''Assasins'' Creed

>''Assasins'' Creed
>hurr gonna yolo jump him right in front of everyone I'm so le stealthy because muh knife is small xDD
>I will wear hood like a shady guy no one will expect anything :DD
>meanwhile 47
>actual non suspicious disguises
>unless the player is a scrub who mistook Hitman for Halo he makes it look like an accident

how can other assasins even compete?

Other urls found in this thread:


>post yfw new Hitman game is Absolution 2.0

He'd probably be a better assassin if he was a little bit shorter and had some hair.

Because he still looks pretty conspicuous as he is.

>tall and bald people are assasins

>6 foot

That's his official height? I could swear he's at least 190cm. Why is everyone in american games a manlet?

That's the description the npcs gives out in Hitman 2016. "He's about 6 foot tall, bald."
According to the wiki he's 55 years old. Looks fucking

He has no hair because hair can be picked up from crime scenes and dna tested. It makes sense why he is bald.

The only suspicious thing about him imo is his barcode tattoo otherwise he looks like a literal generic bodyguard

>55 years old and still scaling and hanging from ledges indefinitely

People like going on about non accident kills= being shit at the game but god damn is it fun going full terminator mode killing anyone that gets between me and the target while still retaining some semblance of stealth

yeah, hiding all the bodies gets out of hand once you find a screwdriver

>I love playing COD on easy and my second favourite game is Minecraft: the post

You forget he's genetically altered. Did you even play Absolution or Blood Money?

I played Codename 47, yes. I don't think he's supposed to be superhuman though, just at the absolute peak the human body can achieve in every way.

There's a new Elusive Target out today, in case you didn't know.

It's fucking hard.

>hanging off ledges
He's literally peak at best broe


>47 ages as seen in C:47
>has a childhood state and teenage years
What happens if the game reaches a (hopeful) 30th anniversary?

The assassin's hood worked for the first few historical periods though

I don't remember BM looking like such bm

how's that elusive target treatin' you, m80s?

Horribly. Ended up barely escaping after accidentally poisoning the other priest and saying "fuck it" and throwing some scissors into the target. I only got like 55,000 points, but it's done, at least.

i never actually tried, but can you finish a level while being 'hunted' or in combat, or is it like Absolution where you need to everything to be calm before you can leave?

>tfw poorfag
>waiting on summer sale for any hope of discounts
>forever cucked out of elusive targets

It definitely isn't that, but it ain't perfect to say the least

As long as the objectives are completed, you can escape, even if you're literally getting shot in the back.

get the intro pack and then you can pirate the rest of the missions. online and errything.

killed 2 extra people dropping the bell, not pleased no SA.
Also got very pissed at this bug if you subdue a guard in the sewers he will drown for no reason 50% of the time.

Pretty fucking hard but managed to SA in the end. Somehow got his 2-3 guards stuck when I tried to lure them in the mourge. The ? above the head never disappeared and he just stood there. So eventually the target walked downstairs and I just snapped his neck.

The Hitman games are made in Denmark.


>I tried to meme without actually playing the game or at least watching gameplay
Doesn't even count as an attempt, you're not even getting this (you)

that's not how youtube links are formatted

best way to get bodyguards away from the target is leave a weapon laying around their path. they pick it up and go put it wherever, leaving the target alone.

Hitman is not basketball player.

Because he age slower than humans.

>non suspicious

>He has no hair because hair can be picked up from crime scenes and dna tested. It makes sense why he is bald.
hit me like a brick there user, I never realized that

gonna try the new Evasive Target. Starting in the harbour and picking up the sniper in the sewers and take it from there.

>in the sewers
haha, good luck

>dna tested
That shit only works if you are registered in a system. 47 was made in a lab and never done any registations. Thus a simple DNA scan would end up blank. They will only be able to confirm it's the same guy who commits the hits but no face or name would show up since they have nothing to go on.

>other people have fun in a way that confuses and upsets me

>They will only be able to confirm it's the same who commits the hits
Which is something The Agency doesn't want to happen

>'In other news, the hitman who's DNA has been found at over a dozen hits now strikes again!'
You can see how this might a bit of a fucking problem, right?

>caring how other people play an open ended game

I died..

hahahhahahahhaha you stupid faggot
The second you started getting shot you should have restarted.

I tried to kill him with the bell. It ended up falling on my head.
10/10 execution


So this is the 2nd elsuive (3rd in general) target in 10 days or so, right? Does it mean we will have them often?

saw this in the comments for the blood money soundtrack on youtube
what the fuck is he trying to say?

we can only hope. I want a dark suit with gloves.

It looks so sweet in Absolution.



reminded me of peter molyneux

Here's a tip for you OP.

Type Ass twice, then in for the correct spelling.

Ass ass in


>this giant fucking albino with a barcode tattoo on his bald head for everyone to see is inconspicuous
Really my only complaint for a supposed master of stealth

Why does everyone say that? He's 6 feet tall. How fucking short are you that you think 6 feet tall is giant? Also, he's not albino, just white. Let me guess, you're some kind of shitskin who sees an average height white man and thinks that's out of place because you live in some 3rd world hellhole.

Danes are subhuman as well.


yolo jumping the target in front of a large crowd is the assassins' point, that they can do it and get away with it
agent 47 is just a big pussy because if he's not a coward who slinks in the shadows, he gets shot in the gut like the bitch he is in Contracts

>yolo jumping
Guess how I know you're 14 years old.

just quoting the OP you imbecile

>underage butthurt about being called out


>samefag assblasted that I BTFO'd their precious bald rat man so they ignore the actual argument presented because I made fun of OP's underage lingo



I always play every possible variation.
Sometimes accidents only, sometimes bombs only, sometimes I go full terminator while still stealthing around.

But my favorite playthrough is:
>suit only
>not being seen
>piano man
>only kill targets
>no evidence
>doing this as fast as possible

Did that in the Chinatown level with Wade's men, most fun thing I've done in a while

47 must live in a world of manlets then, I didn't know I was taller than him

I didn't say 6 foot was tall

everyone in Blood Money is either balding or has prominent widow's peak, so maybe

There are many NPC's that are taller than 47.

youtu.be/lfFSXkE2aRo?t=11m45s 11:45

>damage control

I just sniped him from the church tower

So what is Providence? Was it the rival agency in the first couple games? It's been too long since I've played them all.

No, that's The Franchise, which as you said is a rival assassination agency. Providence seems to be more of an Illuminati type organization that would hire the services of the ICA/The Franchise

How did you get the sniper up there?

dress up as a guard and no one will give a shit

I don't give a shit about SA ranking and stuff like that so I just stashed the sniper rifle in the sewers, dressed up as a bodyguard, got rifle and took sewers to tower and waited

But how did you get a guard by himself? They all moved to the church/sewers and stand around in groups. I don't even know why I'm asking; I already (poorly) completed the contract.

There's a door down to the sewers next to the restrooms next to the church that you can take where there's a lonely bodyguard standing at the first sewer crossroads.

Agent 47 is a superhuman

So is this a "true" Hitman game in the vein of Blood Money or is it just Absolution 2.0? There were brief moments in Absolution where it actually felt like a great next-gen Hitman game (Chinatown, the small town Hope level with three targets) but the rest was pure garbage. Where does this one fall? Also, when will all the episodes be released? Is there a loose story connecting them or are they just random hits? Do you get to choose your equipment before each level?

Fug, lads, I'm excited against my better judgement.

>tfw 3rd worlder
>tfw I play Hitman BM a lot when internet suddenly disconnects
>can't do the same for new hitman

I know I'm gonna sound like a shill but fuck it. I enjoy this Hitman even more than BM. It feels like an improvement in (almost) every way.

>So is this a "true" Hitman game in the vein of Blood Money or is it just Absolution 2.0?
It's a return to form after the shitshow that was Absolution.
>Also, when will all the episodes be released?
Probably around Christmas
>Is there a loose story connecting them or are they just random hits?
There's a story.
>Do you get to choose your equipment before each level?
You get to pick one gun, two other items, a starting location, an outfit, and a weapon cache location. Some of the locations are small, so you can only put things like remote mines, lockpicks, poisons, etc, and some are large and allow you to put any gun or other item in them for retrieval during the mission.

How was the most recent level? Initial impression for most people made it seem like the worst one so far.
Part of the reason why I'm probably gonna end up for all the levels to be released before buying.

Marrakesh is more similar to SA than BM, so take that as you will

Also, kek


Spurdo makes me feel some kinda way

spurdos the best

wrong pic

Daily reminder that there is no single video game character than can survive a murder attempt by 47 no matter how powerful they are. He will find a way to attack them whey they least expect it no matter what.

What about Kratos?

crushed to death by a stuffed moose