Is today the day?

is today the day?

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Ahahah, I'm user penis and I took control of him! NOW GIVE THE GAME FAGGOTS

I'll probably fap to it once and delete like with all Seismic vids.

no, maybe tomorrow

It might be

>he´s change his header photo for a edit from never ever posts
how he can be so based


I'd follow him on his twitter but the guy tweets way too much.

>( í-ì)
What does he mean?

Are all japanese people so friendly? (between them, I know they're xenophobic bastards)

holy kek

not on Steam? Where can I awoo?

How can anyone not recognize this just by seeing the Liru model?

You should see the threads on /h/. You think it would have a little more recognition after 2 years.

hand frog poster.

what's the big deal with that cat girl?
there's no porn of her?
is porn being made?

She has 4 ears.
There is.
It's been made for a long time and it's going to release soon.

Double the ears to nibble.

Saturday is the day


PS4 Neo

Are you stupid? It's a jap porn animation "game", what platform do you think it's going to be on?

PS4. It's Japanese, the only other Japanese console is nintendo, and they don't do porn.

Has there ever been a porn game on console?

>tfw more excited for new porn releases than video games

what has become of me

If you count unlicensed games, then yeah.

She is a wolf girl, actually.

My dick is so ready lads

>people can't fap to porn
>people on this board are too socially inept and ugly to get a real girlfriend to have sex too
>instead they wait for some porn visual novel shit to come out
pathetic get a fucking real life you losers

My dick needs this yesterday

I've been nofap since it was first announced.

Jesus Christ it's been like 2 years user

Literally nothing.

>porn visual novel

lmao no it's just straight up porn

Who is
>Lurking till Linked

I exist on another plane.

It's seismic, I'm buying.

not me
later, nerds

That's because the porn boards are newfag/underage central

>>people can't fap to porn
but this IS porn



I would sink her alright.

god bless you user

how does it feel

I've only briefly checked in on this H-game. All I recall is some semi-furry bitch answers a door and you get to bang her. It seems like any other H-game where you press a button to change the cinematic.

Why the hype?

Because it looks GOOD.

the joke is it is the Duke nukem forever of hentai games

WiiU port when?

Models look great

That's Otome Function.

Model's nice, animation's nice. Character doesn't get porn that often anymore. Been in development for a long time now. People have been waiting and it's finally coming out.

You didn't see that clip where she's in all fours and ready to take it from behind? Looks good.

Ready to buy fagets

Please give
Though it would be quite the treat if its released tomorrow friday

cmooon please be today

>Post ending in 557

hes not much of a business man is he?


Anyone got the NEVER EVER Webms?

if I support him will I get uncensored liru

I feel bad for him now

He's so pure

Godspeed user.

We just gotta let the SFM crowd know about this guy, they will literally drown him in money

That would be pretty cool, but then we'd have to deal with the SFM crowd.

I'm going to laugh when this comes out and we all hate it, just like all of our dream projects

IDIOT you must use it or lose it!!


So what system is this coming out on?


I'm thinking about that. Can he dodge japanese laws if he's directly making porn for westerners?

Or as long as he is inside japan he's forced to censor stuff? I know some famous porn artists there were comissioned some uncensored porn for westerners and they delivered.

>Are all japanese people so friendly?

PS4 exclusive.

never ever

Where it belongs

He can publish it outside of japan without pixels.


Holy FUCK this is going to be on PS4?

The pcucks in /h/ told me PC only.

Someone should warn them LOL

Then Patreon the shit out of this guy then.


We did it neogaf!!!
This year is gonna be HELLA epic!!

I'm not familiar with Japanese copyright law, but is it legal to make money off of someone else's IP there?

i-is it finally happening?

>Or as long as he is inside japan he's forced to censor stuff?

This. Doesn't matter if you patreon the shit out of him.

Also leave him alone, this is his last 3DCG. He wants to move on to other things.


>what are the millions of doujins that get sold at Comiket each year?

Seriously man?

This will probably happen, but I'm excited anyways fuck it

I don't buy porn like a retard, that's why I said I'm unfamiliar with it.

>Also leave him alone, this is his last 3DCG. He wants to move on to other things.

[citation needed]

Call me a normie but whats that?
Whats this game?
I just clicked on this thread desu senpaitachi

yes from my experiences over in japan, they are so friendly to the point where they are massive pushovers and doormats

it's just part of their culture


>implying it won't be censored

Day 0 pirate.

Japan has Dojinshi and fanart protecting laws unlike the west, its one of the reasons that whole 'unified copy right' thing for NA and Japan is so awful because it would fuck guys like him

wasn't this supposed to be released like four days ago now

i remember everyone shitting their pants over it saying "IT'S HAPPENING TODAY'S THE DAY" for like the last week

The models look pretty good and Liru needs more porn.

So this is why weebs like Trump so much, considering he opposes the TPP.

Free samples? I like it!

>I can't see the guy's dick in HD? omg day 1 pirate

they ain't so friendly if you're a foreigner

then you're a filthy baka gaijin