Destiny's Lord Saladin is black

>Destiny's Lord Saladin is black




I don't know shit about Destiny but I'm gonna guess he's named after the Muslim guy that kicked crusader ass.

Are you really surprised it's not a white guy?


>all muslims are black
Why are Americans so goddamned retarded?

destiny? that game everyone was putting their expectations into and then got horribly disappointed?

People still talk about this game?

New DLC rise of iron is coming out

>someone named saladin is sandnigger


>people still discussing video games on Sup Forums? Not on my watch! >x[

He's not a sandnigger though, he's a fucking nigger straight out of Congo

This game is like 3 years old and a piece of shit. I forgot it existed.

People still discuss Morrowind, Oblivion, Skyrim, DaS, WoW and Deus Ex all the time. What's your point? Do you want more Overwatch threads?

Spotted the Overwatch faggot

>give it a quick google
>one of the promo """"""leaks"""""" mentions the gjallajorn
Give it up Bungie you fuckers


>Started playing Destiny again a few days ago because i remember having despite its flaws.
>Start having a lot of fun, the patches fox alot of the grinding tediousness and weapons actual are diverse and plentiful now.
>Eris and Variks don't sell weapons or anything anymore, literallly just class items
> they dont have bounties either. Which would be fine, except for the only way to get rep is through shit you need taken king for
> see prison of elders lvl 41, ooh thatll be fun
> need taken king for it
> look at crucible, now theres 12 different icons instead of 4. Need taken king for 9 of them
> w-well i can do weekly stuff
> need taken king

What the actual fuck is wrong with them? I know they're money hungry cunta but jesus fuck. Id rather have people not buy my dlc than alienate and piss off 90% of the players.

The worst part is i like the game. Its fun. I just cant stand bungievision and their retardedness.

Coming from someone who bought the season pass and would play with friends on a weekly basis grinding out nightfall which actually were pretty entertaining, as well as the raids which yes sucked for only 6 people, but felt appropriate and still challenging the first time you did it. Like any grinding game you start to do the same shit over and over, bungie steadily kept on pissing off the players and fucking with matchmaking (disgusting lag) and also castratiting all of the guns people actually enjoyed, some other things they did were not separate nerfs for weapons in pvp and pve separated.
I honestly won't be bothered to do that shit again.

there are the shotguns
the guns that shoot bullets in a spray very quickly
the guns that shoot bullets in a small sprey less quickly
the gns taht shoot bullets in a smaller spray even less quickly
the rocket launcher archetypes
and teh guns that shoot slow projectiles

how is that diverse at all?

T. Bungiedick suckers

bring back the Bungie podcast!!!!

I bet you complain about not being able to level past 60 in wow without xpacs too, spasti

Seeing a bosnian muslim would probably blow their mind.

Just buy TTK. It's worth the money even if it's forty fucking dollars

Well only if no one stops him, but with gun free zones becoming more prominent...

yeah or get his mind blown by serbs

based serbians


absolutely disgusting, good job forsaking your white, european heritage for vile sandnigger trash

Why is everything about this E3 leaking? This has to be done on purpose right? Is this some new form of marketing? I mean they literally put up the ad before announcing the expansion, does it even count as a leak?

Actually in WoW all the expansions but the last are included in the "base game" now, so you can reach level 90 without buying any expansions.

Destiny 2 for PC when?

Does anyone even care anymore?