We should play some 100% Orange Juice, Sup Forums

We should play some 100% Orange Juice, Sup Forums.


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Sure I'd love to play.

I know this picture is supposed to be a joke/parody, but some of the descriptions still trigger me

>Suguri players being good
>Suguri players knowing about numbers
>Suguri being good at all

Not just that, it's out of date and was probably made by that mexican who doesn't get banned no matter how many times I report him.

Strictly speaking, every post that person makes it is a bannable offense.

It is pretty funny because my friend uses Suguri and she doesn't even properly use her special to fight or land on star spaces. She just goes with the flow.

Those types of images are always cancer. There's always that one character in there that the guy who created the image thought he was being clever and funny with.


>doesn't get banned no matter how many times I report him

Ban evasion is one hell of a thing.

If anything, Saki is at least accurate.

faggotry level isn't high enough

How high should it be then?

Remember the Smash Bros Brawl one? That was so fucking rad! We should be totally original and copy it even more, this time with less descriptions relevant to 100%OJ!

Now that's what i call out of date

Updated list including Star and Sweet Breaker when?

Pfft, I dunno. I just thought it'd be funny. This picture is probably ancient.

>see sweet breaker
>figure she's not that great
>actually play against her
>stronk as fuck


also if you use a reversed attack card against her it still gives her the bonus as if it was still in your hand. not sure if that's intentional (probably is) but something i just noticed

We still have other charts.

Which is still inaccurate and bad.

How is THICK THIGHS inaccurate?

It's not ALL inaccurate, just most of it.

Yuki player here, it's true.

Yuki player here, it's bullshit.
Actually it's way too accurate for a joke image

im thinking of getting this game
can anyone shill me?

it's dirt cheap and it's fun

It has cute anime girls in it

almost everyone in this thread has 50+ hours
Shit's fun and addicting

well how does mp work?
since thats the main draw of this game im guessing


Mario party without minigames is the short version

whoever thought making confusion show everyone your cards was a good idea should be fucking hanged

nah man, sweet breaker isn't strong enough. we should make sealed memories permanent like her hyper while we're at it.

>Playing as chicken
>Everyone thinks I'm playing around
>Suddenly I pull a fast one and KO everyone one after another
>Jump from 4th to 1st in literally one turn
>Rest of the game is everyone trying to kick my ass and failing

This image is true. The chicken is god tier.

QP is the best girl though.

>Mario party with cute anime girls and without minigames is the short version
Fixed that for you.


Mario party except it has combat as a mechanic instead of minigames.

Marc is the cutest and strongest!

let me clarify.
do we wait for hosts to show up here and we play together?
dedicated Sup Forums servers?
or do we just play on random servers and shitpost about our experiences

did someone say thick?

people mostly play together in these threads and on the Sup Forums group because playing with randos is shit

sweet breaker isn't exactly the issue here

it's the fact that confusion (the event) pretty much completely fucks anyone that relies on cards or hypers to get anywhere

like fucking alte for example can't do shit with her hyper when everyone is shown she has one every 7 turns

i'm fucking baffled someone thought this actually was a remotely acceptable idea

This isn't a touhou thread you fucking mongrel, post OJs or get out.

Just 7 more stages until purple crowns. Not looking forward to doing Tomomo Hell again.

need one more

Posting more Kaes to keep the thread going, then.

Post less shit OJs and I might change my mind.

I'm still buying dlcs even though I haven't launched the game since last year
Send help

If you are going to be shitty, post the OJs you like then.
You should probably try and play it. They DID add new campaigns, and Starbreaker's campaign is stupid easy. You can just farm the Military Sora in every match for free wins.

Here is an example of an OJ that's not shit.

>land on a draw panel during miracle
>two hypers

I'm sorry for your shit taste, user.

What do you need for purple crown

I feel like you would have said that no matter which OJ I'd post.

Beat Kai, Suguri, Marc, QP and Extra (minus the episode that unlocks after beating the breaker campaigns) on Extreme.

No, I just only like Suguri/Sora related ones. Plus, titty monsters are great and Kae is the canon tittiest of the monsters.

For some reason, QP shooting and Red Barrel are too colourful for me to care. That, or it's the top-down aspect. I'm all touhoud out after beating everything up to SA.

Is this OJ good enough?

Playing Manager with 2 Star Breakers is true suffering.


>Playing QPD against Sweet Breaker
>Or Aru
>Or any hyper-dependent character at all

I chose this path

I'd let her roll a six on me

I have tried the final episode of marcs campaign on extreme 10 times now and i still cant do it
anyone got any tips?

pudding god otp

I don't get this fetish but Syura is cute.

You can choose different characters.

I did all mine with Sham, but people have good luck with Tomomo, Kae, and Starbreaker.

I got a new PC and lost everything I had. Is there a quick way to unlock shit?

It's a fetish?

Save files are kept up to date with Steam Cloud. Run the game and close it, to see if it gets them back, but it should be there with everything you've unlocked.

I heard the same from my friend but nothing

You caught my attention, then. Best thing to do is to hop in the community hub chat and try to get the attention of Phlebuster. He'll probably direct you to Mr_Rive and get you sorted.

How far were you, anyways?

Lewds when?

How is this a fet-- oh. Ooooh.

And I was wondering what was going on there

I had 26 hrs in but forget what I had unlocked
I know at least I had a full cardset and character skins I wanted
I guess ill try the community hub

I always knew this game was shit, didn't realize it extended to threads ABOUT the game as well

Could you explain it to me as well? I don't think I get it.

Looks like one of these things to me

Might be wrong though, the chicken scratch makes it hard to figure out

I figured out that much, but how is that a fetish?

Yes it's a fetish appearently. People just like seeing girls falling into water in a very specific way. I don't understand it myself but I've seen it before.

Here's one of a Disgaea character

Same way heartbeating, licking doorknobs, or, really, anything can be a fetish, I guess

Well, that's a little bizarre and specific.

how did stupid hair get such big tits

hi where is the room

Search for it.


Saki's probably hiding bigger boobs under all those clothes.

make me you little slut

I want to Syrup Syrup's Syrups

100% JUICY

where can I see the rest of this pic

Probably in the game it's from.

Same situation. And Steam Cloud never worked for me. Not for any game, not once.

Someone mentioned it before, but I was under the impression that it wasn't out yet?

Sweet Breaker is fucking broken.

Looks like dlsite.com/maniax/work/=/product_id/RJ116878.html for as far as I can tell.

I has been out for a while now dude, it even has a partial eng patch

You know you can just download someone elses save with shit on it and change the name with a hex editor right?

Someone made updates to the partial english patch, but the link to it is dead

I can't believe they actually fucking thought anything about her was okay to put in the game.

>Play krilla
>Stack up to 15 hp
>Land on Starbreaker's invisible bomb
>Take 14 damage

>Genre: Successive Orgasms Anime Queen/Princess Comedy Coercion Rape
My type of game



People said that if they added Star Breaker she would be anti-fun

Why didn't we listen?

How exactly do those work? I've noticed they do either a lot of damage or literally nothing. I assume it instantly drops you to 1 hp?

It does what it says on the card.

They cant kill you.

They just auto drop you to 1hp.

Star Breaker is fine though. It's Sweet Breaker that's schwarbage.

Before I played Sora I thought Starbreaker would have a soft "Ara ara" voice and personality.
Mfw finding out she's a psychopath