Well it looks like Kratos isn't coming back but instead we're getting a female lead for the next God(ess) of War...

Well it looks like Kratos isn't coming back but instead we're getting a female lead for the next God(ess) of War. Thoughts?

Goddess of War

I'm fine if the game is good.

Better have a tight ass and rockin tits.

>another female protag

Why the fuck does this keep happening?

Imagien Kratos fucking that chick from Heavenly Sword, Kat and Spike as his sex slaves.

Its God of War still
Its just not Kratos

Literally, its Not-Kratos. They are keeping significant visual parts of him, like the red tattoo and facial hair, but on a new character. We saw leaked concept art from this like last month. Its Norse mythology, not sure what those gods did though. Even Loki doesn't do terrible shit like Greek gods do.

We literally already saw concept materials featuring a "not-Kratos" design.
God fucking dammit, Sup Forums, why are you dipshits so gullible?

Norse women were always considered stronger than their male counterparts.



it's funny, i grew up with people who were bored, they told jokes and pulled pranks all the time. but now it's like if you push someone off the ledge of a building it's complete logical to radiate with holistic and liquid joy in the words "it was a prank, man" and have it absolve you completely of your sins

this kind of thinking is popular today, regardless of whatever I might think of it, and people seem to enjoy being faultless for the things they do, mind you when it was my youth, the more potent, the better the prank.

>it's yet another god of war QTE button masher
I wish $ony would go back to its roots and make ACTUAL video games like Alundra again.

>Weeboo shit

Yeah, no thanks

>female lead

absolutely disgusting

I want Ape Escape 4

Playing like a cute girl sounds more interesting than this bald and bland beefcake.

Can't be wore than fucking Kratos.

>Gravity Rush/God of war crossover
>Kratos fights againt Kat
>Battle ends with brutal rape.

Already made

you play god of war for brainless action and ridiculous gore not cute girls

Why not both?

Who even played this?

Its 2016, user. White male protagonists arent allowed anymore.

because it's not based japan with either full female cast or bishoujo mc

I did. It was pretty good. Almost as good as GoW 3.

>i don't want to be the little girl
-Sup Forums, 2016

What went wrong?

But is the protag as hot as Kat?

You're right. There are literally no more white male protagonists anywhere. They're completely gone from video games. Might as well kill yourself.

Only if every third male character has his dick hanging out.


nigger you're fucking stupid

From Gravity Rush, she's a real cutie.

Such shame. Not gonna buy it.

Will she be topless like that planned costume from Ghost of Sparta that never made it?

That's fine by me. They completely ruined him after 1, and made him totally unlikable. He was still an asshole in 1, but still a little sympathetic, and it was supposed to be a greek tragedy.

so how are the sex scenes gonna work?
doubt they'll let our female kratos copy get pounded off screen

Bunch of negroes will fill her holes

>God of War without this lunatic
What's the point? Might as well start a completely new IP.

black people in norse mythology
okay user

Its current year, user, dont doubt it.

I want that kind of game but set in Norse or egypt mythology

>The Bi-frost is open to you, user. Where does thou wish to travel?

Looking at Swedish men today, I actually kind of believe it.

Someone post the webm. The one with the fruity swede boys but normal looking swede girls. It gets posted on Sup Forums a lot but I'm too weirded out to save it.

>god of war based on the thor/marvel universe

Also, Surtur means black

Kratos was a shit character anyway, the only people who unironically liked him were 12 year old edgelords.

But what about the leaked images of the guy who looked like Kratos, but with a beard?


It isn't Norse mythology, you fucking dork. They're space aliens. They've been space aliens since the first comic came out in '68. They live on a different planet, they teleport between worlds, their alien physiology gives them super strength and immunity to disease and means they never age.

Don't get pissed off because one fictional comic book space alien that kind of somewhat parallels a character from the practice of Germanic Paganism is the wrong color. They didn't give Idris Elba golden teeth, either, but nobody complains about that.

New God o War is about norse mythology you dumb shit.