ITT: Games only you liked

ITT: Games only you liked

Other urls found in this thread:

Zelda 2



Link's awakening



Sorry, I thought these were great

I liked Skyward Sword, it was like a 6.5/10. It just wasn't nearly as good as any of the other mainline Zelda titles. Too much handholding, too much rehashing of past areas, no sense of the world as a concrete place with flavor and character like in past entries. Gorgeous visuals and god-tier boss fights though.


I liked this too

>ss apologists

I thought the next zelda game had to be out before the cycle started

Skyward Sword is my favorite Zelda game though


Blame the delays.


>a lot of people say phantom hourglass is better

It was a nice way to burn twenty hours. The multiplayer was a steaming turd though.

>The multiplayer was a steaming turd though.
hey fuck you faggot that boat game was the fucking shit

that final boss theme was amazing


Ghost waifu zelda a best

I understand why people were disappointed that you were bound to a set of tracks (it would have been nice to draw your own path) but it was still good. I enjoyed the dungeon design; new items were decent; music was great

It was a poor man's Mario party, don't kid yourself.

Skyward Sword was my favorite Zelda game. You're not alone.

I've been defending SS since day 1. Too much hand holding but there was nothing wrong with the controls except for swimming. The areas are fun and it has the best art style out of 3D Zeldas.

>Ghost zelda waifu
>not glorious Phantom Zelda waifu

it was the last zelda game to use music as a mechanic. I really hope they bring this back in ZU

I am more than okay with that.

Even though the game does have it's faults it has the the second part of Lanayru Desert (muisc, timestones, robot pirate ship dunegeon) and Girahim which is probably one of my favorite villains, even has a little throwback to Agahim.


Gotta admit, this game definitely has an interesting playstyle to it.

Great game
People love this game
Underrated for a sonic game but not good
Good, not great

These are absolute dogshit and your opinion is bad

my favorite mega man is mega man 5. mega man "fans" will say either 1, 2, or maybe 3 are best and will basically not recognize anything beyond 4.
Despite 1 being fairly shitty when looked back on and 3 being sort of unfinished I wish 5 got more love, then we'd get more Protoman castle's theme arranges.

>walk in the park
>easy like sunday morning


Ghirahim is great as an experiment in things other than Ganon. Yuga seems like a good compromise between the two, I'm really glad they're trying to branch out more.

I enjoyed this much more than a link between casualized 5min dungeons.

ITT: Bait that only you respond to. If these aren't your top 3 Zelda games then you're a fag.