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Video Card

And we judge you

pls no bully

idk why my ram says its 800mhz when its 1666mhz

>you share this board with people this stupid

well this is Sup Forums not Sup Forums so im sorry if im not up to your standards on a videogame board

>Say something stupid
>Called out
>Act as if it's some high standard

I had to use some slav engineering to fit that video card in my PC, and some more slav engineering to prevent it from overheating.

I await your judgement

AMD Athlon II


i didn't know they clocked ddr3 that low


970,480 or 1070?

>he can't even set XMP
>alternatively - he bought the cheapest office PC RAM

wait until amd releases their flagship
then upgrade




It's actually 1333Mhz per stick
I should change that in the bios but eh, not really need it anyway
I'm going to change my CPU+Mobo soon though, i5 6600k and then I'll wait untill the new AMD cards are out and hope that they're actually good

I can't handle most games at max but not the most current ones which is upsetting

Freshly built

On mobile so don't have Speccy, but here's my 2010 build I'm still using:

AMD Phenom X6 1055T
GeForce 460 GTX

Obviously I can't play anything current at an acceptable framerate. I don't really mind, though, as I've been mostly playing console stuff these days. Still use the PC for old FPS, Morrowind, New Vegas, Infinity Engine stuff, etc.


I don't see a reason to upgrade anything anytime soon

Getting a 6700k + 16 GB + 1080 this month.

Here I go!



every damn time

I had 2x4gb and 2x2gb
a 2gb stick died

8 Dicks

I know your feel brother
well, something similar, had to go through 6GB for half a year, was enough desu

>but mom I need ITX



>had to go through 6GB for half a year
But a 4 GB stick is like 30$.


yeah, bought one after the second 2GB stick died

also probably going to upgrade to 1080 soon.

did you just stop gaming when you took this

be gentle

CPU is 6700k at 4.6 ghz.

Before anyone asks why the hell I need 32 gigs of ram - I use this PC for work and all the programs I use sometimes occupy 20+ gigs.


I had more money than sense and need to move around a lot so a desktop was out of the question.

Haven't upgraded a thing since I got this in 2010. Surprised it can still run everything, though not at max detaim

Rate my HDD.

Shit, I'm an idiot.

richfag reporting in

Going to get a 1080, and 16 gigs of ram soon as well.

Fuck I want a 1080 so bad,
My cpu is clocked at 4.9 GHZ

How do I get it to show like this?



Gotta get me one of those deccacores

So who's excited for Q3 here? Gonna get me a sweet, sweet RX 480. I've had this claptrap card for years now - finally seems worth the money to upgrade.

I've never been triggered by RAM until I saw this image


Come at me bro.


>Crossfire Disabled

For what purpose?

Boring build, coming through.

Debating on what GPU to upgrade to next.

Speccy just says that, it isn't.

pretty respectable though mang

I just hope those aren't idle temps

>those i7's
>those amd cpu's

>freshly built

>GTX 980

>when the 1070 comes out tomorrow and is faster than a Titan X for $380
>when the fucking RX 480 comes out two weeks after that, and is faster than a 980 for $200

you fucked up


quad core 1.8GHz AMD
GF GT730

Given that I don't play shit modern games, it's more than I ever need.

Overclocked I5 750. Only upgrade in 7 years has been replacing HD5850 with a GTX960. May upgrade something else in three years or so.

They aren't.

I had just closed a game while speccy was loading its readings.

what cpu cooler are you using?




I need a new motherboard.

ITT: Poor fags




>so many people still on the Windows botnet
>they have not heard about our Lord And Savior Saint IGNUcius, a.k.a. Richard Stallman and his blessed OS GNU/Linux
Praise be.

i5-750, GTX 660 and 8gb DDR3.

Everytime I want upgrade, people tell me "NO, WAIT FOR X".

>all that horsepower
>plays at 60fps
>he fell for the 1440p meme

The 1070 will be the best value for money card in years

Even if they top it next year it won't matter

>he didn't fall for the ultrawide meme

>Sup Forums
You're in the wrong board fag.

Get on my level, scrubs.

1070 doesn't have actual async. It'll be worthless next year.



It is 1440p

Ultrawide 1080p is still 1080p

He's right. Aspect ratio doesn't change the fact that it's 1440 pixels vertical.

Too costly. Im considering Rx480 instead.

I wont pay more than 250$ for GPU, no way.

Getting a bit hot here. Just a tiny bit.


Please dont bully

I would literally suck your dick for your monitor

>win 10
>win 8

Get on my level, nerds


no hate, just rate

Intel i7 3.2 GHz
Nvidia 970m 3 GB

If someone could execute me that'd be pretty good


>only 1TB USB
get a load of this plebeian

I built that entire pc for 360 dollars two years ago.Then last year I upgraded to pic related for 480 dollars (170 for i5, 110 for gtx 760, and 200 for moniter). How did I do




Why you can get them off ebay for 70ish dollars.
Its funny I bought it back in 1999 for almost 2000 dollars. And its still better than the shit 1080p that modern consoles have. Also when im bored I can switch it to 160hz and enjoy that smooth scrolling experince

My Sandy niggers!

Upgrading late summer though...