Do you play MMOs Sup Forums?

Do you play MMOs Sup Forums?
Which ones?

What do you like/dislike about the genre?

I played guild wars 2 because I got it in a humble bundle and honestly it was one of the most boring experiences I've ever had. All the quests were so boring and the world just wasn't engaging at all.

I try out a bunch of mmos but my interest fades after about a week from every single one

Im leveling a troll rogue on excalibur with two friends right now

what do i play to make the itch and pain go away?
f2p preferably

I found a really chill group of people on nost and now im playing with them on some shit tbc server.

Yes; Runescape, 2007.

Endless replayability
New ideas always being tried
Usually made by shitty devs
Almost always disappointing
New ideas fail a lot of the time
The most populated MMO is still WoW and WoW is shit, has been since 2009

They don't need a WoW amount of players to feel populated though.

tried the wow trial after not playing since tbc

holly shit this game is a fucking joke right now, why the fuck did they tuned down the difficulty this much and dumbed down everything?

I've tried gw2 and I hated it for this same reason.

Is FF14 also like this? where you 1-2 shot enemies without them making a scratch on you?

multi glad pre s9

pve shitters were a fucking mistake

Still playing gw2 after 600 hours. Dungeons are the only worthwhile thing abou this game and the combat to a degree

I try them out for the comfy feeling, sometimes in voice chat with friends they can be fun, I stop playing pretty quick when I start grinding though, I just cant overcome the fact I am doing a menial boring task in a game in meant to be enjoying, I'm 25, have gf, demanding job and monetary stresses I simply cant justify sitting and watching the same animation and progress bar fill up for long. Especially now that I have finally started reading in my free time grinding in an mmo feels like a braindead way to spend time.

Wildstar is coming to Steam today so I'm gonna give that a try.

I like the sense of progression, feeling stronger while watching a digital number go up.

You have 35k players in both 07' and RS3, it feels pretty alive to me.


It's my main genre, i played every not worthy mmo and a lot of shitty free to play ones too. Favorite hands down Star Wars Galaxies followed closely by Classic World of Warcraft

t. 21 year old no lifer

Lord of the Rings Online

>Comfy as fuck
>Great mature community driven game
>End game raids/instances are getting good again
>Great story/plotline (though we know how its going to end

It's a shame Turbine are still rather incompetent and the graphics haven't aged well.

note worthy*

Final Fantasy XIV was the only MMO that I ever really got in to. I finished the main story line and basically stopped after that. Doing all the end game grinding didn't interest me.


I've got 6 years invested in it, at its still the top MMO seeing how its not riddled with P2W nonsense or microtransactions beyond mounts and pets.

Guts isn't that animu. He takes less swings to kill something. That guy is swinging an oversized plastic butter knife.

You paid all that money for and MMORPG just to play solo? Your kind is literally the cancer that killed this genre.

I miss playing wotlk arenas. Too bad the game became a joke right now and no new mmo have that kind of pvp.

it's almost like
video games.....

I play Haven & Hearth. It's kinda fun.


I've been playing too long to quit.

every time I try, I keep



back to the gachapon cashgrabs that they pull every other week

back to the shit mainstream storyline

back to the shitty combat system FUCK THE COMBAT UPDATE

back to going through the motions and going through my to-do list of dailies

back to soloing the game because all my online friends are gone and everyone's sitting around in dunby and belvast

back to trying to push myself to get 3 more ice spear crystals because I don't have the Ice Spear skill

I just want old gen mabi back fuck me

Did the devs stop being jews yet?

Guild Wars 2 is not bad but I'm still mad it isn't anything like GW1.

I feel like the best MMO experience comes when you play the game at or near launch.There's a certain sweet spot encompassing several months after the servers first open where everyone is new, mechanics and optimizations are being learned and everyone is just having a blast trying to figure shit out.

Fast forward a year later, and people aren't even bothering with any of the optional content. They blast through the game, following the most efficient routes to reach endgame content.

This has always been the case whenever I try to get into an established MMO. I usually end up being the only person in a zone, completing miscellaneous quests with whatever NPCs I can scrounge. It's quite depressing.

It's almost like
simulators should simulate....

I really love vindictus but nexon completely raped that game and left it to die. The combat is so good but there's just no fucking players and the enhancing is dog shit that ruins the game

>tfw 4k hours on GW2
oh shit

Should I play it?

I started playing The Secret World a few days ago and its not bad, but the combat is pretty lame. This is the first MMO I've actually given a chance to.

>You will never finish G1-3 for the first time again
The more I think about Iria Saga, G17 and the bullshit Knight story, the more I appreciate G9-12 and the Shakespeare story.

Yes. Unlimited playtime for free. Paying will give you some boosts like cutting wood 20% faster


Does that game have neat adventures like vanilla wow?

Fucking how

I can't believe how much they fucked up GW2, I love being a Charr pistol/sword thief and just dunking everything its just that theres nothing to actually fucking do.

get friends and play it

everyone who likes mmos should play it, its honestly one of the best mmos out there, so much to do, so much to see, but when you've done it all, the world is becomes so small.

its no fun alone

The only MMO I play is GTAV, and even then, I'm sick of it.

The whole grinding aspect really just doesn't appeal to me. It never fells like the effort reaps any substantial reward. The end result being that you're grinding simply so that you can get better at grinding.

Ex. The Division's dark zone essentially exists so that you can get better weapons so that you can perform better in combat. This kind of stuff is expected to stretch the game's re playability within post-game material, but its a self-defeating concept as there is no real objectively inherent point to having better gear once you've finished the game.

PvP is funny though

That's not even a year of playtime, that's low tier.

There are people with over three literal years of time, 26280 hours of playtime, played in WoW.


Hang yourself traitor.

Star Wars: The Old Republic was pretty good, I even subbed for a couple of months for the x12 experience. The worst part about it though was that it could have been so much better as a single player RPG than an MMO. The stories were pretty good. Just remove all the MMO nonsense like grinding and you'd pretty much have KOTOR 3.

What makes me a traitor?

Similair in regards too questing yeah but its less colourful in its appearance so that might put you off.

My first MMO was GW2 and my second was FFARR and i'm 26yo btw.

I have 2500 hours on GW2 but it's been more than a year that i left that game and i don't wanna come back. I have 50 hours on FFARR and the game is just too boring for me.

Now about the retarded shit i've done:

>i used real money to buy gold in GW2, and it was a good amount of money

>i bought two months for FFARR even though i had no idea if i would really enjoy the game, so i had 2 months and some day when i uninstalled the game

The good thing is that now i know for sure that i should not come back to MMOs.

>tfw someone ask you of your favorite moment in life and its a memory of a videogame

>fun times with friends no matter how shitty the game

>Friends eventually leave and the game always dies

>community so bad it killed the game
wake me up

How bad are we talking?

they removed all raid content from level 24-70 to "rework it" and the community said they didn't want it back.
So instead of reworking it they just tripled the numbers and rereleased it as level 90+ content

Holy fuck just how lazy can you get?

>Look at the NA site
>[Complete] Scheduled Maintenance
>[Complete] Scheduled Maintenance
>[Complete] Scheduled Maintenance
>[Complete] Scheduled Maintenance
So "[Important] Important information regarding service" soon?

Didn't they also delete 2 years of content and progress in the EU server?


the game has just become a cash cow now and it's all this cunt's fault

I played earlier MMORPGs like WoW, DAoC, Everquest, Star Wars Galaxies.

The best was easily DAoC (still going today, Ywain cluster and Uthgard Freeshard) with classic WoW a close second.

WoW functionally was better, with the best PvE, but a bit soulless and easy for my liking.

Actually, I still play DAoC 15 years later and I hope to play the Uthgard classic 1.65 freeshard as soon as it gets out of beta.

What makes a good MMO is the endgame and metagame. That is why DAoC is still played 15 years later because even it is ancient it still has a great endgame PvP system and a lot of depth tactically/strategically/playstyle-wise.

>still going
As in going decently alive or dying? I've been looking for a new MMO for some time

Since it was on sale, I'm currently trying WoW for the first time. It feels very strange coming from Wildstar. Pretty hype about Wildstar's steam release today too.

There is only a single server left, but is very active.

If you play EU or US primetime there are hundreds playing, enough to do anything you want.

I've literally never played an MMO in my life and it's going to stay that way.

Your loss, they're a good way to make friends to play other games with.

good. it's an addiction I can't beat and I don't want you to fall in the same hole I did

What server you on nigga

Still play Star Trek Online on and off. Pretty good, I think.

WildStar is dying though

>get better weapons so that you can perform better in combat.
This is what put me off The Division, I want this gun that does 2x more damage to fight the next enemies that have 2x more health. I would much rather play through a game that opens up more and more gameplay changes, different strategies, different mechanics/enemies, changes to level design, all mixed in to create an interesting experience not superfixial visual/numerical changes.

>wrath baby

you are the cancer that killed Wow

What sale? I see none, you fuckin' liar!

>you are the cancer that killed Wow
Then why did wrath have WoW's highest peak of players by 3.2?

because they catered to casuals for the first time


Weird. I thought the sale would go through the premier of Warcraft. Well you can still get a copy from going to a theater thats doing the promotion of a full copy of wow with a ticket. None of the theaters near me though

I'm still playing TERA alone. Mainly do dailies and few battlegrounds. It's pretty chilled.

>what is 2.4

Wow is the only mmo that I'm able to enjoy and even that is dull after replaying the same shit over and over for a decade. I still jump on a vanilla private server once every year to scratch the itch.
Every other mmo I've tried to get into either had a paywall that sucks out all of the fun (warframe, vindictus) or a complete lack of content when compared with wow that drastically reduces its life (guild wars 2). The rest is terrible rehashed bullshit that ends up dead on arrival. Maybe one day devs will take their heads out of their asses and realize what makes an mmo fun.

Guild Wars 1 for me, first day after my mom bought me prophecies and I still didn't know there was an entire game outside of Pre-Searing so I just shit around in happy Ascalon for a few days

>the mmo

fuck off.

used to play lotro and loled at this comment

this user understands

You wouldnt be loling if you were me, big into Lotr, buying the Lifetime edition for 250 euros, which came with a lifetime subscription, only to find out the game suffers from massive rubberbanding, and went F2P a year after launch.

And to this day it STILL suffers from severe rubberbanding.

At the time they also didnt bother explaining ANY game mechanics like fellowship attacks.

GTAO isn't an MMO. If GTAO is an MMO, CoD is an MMO.

I currently play Final Fantasy XIV, I don't see anything majorly wrong with it. It is a solid game.

How are you 26 and haven't played early WoW?

i played since the beta and thought this game was going to complete my life as i am a massive Tolkien fan and have read literally all of his works several times over.

it was great exploring the world and doing the main story quests. too bad the combat was awful and >rubberbanding
oh well

Three steps forward, one step backward

I binge Secret World every few months. It's nice to be able to pick it up and drop it at my leisure.

Man the absolute worst thing about TOR is that you can legitimately see the makings of a good game under all the garbage. I played through a couple of class storylines with a friend a while back and we basically just treated it as a co-op RPG with optional shitposting and it was a pretty good time, but like you I just couldn't really get over the fact that I would've just honestly preferred a straight RPG.

I just quit Black Desert last month

All I want is a world to have adventures in, not this korean grind themepark shit.

The first couple of levels were amazing: so much to do so much to see, but in the end I was yet again rused and let down.

I just want to go on adventures in a cool setting/world, why do we need this grind competetive endgame esports bullshit hamfisted in every single mmo

wow killed itself after BC and its entire genre

i just quit bdo today. i left my guild without saying anything and instantly a bunch of them sent me friend requests on steam.
I'm scared and haven't accepted them yet.