Steam and PC gaming destroyed our hobby


as a PC gamer I say Wii U is superior to both PS4 and Xbox as a gaming console

It is indeed.

As a console gamer i agree with you. PS4 and xbone are just multiplat machines. But PS4 will eventually have a lot of good exclusive games, if they don't fuck it up somehow.

So for next gen, what will the best combo be? PC + NX?

I have Wii U + PS4 this gen for the exclusives (not enough $$$ to justify a good build right now), but if Sony is going to do this incremental upgrade thing then I'm out.

>Steam and PC gaming destroyed our hobby


>PC gaming destroyed our hobby
>post a pick of OG id
Damn good bait son

>steam somehow invent payed reviews, women in gaming, faggots and twitch

Can we stop the steam is bad meme?
Old steam was bad but you kids don't remember that right?

>Steam and PC gaming destroyed our hobby
>implying you cant play games

Crash when?

>pc gaming
>posts creators of DOOM
mass production ruined gaming
the moment people realized they could have a bunch of codemonkeys shit out the exact same content every year and make millions as long as they spent enough on advertising everything went to shit

Why are you posting a selfie with no context?

wait.... explain how steam and pc destroyed. your picture provides no information.

Green ui steam with xfire running for in game chat. That shit managed to just not flat out work half the time and I still had more fun then playing vidya than now...... The joy of youth I guess

Even then it was only bad because of the memory hog

Wasn't even that bad at executing friends/games

Beta virgins ruined gaming, thinking they own them, if only they were as good at VG as they believe they are.

Failure at life, bigger failure at vidya.

This. Anytime a Dev says they want to appeal to a wider audience you can pretty much guess the game is going to be shit

you dint use the friends function at all so i dont see why your pointing that out

No, consoles destroyed our hobby. Steam just brought PC gaming down to their level.

Gaming died long ago. The PC gaming market is fucking garbage and consoles are the last hope.

I thought fez was pretty good

I think the implication, and I would agree with it, is that Steam killed PC gaming as it existed in those times.

I was lying
Wii U is a piece of shit, only Mk8 was decent

The thing I always reproached Steam with, ie online authentication and account tying, hasn't changed.

Usability might have gotten better, which is irrelevant when the very thing was never wanted in the first place.

It was excellent, but not quite the genreshattering masterpiece as Stardew Valley.

I think the Xbox destroyed it to be honest.

Microsoft entered the mainstream market and pushed for achievements, more bro dude shooters, heavier marketing, exclusive contracts, and ripped apart some great development studios. Been playing since early SNES days and you can almost pinpoint the downfall of gaming with the rise of the Xbox gen.

I'm not saying Sony was better. But having to compete with Microsoft changed them as a company, along with many others. I'd say it's a rare occurance of competition hurting an industry. Because Microsoft competed with money and buy outs instead of quality products. And people ate the marketing up.

PC has always had its own little ecosystem. For some reason it makes people insecure.

It's both I would say. Microsoft hurt a lot (a *olt* there's no overstating it), but so did Valve.

Their combined influence led to the current market where both consoles and PC have been averaged out and each of their past salient qualities have been diminished in the process.

>more bro dude shooters

That started with the Counter Strike

dudebros didn't care for Halo after 2006.

>dudebros didnt care for shooters after 2006
But halo 3 came out in 2007.

>quality products

Talking about the downfall user. Not the shit pile that is everything currently.


>gamers then
>gamer girls showed like it was a typical thing
sure buddy

Pc has brought retared streamers and memesports.
Console has brought tons of casual dudebros and "haha im such a le nerd" shitters

Websites like youtube, gamefaqs, facebook, and Sup Forums ruined gaming since they allow people to learn about games without actually playing them. There has never been a time when so many people have opinions on so many games that they haven't ever played.