>Yo! WE are the new and improved diverse face of Hackers everywhere, Fighting together to bring the 1% down and commit the biggest Hack in world history! Epic!
UGHHHHHH..... Really Ubisoft? First they make a assassins creed game where Carl Marxist was a good guy trying to take down the ''evil'' capitalist countries. Now this?
Yo! WE are the new and improved diverse face of Hackers everywhere...
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What the hell is that scooter segway thing in the back?
>That aliasing on the studs on his jacket
Christ the game is ugly already
Fucking dropped.
Niggerbot 420
>ubisoft is pandering it's absolute damnest to keep from falling into bankruptcy.
Feels good to see that shitty company finally bite it.
>MC and his woman modeled after BLM spokespeople.
When will this cancer end?
If anything, the protag is just over designed. Too much shit going on.
Also, why have all games had this exact same graphical style going on lately? Some areas in WD2 look like they're ripped out of Fallout 4.
Token handicapped guy
What's the fucking point of the paint spray?
How is graffiti going to help them hack? Does Ubisoft even know what hacking is?
>hack of the history
its just sunset overdogs
what's with the "cool hacker" thing that keeps coming back in popular media?
i know few dudes that are very into coding, sometimes hacking and sure as hell they don't look like kanye west.
I'm pretty fucking sexy and I code.
But I'm a manlett at 5'10
If you're actually hoping ubisoft will go under, you'll be disappointed. They've been expanding like mad and are only going to be producing more and more in the coming years. They've been hiring like crazy here in Canada.
Got to give it to them, when it comes to being out of touch and showing that you're obviously a collection of suits with no fucking idea what's going on, Ubisoft really manage to be number one in the field of vidya retardation. I can almost see that they just did a quick google search for "anarchists" followed by "hot topic" and that was that, game style achieved.
Full fucking kek.
The most realistic "best hack ever" game would be something like Papers Please. Just a simple point and click that involves lots of reading.
They are rebels, dude. Of course graffiti is in there.
but why do they feel the need to do romanticize hacking?
Can't wait for it to come out! Already pre-ordered for me and all my LGBWTFBBQ friends!
What's with this new trend of making everyone early 2000's tier edgy?
This is too good
because otherwise the game wouldn't work? this is a AAA open world action game, they NEED to romanticize it
Wew lad.
The first watchdogs was fucking abysmal.....how on earth did a sequel get greenlit.
What world am I living in?
Also whoever did that concept art needs to be slowly killed, god damn that is terrible.
Jet Sket Radio western reboot.jpg
Thread's over, everybody go home.
I guess the sales and pre-sales were good. Don't forget the power of hype.
How is it even possible that Ubisoft could be so out of touch as to make a game about l33t haxx0r anarchists who fight the man and then escape with radical parkour stunts WITHOUT doing it ironically as a send-up of early 90's hacker depictions in media?
I feel like there's real potential for a kitschy comedy full of ridiculous 90's high tech tropes here, but instead they're playing it straight. Did they expect any other reaction besides ridicule?
>a assassins
How come when people want diversity, they just put a nigger as the MC and everything is sorted out?
Asians, Arabs, Hispanics get almost no representation, are they just "too white" to matter?
Watch dogs 1 was like the 10th best sold game on PS4, I dont know why you think they are in any way "biting it".
''Diversity'' is code word for Pro-Black now. Asians don't even count as diverse anymore for some reason.
Hispanics get counted as white unless black, Arabs even get counted as white sometimes.
Don't care about the skin colour.
It's just that i know he will be Aiden tier garbage again so i might aswell meme it up.
Because it doesn't really matter. Only a tiny portion of the population "wants diversity" and it's not like they even buy games. So companies just put a black dude in, nobody really cares (except Sup Forums apparently) and they make the same game while having something to point to when SJWs beg for diversity.
I'd play it if I could be a hispanic hacking all the cars into low riders.
i like how the nigger is the one carrying a pistol in his hand seems like the only one willing to directly create violene
>black people
diversity just means shoehorning niggers and pretending their average IQ isnt 65-85. its basically social justice by another name.
We want the saints row audience, to bad it doesn't have one
Nigger, this is the perfect example of old people in suits that are in control of the company. It's what they think is hip and cool, they want to appeal to the young ones. The youth culture.
They are out of touch obviously, but it gets through. Investors and shit liked it, it seems.
now there's a meme that brings me back
Tell that to my father and brother, faggotron
Look at the free publicity man. They could hire an army of shills and they couldn't do a better job than Sup Forums is doing for them. Having a black protagonist is just a solid business decision at this point.
I'm glad they are dropping the "realistic setting" and going for a fantasy approach - Dragons, Magic, Niggers writing code - i like that far out stuff.
its a classic, good times
but Marx sensei was the good guy
This is the cringiest try-hard shit I've ever seen. It's causing me physical pain
I think it needs a little more aliasing.
Someone bring this to Sup Forums
Goddamn, Ubisoft is always good for a laugh. What would we do without them? Jesus, I love it. Keep it fucking coming, looking forward to the marketing and Sup Forums reactions.
Medium kek.
its a christian youth counseling group that does school presentations
Someone needs to edit "Featuring Dante from the Devil may cry series" onto that.
Stay mad Sup Forums
It's reality, corporations like Walmart feed off of the poor to earn money and use disgusting tactics
Watchdogs 1 looks like shit, but this looks bad ass.
or perhaps...
Can you actually go any lower than this?
I've asked myself that very question multiple times with modern Ubisoft.
They always surpassed themselves. They will find a way. Ubisoft is a really bizarre company.
the girl is actually trans
>Protag is a criminal hacker, hacking into peoples personal life, able to steal money, make others crash their cars and become paralyzed or dead. mercilessly slays people for personal gain and tries to overthrow the government and several respected companies with sheer force, cheap tricks and shady tactics.
>We want the Linkin park audience
nice try ubishill, clever smokescreen by insulting one of your flopped products
Despite having looked at that picture in stunned disgust multiple times, I only just noticed the MC has Ayden's fox logo on his bandana.
Think there will be a direct relation between the two characters?
I'm neither buying nor pirating this shitshow, but I'll be happy if I hear you kill Ayden in this game. Fuck that unlikable cunt
>Muslim main character
>Short shorts
Ayy lmao
No, Marcus (The black protag) Is Aidens Wifes son.
Why do they have people who don't look smart enough to parade around this technology?
In real life, people dressed like that would just be hoodlums whose tech savvyness would be limited to taking selfies.
one of the issues i find with this and mirrors edge 2, and the first watchdogs as well, it takes itself so fucking seriously, it's BORING
there is no levity to it, being reminded of memes and pop culture references is not humorous or uplifting
there is no "FUN" to it, it's played completely straight, like this is all they understand about the subject matter
It speaks volumes that the Negromancer is the most playable out of the four. Lefty has like, fucking 8 dimensions of edge, and not the ironically funny edge either.
You have the """"Muslim""" girl who is committing heresy with her getup. (Pretty sure images of death and suggestive clothing are forbidden to be worn by women.)
Then you have Wonderbread on the right who looks to be wearing a minecraft hoodie or something and is far too cool and refined to fucking look at the camera in a group photo.
It's very odd. Black people make up about 3% of the UK's population (much less than Asians), yet TV shows (especially from the BBC) are absolutely full of nogs.
If I had to guess why, it's because Asian parents want their kids to get real jobs, whereas black folk just wander the streets of London until a Jewish producer grabs them and promises to make them famous.
Someone post >pol_plays_watch_dogs.webm please
post the pic of the guy saying white people made computers too complex on purpose
that image really makes me think
>epic fail
lol rofl
have you even watched the reveal trailer? or anything? even this picture tells you that it's the exact opposite, look at how fucking silly it looks.
I actually liked the song
>Black people make up about 3% of the UK's population
Because London is only 41% white
It is a 35 year old out of touch dude's idea of "silly"
The nigger actually goes into battle with armed individuals using 3D printed guns and a billiard ball attached to a rope.
Either it's very unserious, or it's just sad.
Very sad.
Is it supposed to be some kinda late april fool's day joke? Like what? How is that real? You can't be so out of touch to do this. There is no way. I don't believe it. No.
>videogames aren't realistic
I don't mind the group being diverse. I do mind looking like the cast was drawn up by a marketing team ran by middle aged people. The cast is trying too hard to come across as cool and I bet their personalities are much worse.
what you're feeling now is the same thing sjws feel when they see one of your low-rent fanservice jrpgs: directly pandering to an audience that isn't them in a transparent ploy for financial gain
if you want to have yours, let them have theirs
>Fighting together to bring the 1% down and commit the biggest Hack in world history! Epic!
It's "execute the biggest hack of the history", get it right