Why does nobody care about Mirror's Edge 2? There's no mention of it on Sup Forums, /vg/, or even /r/gaming...

Why does nobody care about Mirror's Edge 2? There's no mention of it on Sup Forums, /vg/, or even /r/gaming. What the fuck. Is it that bad? No... People would be talking about it still. Maybe nobody knows that it has been released? I just found out by accident 10 mins ago.

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I made the same thread yesterday and it disappeared in ten minutes. Guess nobody gives a shit about it after all.

Its a reboot, which no one asked for when we said we wanted more of Mirrors Edge.

They tried to capitilize on the unexpected success of ME and failed becsuse they failed to understand what it was about the first that made it so great and why no one fucking asked for a reboot or an origin story whatever.

Plus the first game came out in 2008 but looks more aesthetic than the new one, and the new one has unlocks and a bunch of ther pitfalls of post 2010 games.

It falls flat on all fronts and all expectations, mediocre to the core.

DICE has lost their touch.

the reason nobody is talking about it is because ea spent the advertising budget on shills expecting it to go viral on its own

Cancer biscuit said on his twitter it runs like shit. I have no interest in it though as I thought the 1st one sucked past the 1st level.

It's a solid game, but not perfect. Suffers from a lot of the flaws that were in the first game, like forced combat sections, but the world design is pretty good, and there are some good missions too. It's from EA though, and there was a vague hint of SJW pandering from DICE at some point so goobergating redditors shit on it out of reflex.

That's an issue with a lot of games today, but it's so strange to see a total silence everywhere.

Graphics look worse than the first one, fucking incompetent devs

I would be talking about it if it were cheaper. I only played the first game after I got it on sale for like 10 bucks and I'll probably do the same with this one.

you don't belong here
fuck off

>slap denuvo on game
>nobody pirates it
>nobody talks about it

ME wasn't successful. It only hit its sales target when they started giving it away for $1 in the humble bundle.

Quick to jump to assumptions? I went there as the most casual place, but even they weren't interested.

There's fucking denuvo on it?
God damn it it's like they want that shit to flop

Doom seems to be doing ok, but that actually got advertising. I was looking forward to the game and I didn't even know it was coming out this week until this past Friday.

cause it's the shit sequel of a hot pile of garbage that was never popular nor good to begin with.

I got it yesterday and the part where you actually run around and do races and stuff is fine. The story is even worse than in the first game and for some reason they have third person pre-rendered cutscenes and their video player or decoder or whatever is broken on PC (of course) so videos stutter and play at like half speed with desynced sound, so I haven't bothered doing much story stuff.

But pretty much all the changes they made to the game made no difference or made the game worse. The skill tree is pointless, the new combat is pointless, the right click to dodge/sprint whatever just feels weird, etc.

I honestly don't mind the open world aside from there occasionally being too few ways to get between houses (often just a single bridge). The races I've done so far don't feel that different in terms of level design compared to the time trials in the original game.

In terms of aesthetics it's clearly more impressive on a technical level (more realistic materials, high resolution reflection maps, actual dynamic lighting, etc.) but it also runs like shit compared to games with similar scope and graphical quality, and I think a lot of it looks overdesigned compared to the original.

But overall seems like if you enjoyed the time trials in the first game there's no reason you wouldn't enjoy them here. I wouldn't say its a better game than the first, but it's definitely not complete shit like I've seen a lot of posts saying.

What a fucking joke

>all the talk on of Faiths appearance changing
>watch some gameplay on YT

She looks fine, famalamaburghini.

It looks incredibly mediocre and people have 100% lost faith (heh) in EA since 2008.

If anyone cares, here's some 16K screenshots of the original

Yeah im not too sure either OP.

Those explosive barrels stick out like sore thumbs with their lack of shadows

ME is shit, why would I want a ME2?

Hey, if there truly are shills all over Sup Forums, why isn't ME2 being shilled? No reason to pass up advertising this cheap if its actually what publishers are doing.

>or even /r/gaming

>It's obvious that people loved the art direction, loved Faith and loved the idea of what you did in the game
>Which is why new art direction will be nothing like it with heavy futuristic designs, Faith will be turned from a strong female character done right to a fucking mess and instead of running you're gonna fight and search for collectibles.

Sup Forums is full of overreacting faggots. News at 11.

It still didn't sell that much considering the name it carries.

The same reason there are barely no long discussion about these games

>Tomb Raider no denuvo
Lots of thread about Ryona Lara webm or AMD hairwork trolling
>Tomb Raider denuvo
Barely any discussion beside some screensshot
>Doom denuvo
Even worst while most source said the SP was fun as fuck, but literally almost no thread in Sup Forums.

Say what you want about piracy, but we all know that most of Sup Forums are pirates.
The only non-pirated games that can get long discussion are the one who got waifu material to jerk-off.

literally no one cares about mirrors asscreed manface open world sjw simulator

What's the framerate at that resolution?
Do they normally have shadows? It might be that all the static stuff has baked shadows while dynamic objects only within a certain range, so they don't show from far away.

It still does pretty well. I seriously doubt it would sell any better if it didn't have Denuvo.

Well in my case, I don't touch any games with a female protag.

I don't support EA garbage.

Doubt it, based Denuvo makes pirates super butt.hurt.

>Why does nobody care about Mirror's Edge 2? There's no mention of it on Sup Forums, /vg/, or even /r/gaming. What the fuck. Is it that bad? No... People would be talking about it still.
dunno, there's plenty of games that get lots of talk until release then dead silence, like far cry primal, new tomb raider, JUST 3, new hitman

>JUST 3, new hitman
I enjoyed both but there's really nothing to talk about with either. Just cuz is too damn similar to the previous game and the new hitman is drip feeding content at a glacial pace.

hope it's worth making games tank on top of whatever they needed to pay to use it

Would not having Denuvo really help matters? Doom especially is selling really well already, I don't see it's prospects improving with piratefags getting a taste.

>wah I want free games gimme gimme

No idea, I grabbed those screenshots from a Sup Forums thread some years ago and reuploaded it

No idea about the framerate that is

fug im stupid

No I don't think they do, just looked weird in that screenshot. I assume it's like you say, since they can explode they can't bake the shadows.