I can't wait to fight the German Empire. Claim your gunfus[/spoilers]

I can't wait to fight the German Empire. Claim your gunfus[/spoilers]

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M1917 Enfield

What is DMX doing there? I thought he got send to jail.

So its basically a brit and an american nigger looking at each other angrily for some reason?

You're not funny.

That's so bad. They HAD to make it "DA EVUL GERMANS" with a black guy to juuust imply racism.

Germans and french were both as much in the right as in the wrong during this war, which is the whole reason everyone was against it on the frontlines.

There were no "good guys" or "bad guys". Just human beings killing each other because of shit reasons, living in shit conditions, with the population not understanding them when they were back from the front because of propaganda.

God I'm mad.


Daily reminder that the Germans were the good guys.

go back to neogaf

Aren't you reading into this way too much? No war has had clear goodies and baddies, just look at Vietnam and Iraq. Stop judging the guy by race ffs, it's just DICE doing some diversity pandering.

>implying he doesn't look like DMX

He looks like Kanye.

Who /1897/ here?

there's that word again

Yeah, on the one war where there is absolutely no discussion possible on who the protagonists were:
France & UK v. Germany
Not the fucking USA. I would have been completely okay for a DLC or whatever, but that? Nah.

This. Pic in op's post just implies a race war, so I guess I identify with the German. The black man looks like a modern gangbanging nigger. He has terrible trigger discipline, too btw.

USA won the war, don't be a revisionist.

What exactly is implying anyone is evil here?

I could just as easily read it as propaganda presenting the stalwart Aryan soldier forming the last line of the defence against the negro rape hordes coming to trod the German Fräulein underfoot. Look at the hatred and malice in his eyes, compared to the calm and stoic demeanour of our young European hero.

Or, you know, it's just two guys standing opposite each other to represent that it's a war with two sides going against each other.

>Not listing Serbia, Austria-Hungary, Ottoman

Come on now you Tommie....

There is more than one protagonist in the single player. They've already confirmed characters from other countries, calm down user.

>characters from other countries
Bedouin WOMEN

No good guys in WW1 you dumbfuck.

Just one woman. You ok?


>tfw destroying Germans with my Muslim caliphate


Ur gettin rekt
Yes Russians had it since 1910

>WWI game
>Germans are still somehow Nazi

It's the fact that most if not all Bedouin units in WWI were all male

What EA will fail to do is show just how fucking worthless WW1 really was.

Nothing was really at stake in the beginning other the politics nor was anything solved at the end which led to WW2

Man, I didn't believe it, but I guess the young kids of today really don't know that there was a first world war.

Did you think it started at 2, like Final Fantasy at 7?


>most if not all
So you're saying there's a possibility at least one was not?

Stop being triggered over FPS game Hans Cuckstein von Panzerkampfwagen IV and prep your wife's bull or something.


AK's daddy

The game will be awful. And every one will play it anyway.

That is the thing with history on a global scale during a short period of time, you can't really be for certain about the facts. It is due to that where making something out of nothing can have some real bad problems on history revision, leading people to believe something happened or didn't happen and then slowly becoming the norm. Kinda like Iran and the Holocaust or Russia and Stalin

Is this the year where literally every Western game has a minority as a protagonist? The level of pandering is pretty pathetic.

The fuck are on about m8?

What does this have to do with the guns you're going to choose?

Besides, there were blacks who (surprisingly) served the nazis.

>Mirrors Edge 2
>Star Wars EAfront

Why is DICE so shit now and missing the mark with their games.

I'm expecting BF1 to be shit from the start. They seem to have forgotten how to make good games

A raifu is NTRing one of you!

Wait shit misread that. Nah this is pretty good m8.

War fucking sucks.

Mirror's Edge 2 is good though.

>Blacks vs Aryans.




It's because most of DICE who worked on past games have left the company since BC2


Where are those people now then?

It's historically accurate, racist. I can guarantee there was a Black guy like that and a German guy like that at least somewhere on the front line in WWI.
Battlefield 4 was good though

Yup, it's the worst year in gaming. Western domination. Even good games from Japan are ruined by western censorship.




>Is this the year where literally every Western game has a minority as a protagonist? The level of pandering is pretty pathetic.

It's "progressive".

Euro countries are 85% white on average and you still act insecure. Grow the fuck up and admit PoCs served in WWI.

I doubt it's even half of all Western games, you insecure little white guy.



Untermensch vs ubermensch



No, it's not and no, you can't.

>Battlefield 4 was good though
Did you play during the first year of the game

Shit was wacked with netcode issues and multiple game imbalances. It was obviously a rushed job that took a good 2 years to iron out thanks in due part of DICE being stubborn as fuck

>PoCs served in WWI

Colonial troops on both the Entente and Central powers sides.

And a single negro regiment on the US side, which don't forget joined the war when it was nearly over.

99.5% of the participants who fought, died, bled in WWI were white European males, DICE won't even honor their privilige by acknowledging that, instead they try to force some weird white vs. black mentality by their marketing that had nothing to do with the grand scheme of WWI

What else can you expect from fucking Sweden though, their whole country is a meme by this point

It is and he did.

You're completely ignoring the African front. It is a world war afterall.

Buzz off with your race war shit lads, or at least post a raifu first.
>“Military science develops so rapidly in times of actual war that the weapons of today soon is (sic) discarded and something better taken up.”—Attributed to a German agent in Rotterdam in 1915 news stories.

lel who cares about Africa

AK's parents were garand and STG44 you dumb fuck.
Stop fedora-ov fagging like a little contrarian bitch.

>99.5% of the participants who fought, died, bled in WWI were white European males, DICE won't even honor their privilige by acknowledging that

Yes, I'm sure there isn't going to be a single white dude in the game, you poor oppressed child.

Battlefield 4 only became good once DICE LA had a go at it after the main DICE team went to waste their time on Battlefront which as of now has less players across all platforms than BF4.

BF4 is still good now, but it feels so late, at least theres always 20k players on PC now, and lots of servers. I imagine when BF1 releases that will change though and the game will then begin its slow user decline.

>The Great War
>A World War

Can't wait to shoulder that gun like a beast and 360 a group and get mad battlepacks!

Can you play as the Germans?

It only runs counter to your argument shitlord.

Racewar Nao 1: The WW2-1 Game. What is with using American blacks to show diversity? Skin color really is all that matters, I guess.

Racist? I'm hispatic, we can't be racist.

Sure you can

Are you actually claiming it's not known as a world war?

Be realistic, the Vickers will only be used emplaced.
>not playing on historical accuracy autism servers with bolt rifle only

A "guarantee" proves nothing.

You're halfway white already you dumb spic. Only blacks are immune to being called racist.

Wasn't the guy you were arguing with in the first place

just trying to piss you off is all I'm doing atm and I think its working

Meta-flamewar is still meta-flamewar.

Not him but the european powers at the time did, which is why they tried (and failed) to negotiate agreements multiple times with each other not to overstep boundaries or go to war over colonial territories and in the end they still did.

Dumb libberbabbys

>haha I was just pretending to be an idiot!

Then follow the post chain and try to understand what we're talking about.
>just trying to piss you off is all
Acting retarded doesn't really do the job. Should try something else.

>Germans are gonna be the baddies even though it's not WW2

>African front

Thats why I mentioned the colonial troops, but there werent too many engagements in Africa throughout the war though, and most were shipped off to fight in Europe to die for their colonial masters.

Still pails in comparison to how many white Europeans died for their countries in WWI.

At the end of WWI, France faced a manpower shortage, that lasted up to WWII, that's how many Frenchmen died and bled for France. And DICE dishonors them by snubbing them out of the game.

DICE is treating WWI like part modern Americanized reboot and part progressive historical revisionism from what we've seen. It's downright sickening. This isn't some imagined WWIII scenario you know, this was a real war that still has lasting impact on Europe, but Sweden had no part in it, they remained neutral, so maybe DICE think they can just mess around with it, toss in politically correct modern garbage into it, they have no connection to it, their countrymen never bled and died in the millions for it.

>there are people on this board RIGHT NOW who give a shit about this game

Yeah explain how you go to this conclusion without memes or reaction images though.

There was literally fighting in Africa by colonial powers of Germany and Britain. Read a book nigger.

Where are you people getting this from? It's just two soldiers standing OPPOSITE EACH OTHER on OPPOSITE SIDES. How is the German Nazi being vilified?
>haha I hate all games look how morally superior I am!
Fuck off.

I hate diversity pandering, especially when it's done for marketing reasons. I really don't care about the guns.

I would like it if you could move machine gun emplacements but it would take maybe 3 players to do it, that would be a clusterfuck realistically though.

>two fights outside some shitty hut in a safari village
Doesn't count as a World War phamalam.

Its pandering for diversity and subconsciously displaying a white vs. black scenario, maybe DICE thinks they can get more sales that way if they portray a false narrative of the war like that, instead of portraying a white doughboy vs. a german soldier, that wouldn't be diverse enough either, and you know modern Sweden, they're all about dieversity.

so would it not be an interesting narrative to see the women? or is the sjw boogeyman too scary for you

Can I recommend blueprint for Armegeddon? Its a 6 part podcast series about ww1, and its surprisingly good.


Try actually looking up what the fighting was like. Read. Broaden your horizons. Do it for your yourself.