Is there any chance of rehabilitation for this game?

Is there any chance of rehabilitation for this game?

It's had a pretty good run, so I don't mind too much that it's declining.

Valve still has CS:GO anyway.

TF2.5 Source 2
or just update it so it has female counterparts of the mercenaries

that would cause a shitstorm bigger than announcement of HL3 would

I know but waifufaggotry worked for Overwatch, like really good.

Competitive matchmaking once it's out of beta

Come on, we both know that is not enough.

No. New game is the only way.
The unreputant march of change.
Move on or die, user. Only the biggest cancers still play TF2 consistently.

It is way too late for that, OP. That game is murdered by greed. Its too old to restore and nobody cool plays it anymore and they'd have to charge money for it again to keep out the hax and faggotry.

only TF3 would stop it.

>zero possibility of Valve working on TF3 even though they knew Overwatch was going to kill it
Can you imagine being a dev at valve.

Getting paid to literally do nothing or or procrastinate while you shit out a few DotA 2 items that the community makes once a month.

It still has lots of people though


It's like what, ten years old now?

It's the same deal as what happened to the original TF. It had a devout fanbase that existed until something bigger came to blow out the fire of TF. That game was TF2.

Valve stopped making games so they missed the opportunity for TF3 and Blizzard took it.

>they knew Overwatch was going to kill it
this is why they suddenly rushed the matchmaking

>for TF3 and Blizzard took it.


The game's how old? 8 years?
Nothing lasts forever, games die, that's the way it goes.
It's not the f2p switch that killed it, not the hats, not the heaps of side and upgrades, not even the lack of updates, it's the fact that only a handful of dedicated autists could manage to play a video game for close to a fucking decade.

Still more concurrent than Overwatch. I don't see the problem.
Fuck off Blizzard shills

Yeah, like what two months before releasing OW? and they didn't even finish it. Just kill TF2 already and make TF3 that has an actual framerate optimization.

>only a handful of dedicated autists could manage to play a video game for close to a fucking decade

can they even make TF3 at this point with so much $ tied into it?

they'd have to port hats.

>Still more concurrent than Overwatch.

Source: my ass

>Was sub-7K 24-hour peak at Overwatch launch
>Was ~2.3K 24-hour peak last week
Wow. I think this game has crashed and burned faster than Evolve.

>they'd have to port hats.

All source, too easy

>Still more concurrent than Overwatch
link to the stats please

Yes i was thinking the same shit but porting that shitload of hats unusuals and weapons... huh.
Unless they let like convert said TF2 items into something in TF3 if they eventually make that.

I mean it is like 8 years old by now, right?
Update to the new Source engine could either be a hit or miss, depending on how it effects gameplay.

Other than that I don't think there's much they can do and I don't think there's any need either, the game has run its long course.

Seeing as this is an eight year old game, it is very active. I dunno how you can call it dead. It's Sup Forums making shit up as usual.

>Still more concurrent than Overwatch
Most of them just idling for hats

>Compare mmo with fps

it might be easy to port from older to newer API but it pretty much would have to be done.

there is SO much money wrapped up. if people lost it they'd be furious.

>not mmo

Yeah seriously. Like, ten years? That's nothing to be ashamed about for an online FPS.

They took out idling a long time ago.

I think if they wanted valve could pull some shit to not port the hats but still make their most loyal autists stick to tf3
Valve in general are very good at keeping their autists satisfied or addicted just enough to keep playing the game. Just look at dota

They COULD but they'd lose a ton of their core TF2 playerbase, and those players would be vocal over the "betrayal" as all their theoretical money went up in smoke.

You can still idle, they just patched text-mode idling
You need to accept every drop but all you need to do is tab in every 30 minutes

Fuck I sound like an autist for remembering that shit when I used to obsessively play TF2

So nothing changed from 2012?

>Only attractive chick in the game is the blonde with the rapiers
>Most attractive character in general is a bird hick
Who was the character designer?