What do you think about RL ?

What do you think about RL ?


>simple gameplay with extremely high skill ceiling
>huge community

what's not to like?

apparently the latest patch added crossplay with Xbone players as well? I haven't seen a single one yet.


Addded Crossplay thingy ,
they have the PSY Avatar , but you can`t see the dif between PS and xbone
but i think they (xbones) see us(PC) differently from PS

xbones cant be matches with ps4s

Shit game. Was bored in a week, haven't touched it since.

Game of the Year 2015
Best multiplayer title since the glory days of Tribes: Ascend


Is the update that lets you customize quick chat out yet?

in season 3 you will be able to do that , as far as i know .

Sup Forums doesn't talk about it because it's actually good, does DLC right, requires real skill and is easy to pick up for short or long periods.

It's pretty much the perfect game in its genre.

Having said all that I'm about 350 hours in and I'm pretty much done with it now. Fun while it lasted. Might come back to it in a few months or years.

Fun game that I love playing over at my brothers house on ps4, but only have like 12 minutes clocked in on the steam version I bought during the winter sale. It's good, but infinitely more enjoyable to play around other people imo

>Season 3 ends very soon
>I'm one division away from blue star
That's what I think

It's really fun but I only play it if my friends want to play too.

Meme game, I still don't know what made it become so popular. It's one of those games you'd find on those '500 games on one CD!' discs back in the day that came free with a magazine.

There's 1v1 mode if you want a heart attack from too much adrenaline.

Rocket League has the highest skill ceiling of any game in existence.


ooh, if Xbone players have the PSYNET avatar as well, then that would make sense.

I've played 1v1 for a few hours and much prefer doing 2v2 with a friend.

YouTube and twitch id guess

>division 5 of the last gold star rank
>dropped down to division 1

;_; I'll never be good at this game

>play on pc
>still cant party up with playstation users

Im still waiting on that

Garantead reeplies

>Sup Forums doesn't talk about it because it's actually good
Sup Forums doesn't talk about it much for pretty much the same reason Sup Forums doesn't talk about tetris

There's no bullshit, just gameplay

I love it. A simple and fun game, that hoopz mode is where it's at, though. Shit is so much fun.

It's ok but it gets old fast.

Speak for yourself.

This is what's bugging me the most. I'm going into RLCS this weekend with one of our teammates playing on a PS4, and we can't practice together in real matches.

It's probably never happening, they just don't openly say it so some people that are waiting for this don't give up on the game

>tfw you don't want to play ranked because you're only just rising star and don't want to lose that boost

>tfw just dunked on a team in hoops
that's some good shit, man

So no one is gonna set up a private Sup Forums lobby?

enjoy the endless
>What a save!
>What a save!
>What a save!

why, you mad?
can't take the banter m9??

Full of raging kids

I enjoy the game more without flame

disable chat or ignore it

Same. I hope I can get to rising star before season 2 ends. I want rising star boost.

Literally game of the year.
At least as far as Sup Forums is concerned.

It's funny that if the voting had been held now instead of in February, Xenoblade would have never made it that far.
Now that it's sunk in pretty much everyone admits it was a colossal disappointment.

>Phantom Pain losing to witcher 3
Storyfags are really the worst cancer on Sup Forums

Really fun. One of the few games I have over 100+ hours in.

This post is so vague I called it "dad"

It was heavily shilled on reddit for months, that helps. It's a solid game for much of what has said, but the community can be annoying as fuck at times. I check in every now and then to play the new experimental maps or game modes but I've spent most of the time I want to on it already.

My only complaint is N++ losing to Movie of the Tomb Raider

It's free to try for the weekend so you may see more xbone players now.

I'm down