Great game shit community?

Great game shit community?
This is general Sup Forums consensus right?

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bone daddy the game

Not so good game.

Shit game, worse community.

It's an ok game. The only exceptional thing it has is the music.

Gona give an actual reason or is it just because its popular.

Eh, it still holds up I guess. I mean it's in no way the masterpiece people say it is but I'd give it another playthrough one of these days.

My favorite game of 2015, but fuck the sperglord fanbase. The only people who outright hate the game haven't actually played it.

my problem with underale is the community entirely, why? because you don't ask a hooker how much for the back door, she already posted the price. with undertale fans, you have to inquire about the most sensitive and secret of topics, even well after you've beaten the game, it's the stupidest thing. they'll advertise themselves a s a good conversation, and then you have to press all the right buttons to pry any decent communication/connection out of them.

this was the post I've been waiting for 2 years

Whole game was just mashing Z to get through shitty dialogue that attempts to be humorous, with a few "bullet hell" sections that are too easy to call bullet hell, it's more like bullet stroll or something.

OP here.
I think people just need to seperate the community and the game.
Anything that gets popular enough will get a shitty toxic fanbase.
Its like five nights at freddys exept five nights at freddys is a cheap cashcowy piece of shit.
There is litterally nothing the game devoloper can do about his community so i personally find it unfair to judge the game itself on that.

I think its very subjective considering undertale is good or bad entirely on its writing and characters and if you dont like them the games gona suck.
I personally thought the comedy was pretty good and the gameplay expressed the characters personalitys but i can understand if you wouldnt like the game if you dont enjoy the humour.

>The only people who outright hate the game haven't actually played it.
I outright hate the game.
I dropped it half way through (the day it was released, aka before anybody was even talking about it) because it was boring as shit. The only reason I picked it back up and finished it is because of threads ranting and raving about it being amazing.
Spoiler : It remained shit throughout the entire game.

Lisa is superior in just about every single way and as an added bonus, its fans aren't fucking SJW sperglords.

>speeds through the dialogue and calls it too funny
>MOM THE GAME IS TOO EASY when he didn't even get to the genocide route

This sounds like you dropped it before it got good, then got annoyed by the people talking about it so convinced yourself you were going to dislike it even after finishing it.

Congrats, you brainwashed yourself.

Average game, real bad community.

>you have to play the game THIS PARTICULAR way for it to be good
Trademark of a shit game.

>too funny
No, I said it tries to be funny. I don't think it was ever funny once.

My main problem with the game is that it's biased toward making you do "the right thing" and every enemy is just some well-meaning goof, veryone is instantly your friend if you just don't kill them no matter what you or they have done.

It should be hard to get by without hurting anyone, there should be moral conundrums and lasting consequences to every single action, not just the "bad" ones, there should be actually bad foes who want you dead and won't change their minds. Life isn't so black and white, the whole game's gimmick is totally half-baked. The characters should be various shades of grey, but we only got white and really light grey.

Papyrus a best though.

Let's not kid ourselves, the game is easy. THe only hard bosses are Sans and maybe Asgore.

>shamed for going the genocide route
>when it has the best bosses, one of which uses tobyfag's magnum opus

Nigga what?

in game, you get hassled a lot by the npcs

did you spam Z like me during genocide

hang on. you mean people calling you a dick for the genocide? top kek user.

toby wouldn't have created it if he didn't want you to see what it was like, user-kun

I thought he meant outside the game. Of fucking course he gets hassled in game if he's a fucking walking concentration camp

>He formulated his own opinion on the game through his own experience
>Undertale babby mental gymnastics kick in, nobody can ever dislike MY favorite game!
>Y-you just brainwashed yourself!

Alright game, the worst community since Five Nights at Fuckos.

Fun, unique and challenging gameplay, great soundtrack.

Easily forgettable and generic characters topped with lolsorandumb overly quirky humor.

0 replay value.

What do you think of Johnny's review of Undertale Sup Forums ? For once I'm glad he didn't get swallowed by the hype and uttered some valid criticism.

Then why include the two best bosses in the game

it alright
it remind me of me game

>people get upset at you for killing their friends

Because if it wasn't for Sans people would just treat genocide as an easy-ass bland route for people who want to be Hitler.

>before it got good
Any game that isn't good from the very first second is shit. This is irrefutable fact. No one should be forced to play through absolute garbage before they reach the "good" parts.

Genocide Undyne was a pretty good fight too, though. Harder than any normal boss.

What if I just want to play against the two best bosses of the game

There's no other way than to kill everyone, even if you don't want to hurt a creature

It's funny because chapter 1/the tutorial was the part that made people so excited for the rest of the game
if he left before it got good he would've been like 5 seconds in, dumbass.

>mental gymnastics
I liked that south park episode, too

Because they're trying to protect their world from a genocidal maniac

Anything involving alternate universes is going to attract a cancerous fandom. Undertale, Homestuck, Doctor Who. I'd like to know an exception to the rule.

>A TV show used that same term you're using so it's wrong

Super Mario 64 fans are cool.

Undertale is less of a novel than OFF is

OFF is still good though and has arguably better music


At least pre-anime


Just recognizing a reference. No need to assume the world is against you and everything they say is arguing against your point.

When does this happen? I've only read the first three parts.

It's also a lot stronger in moral ambiguity, unlike undertale's "you killed them so you're evil" and "you were nice so nice ending", which I think is what a game with strong "feels" should aspire toward
My bad then, it sounded like a snarky comment I swear.


Jojo fans have always been really obnoxious, they've always been like furries in that they take any opportunity to derail conversation with their shit. It's gotten a lot worse since the anime came out.


>10 or 11 tries to beat Asgore
>beat Omega Asshole on very first try
that's what happens when you let a community of tumblr pussies convinve you to spare everyone

Wow I feel sorry for how much you limit yourself from enjoying things in life.
Having such impossible standards is only gonna end up making you miserable and an asshole when people hear you complain everything is shit cause your taste is so high.
Let loose and enjoy life, brother


this is pretty autistic in its own right

Part 6, but I won't spoil it
Now keep reading before someone does

That's a bit vague user, just because X doing Y so Z must be X isn't a valid argument for comparison

Not as bad as Five Night's at Freddy's. Not even a great game, abysmal community.

The game is a light-hearted comedy 90% of the time, with 10% being some fairly dark stuff, but that is no where near the focus.

The fandom is 90% CRAWLING IN MY SKIN dark and 10% gay

The fact that you called your screenshot "tumblrtale" discredits literally your entire post. Try forming your own opinions instead of being influenced by others, faggot.

My argument is that Jojo fans are really obnoxious.

>tfw i liked both Undertale and Homestuck
I'm pretty much never able to talk about either of them because of all the shitty fans over the years.

the only good thing about this game is its music.

Photoshop Flowey is much more for the OMG WHAT'S HAPPENING experience more than the actual difficulty, there's even a checkpoint in the middle of the fight.

>impossible standards
Expecting something to have consistent quality is not an impossible standard. If you can make a good section in one part of the game then you are capable of making good parts through the entirety of the game.

Those are the anime fags user, the pre-2012 are pretty cool

All the enemies are either a stroll down the park or a bullshit trial and error bonehell.

Most Pokemon fans are kids. The adult fans can be very autistic with the meta game but they stay in their bubble mostly. It's not like they downvote any video that doesn't give their game a perfect score.

Reminder that this is Toby's magnum opus

I liked the music but the combat was too easy to be enjoyable. Even the trickier patterns are so short that you can just luck your way through the game without ever learning how to play. The only time that isn't true is the final attack each boss has, but you have so many recovery items and ways to build up invincibility that it hardly even matters.


You're not alone user. Though I do think Homestuck went downhill hard around act 6.

Meh game.
Meh rpg.
The "bullethell" gameplay had two actual fights and then was over.

I mean the last two parts of the genocide route were fun but that was the end. That should've been the first two fights.

No, I completely agree. Acts 1-4 were a climb upwards, Act 5 was great.
Act 6 was fucking garbage that now stands as half the goddamn comic. Don't even get me started on 2-page Act 7.

do you complain about this with every story driven game?
>why cant i just skip to the boss fights? why do i have to go through the levels

As someone who has just started reading homestuck and is on the first chapter im litterally just skimming the pages to get through the mind numbing bullshit.
I assume it gets better than this eventually?

Bad game worse community.

This pretty much.
Now when I see Undertale related stuff, I see edgelord headcanon crap. Though you can ignore that and just enjoy the game for what it truly is.

I think the JoJo fandom being way it is, is due to the anime popularity. Back when it was just the Capcom game, OVAs and old Manga scans, it had a more cult following competed to it today with meme stuff and arguing where you heard 'Roundabout' first.

i just catch the ones that i think look neat. fuck that ev/iv shit


Eh. It's very much a mixed bag. I found the start a little slow too, but if you don't find some of the dumb moments a bit funny, you'll probably not be a big fan of the rest of the comic. If you want it to be a bit more coherent and focused, with an actual plot, you'll get that, but if you're not finding any enjoyment from the current style? Then it probably won't appeal to you, even after it picks up.

Guess impossible standards was a bit of an exaggeration but if you're not willing to give something a chance to enjoy a better part of it you're missing out on those good parts because you've limited yourself
It's up to you though

No I said the opposite, why can't I skip the story for the boss fights user, read that again

You're not the first user on Sup Forums who replied without completely reading my post, is it a common thing here?

That image is stupid. Either just have the bottom panel, or make the bottom panel look like a refined character explosively losing his composure, not a drunk retard. The panels as they are don't fit together.

>tfw I still like the homestuck version more for some reason

It's based off a screencap of some show, where the guy looks like a drunken retard in the bottom one, as well.

I mean i found some parts funny like the jester thing going batshit over the incoming meteor but fucking combining pies with jesters and fumbling around with the deck stacker with terrible lol random humour was pretty shit if im honest.
I heard that the first part was just slow and it picked up though.

It's a parody of a Doctor Who image tumblr came up with.

Tumblr memes are so dumb. Like that astronaut moon rock murder meme.

What's the point of drawing it with a pokemon if it already exists in a better form?

Idk about explosively losing composure but that intense squint stare would be pretty good

>That should've been the first two fights.

Fuck me, that would've been brutal as hell. "It's kill or be killed" indeed. If it were the case the game would have been way less talked about.

You could say that of any fucking meme. Why all the patcha redraws, for exmaple?

The YouTube thumbnail shit was pretty funny tho

The absolute best parts of Homestuck are Act 4 and Act 5.

It's just a silly reference because they both have bowties

>Ass gore
Literally tell him to stop fighting

Super flower would be hard if you didn't get a checkpoint every five seconds and didn't have so much health


People actually defend that shit of a route? The Genocide route is just crap and boring it really shows without these characters the game is shit on its own, the game is full of it self at some points and is just pretentious garbage.

The first boss fights then.
Obviously have a tutorial and shit.
But everything other than those two fights were boring as shit.
And the normal way through this game is neutral -> pacifist -> genocide

That means a huge fucking portion of nothing interesting gameplay wise until the last two fights in the genocide route.