Sprint forward

>sprint forward
>fov increases

>bungie fps
>crosshair not centered

>ability cooldown UI in bottom right of screen

>graphics maxed out
>graphics on minimum except for shadows and textures

>30/90 ammo
>shoot out 20 bullets
>reload new clip/magazine
>70/90 ammo
>not 60/90

>lens flare in FPS

you can just remove the bullets from the half empty and put it in another clip

hard? at least i think that's the logic

what ?

Bullets you don't fire that are reloaded are automatically placed in a new clip/magazine

>shoot 6 out of 12
>shoot another 6 out of 12
>the 2 6's are combined into a new 12

>walk backwards
>depth of field disappears

>Crouch down in fps
>Camera moves down to just above the floor

He thinks people throw away bullets.

What is prone?

>Game has a black loading screen

>he thinks bullets go into a magic bag and automatically refill the next magazine you grab

I think a realistic explanation would be keeping the half empty magazine on you until you can load it again
But no game would actively address that

SWAT 4 does exactly that
But then they stuffed up with the revolver because the revolver also uses the same magazine system, so if you've got three "magazines" of two bullets each you can't just load all of them at once.

>half full mags aren't stashed away
>character doesn't grab his used mags in order of bullets contained when he's out of full mags

What is arma?



Insurgency and RO2 do this.

Is there an option to reload magazines in Arma 2?

Allright im having fun for the first time in months

>he thinks bullet wounds heal in under 5 seconds
wow its almost like videogames arent all hyper realistic or something

today I learned I know nothing

Point out where I said regenerative health is a good system. Oh wait you can't.