now my nigga

Enjoy your reto platformers and early access shit games

It's average is around 7, so unfortunately no GOTY.

o damn i remember GSW getting crushed by the Cavs earlier

The average user score is actually 8 faggot, it's getting down voted by angry PC manchildren lmao

And angry Nintendo spics kek

What about straight 10s_?

Bloodborne was way better i regret buying it

>inb4 500 replies
Why does everyone get triggered so hard whenever someone mentions Uncharted

>dies just as quick as battleborn

Kek. Blizzard destroys "naughty gods" and makes them naughty bitch secondaries

And? We are talking about GOTY 2016 here

GTAV has better graphics than Uncharted 4

explain this NDfags

I am playing Overwatch and Uncharted on my PS4 godlike system, all I do is win :)

Jumping to conclusions like a faggot I see?

Not with that character model

I own a PS4 and hate the uncharted series

I mean, it was alright.

They nailed the cinematic aspects that they were shooting for in the original trilogy, so that was cool.

All the >technology was neat.

Not enough shooting sections. I enjoyed them but it felt like there were only a handful of them, separated by hours of climbing. I like climbing too, but the pacing seemed off.

Good game, but I doubt it will be GOTY.

No matter what game wins GOTY, it will be available on PS4. Feels good tbqh

Nah, those are balanced out by all of the 10s sonycucks are giving it.

>Playing fps with a controller
>playing interactive movies

Congratulations. You won the special Olympics

>that character model

Everything else looks a lot better

Explain this, now.

>not being skilled enough to play fps games with controllers
How are those fat greasy fingers treating ya?

Nah, Total War: Warhammer is GOTY.


that's your definition of better?


because i'm not wasting 70 euros on a shitty movie

>handicapping yourself

>gets a 6/10 review
>immediately throws a tantrum and demands it be removed
>"s-sign my petition to delete this!!!"
Actual children. 6/10 is a perfectly fitting score for the Uncharted series as a whole, if the scoring is by an actual system where 5 is average.

nice skybox, can i walk there?

are you legit using that as an example of good graphics?

from 2013

>playing babby mode on your NEETbox
Git gud ;)



It's the only screenshot I got senpai

Rich Evans you FAT FUCKER

>a fat balding beta and a bald scrawny faggot with glasses
Opinions right into the trash

this desu
anyone got a link to that 16 year old who reviewed it? it had a lot of jump cuts and he rated it a 11/10 and said it was the most awesomest game of all time? thanks in advance

t. gam3r and proud

[s]watched[/s] played it on youtube, it was shit

>why haven't you played it yet Sup Forums?

I'll only buy a PS4 for FFXV

Fourth indiana jones film was shit, I don't see why the fifth is going to be better.

I have a PS4 but I didn't buy the game.


No, it's actually a book.

I will.
Enjoy having a shitty controller and outdated hardware holding you back.

Dam son the most qte game ever, GOTD confirmd

Why should hardware matter when the platform with the "superior" hardware has no games?

Are you really autistic neckbeard tier retarded salty or just baiting

user, you need to tone it down a notch otherwise other anons will realize it is b8.

DELETE THIS. It's not fair bros!

Because my friend who played it says I don't need to bother.

meant for scum like this shouldn't be allowed to post lies and misinformation about the greatest game of the century!