Bloodborne 2 when?

Bloodborne 2 when?

Seriously if they don't make a fucking sequel to this game I'm gonna have to take a Miyazaki family member hostage or something.

You don't want a sequel

You might want a prequel though

Never. Miyazaki said on a interview that he won't make it. Same thing for Dark Souls, there was nothing to continue, the story ended, and thats it, so what ds2 did? invented bullshit cycles and fucked everything in all aspects forever until ds3 was released and miyazaki put an end to this madness that was this eternal bullshit from ds2

this would be good.

Miyazaki doesn't own the game, Sony has the rights to it.

Which means there will never be a blunderborne 2.

No sequel pls. Bloodborne was a step in the right direction for anthology souls-like games. I want to see new stories, new lands, and new concepts with each game instead of adding more to ones we're already seen.
We've seen medieval gothic fantasy and Victorian/Lovecraftian horror. Gimmie some scifi. Gimmie some viking mythology where you can fight the gods and giant monsters. I want something new, not more of the same.

>Gimmie some scifi
fuck that man. sci fi souls would be lame as shit.

i appreciate your other point that they should keep doing new souls-likes instead of just rehashing DaS, but I still really want a fucking bloodborne 2 or a prequel to it. I just REALLY want to go back to this world at least once more. 1 Bloodborne is nowhere near enough.

Miyazaki is done with Souls and Souls-like games. He said it himself. He's working on something else now, hopefully it'll be announced at E3.

I'm still waiting for more des and it will never happen, even worst, 2 of 4 levels of the archstone were almost ready, and we will never play it.
>you will never play when the first scourge of demons appeared in boletaria, or in a possible 3rd scourge

I don't want Bloodborne 2.

These type of games don't lend themselves to direct sequels, adding new stuff the lore just ruins the mystery and creates contrived excuses for reused assets.

Spiritual successors are the way to go, can tweak the gameplay without the fanbase getting upset (see Dark Souls 3) and get to make the most interesting bits of lore: the world building and history of everything instead of adding more stuff on top of it.

Instead of Bloodborne 2, Demon Souls 2 or Dark Souls 4 we could have:
> Space Souls (Starborne anyone?)
> Pirate Souls
> Mayan Souls
> Western (Cowboy) Souls

And so many other ideas.

No sequel. A high resolution, solid 60fps remaster with fixed Chalices, gems, PvP connectivity and a few new areas and bosses.

Don't even bother with Miyazaki, just get glorious Japan Studio to do it.

>wanting souls in the titles
thats autism, why use souls as currency in a game about cowboys or space?

Bloodborne: Rise of Ludwig pls

The would be souls like games. Not necessarily involving souls.

Also not that user but I'm pretty sure he intended those as place holder names.

Hopefully never
Das2 and Das3 were huge wastes of time. Let FromSoft move to other things.
BB is the best souls game, no need for a sequel to detract from that in any way.

Does Sup Forums already hate DaS III?

I think it's great, but whatever.

If location is different, I would love Bloodborne 2.

it isn't bad, just average after bloodborne

Yeah, "souls" is basically a genre, they'd come up with a better name, those ideas are basically settings to put the souls formula onto.

It's not a bad game at all, on paper I would rank it over DaS1. But unfortunately it doesn't exist in a vacuum, while playing it I couldn't stop comparing certain elements/areas to other games, I couldn't ignore all the eye-rolling fanservice/pandering/throwbacks, and it was released after Bloodborne which was a refreshing game, so I couldn't help but feel disappointed.

It's the 3rd time they do the same universe, it gives you zero surprises or twists, it's a safe and expected sequel. So even though I hate DaS's second half, I still prefer it over DaS3 which was "better" but very unmemorable.

I'd much rather have fromSoft do something "shittier" but new, than riding on DaS1's horse (or BB's horse in this case) once again.

The best souls games (BB,DaS,DeS) are oneshots while the weakest (DaS3>DaS2) have been sequels; I'd rather have a new game with a new setting and fresh use of the systems famm.

A bunch of people who milked the souls series to fucking death, don't like 5th game in it's vain, and think it's too easy.

No fucking shit.

Never take Sup Forumss opinion on any later souls game, or any series popular with Sup Forums with multiple sequels. Somehow these children can't see the logic that they've just outplayed the games to death and it's harder for them be surprised, and impossible for them to feel the same magic of playing the games for the first time.

You retards want to relieve your first time playing a souls game after playing them all a million fucking times. Braindead miserable fucks.

The series is at the point where the fans will hate it no matter what, as with any other game, because...

If they change too much, it's bad because it's not the same anymore.

If they change too little, it's bad because it's the same shit again.

Fuck you, why would anyone pander to you fags.

To people who have lives and didn't play and talk about dark souls 24/7, DS3 is a damn good game. Very polished and refreshing experience and the DLC isn't even out yet.

>Which means there will never be a blunderborne 2.
What implies that you dolt? All Sony has to do is pay the man for another game, and unless miyazaki doesn't want to himself, then we'll get bloodborne 2.

I guarantee you Sony would love another BB.

If it fails to entertain people who have played the previous games then that's a failure on DS3's part.

tho i play mostly souls and i thought ds3 had the best base game by far. hype for dlc

Playing through the games in release order and you're bound to place DkS2/DkS3 low because they're so uninteresting.

DkS3 is great in some ways, but I couldn't even bother to finish it despite getting all the way to NK.

A prequel would be good.

The problem with souls games is that the lore is fuck all impossible to easily learn.

Except DaS3 didn't put an end to it. It just continued the cycles for ever more.

>You retards want to relieve your first time playing a souls game after playing them all a million fucking times. Braindead miserable fucks.

Friend listen you seem bitter, Bloodborne gave me this feeling, new lore and a mutation of the established mechanics of the series scratched that itch.

It's revising the same lore and mechanics that stagnated the series, Miyazaki knows it.

I don't want another ds2.

Not at all, because the game couldn't really have failed to entertain. That's never been the complaint, the complaint is that to most of the veterans of the souls game, it was underwhelming.

Anyone who didn't fucking milk the series however, thought it was fantastic and the perfect finisher to the series, and they anxiously await the DLC.

I've played all the games before DS3 as well, however I genuinely love the series for everything it is, and I also didn't fry my brain with the game. So no matter what everything felt new and refreshing.

I felt DS3 was much easier, however I acknowledge it's because of all of my experiences with the previous games, i already knew what to expect and how to explore.

Seriously. If you wanna enjoy a series, enjoy it for what it is and stop making it a god damn obsession, you people suck the fucking life out of the things you enjoy (a product of a miserable escapist life).

Like I said, thank fucking lord you guys are not pandered to, thank god even more that none of you have influence in game development. You people sometimes do not know how to think outside a box of entitlement.
Played the games in this order.

Because I didn't let you guys fill my mind with your filth, I enjoyed the shit out of DS2 and I could admit it's flaws. I loved each game, even DS3 after literally just finishing DS1. I didn't let past attachment cloud my enjoyment.
>Friend listen you seem bitter, Bloodborne gave me this feeling, new lore and a mutation of the established mechanics of the series scratched that itch.
>It's revising the same lore and mechanics that stagnated the series, Miyazaki knows it.
I agree, though i love souls world better than BB. DS3 would be a magnum opus to you if you guys weren't already tired of it. And you wouldn't be, if you had a more active life that could let you appreciate shit without everything being some obsession, forcing an impossible standard.

I agree with you, but next time don't use a paragraph per sentence please

We already had what was basicly a prequel and sequel mashed together.

Give me a monster hunter style spin off


what era, the ptumerian, burgenworth or healing church?

I would like pirates

the squids and guns in BB makes me think of pirates

so ghost ship hoonting would be mighty cool

He's probably posting on mobile, where it looks like proper paragraph sizes.

Sorry, it looked like I was writing walls of text on my screen.

I don't get how a Bloodborne 2 would be considered a rehash.

I would see it like what Dark Souls 1 was to Demon Souls. The reason Dark Souls 3 feels to samey is because we've essentially had 4~ games in what was already an exhausted setting (medieval high/dark fantasy).

How many Lovecraftian/victorian England games do we have that are even remotely similar to Bloodborne?

I want a Bloodborne 2 and i'm confident that it wouldn't feel even remotely like a "rehash".

Western-Souls with gun focused gameplay, hunting for a cursed treasure. Yay or Nay?

Don't want a sequel. I'm sick of Souls games after DS3.

dis nigga mad at the internet lol

>gun focused

Would there be lockon and free aim without a monocle

Hopefully never

The sequels we've seen for these series are soulless cash grabs

but user, they're all about souls

This whole board is mad nigga.
Half of the niggas in this thread are straight frustrated, at their lives, and take it out on a video game.

At least I can enjoy my vidya.

If you're so sure in your feelings why do you have to post a short story? Seems to me like you're just rationalizing everything to yourself

Calm down, sony are going to milk that game for all it's got, there's 100% going to be a sequel

> Souls-style level design and combat on land, mixed with AC: Blag Flag style sailing to get between islands.
> Variety of swords/other melee weapons and guns appriate for that time period, with a few slightly more exciting ones
> fast paced pirate combat
> add in rope swing mechanics
> Steal the plot from Pirates of the Carabian, stolen Aztek gold that curses you with immortality until it's all returned (each boss could have 1 coin, and all be a former crew member who has gone mad, transformed into a monster or doesn't want to give up his immortality, not sure how that would work....)
> The more you die the more you look like skeleton, but it happens in stages not a sudden change
> Enemies mix of humans (ripoff-British Empire and rival pirates), wild life and mystical ocean related creatures (mermaids, crustation men other aquatic abominations)

Mayan/Aztec souls would be great. The setting already fits, what with the horrifying gods and all that human sacrificing and shit going around.

>I don't get how a Bloodborne 2 would be considered a rehash.
Well the question is what could they do to keep it fresh, so it's not just a Bloodborne 1.5. The setting is kind of limited in that regard, we already know the secret of the Blood and the Great Ones so they can't do that again, but then what's left? An off-shot of the healing church doing stupid ayy lmao shit again?


i would rather a new hand holding, cinematic experience rpg named souless at the moment.

or a new armored core, whatever works

Nigga no one forces you to play them.

Bleak Souls.
Modern souls game.
You wake up in an office and have to kill four great business managers. Papercut is a new status to replace bleed.

>pirate fleet steals immortality treasure and all keep a piece to live forever
>terrible things happen to them as centuries pass
>they become a threat to whatever era it is now because they're unkillable and these "ghost ships" are threatening several harbors
>something keeps you from being the level of horror they are, maybe you stayed on land or something
>go on a hunt for the gold to stop them
What would the world be like?
Large landmasses or all small islands

>He wants another Souls game

remember DaS3?

A short story? Jesus christ you pansy, it was a brief rant at best.
You're on a fucking forum, did you want people to just come in here and suck each other off, or just fling shit at each other the whole thread?
I know that's what people do anyway, but come on.

Why not instead of bitching about how much I said, respond to it, if you don't even wanna read it because a few sentences scare you why the hell are you here? Share your experience, tell me what the hell you think if you're not afraid of it being challenged.

It's a video game fucking forum, there's literally no other point to be here unless you're part of the cancer who just wants his daily dose of memes and shitpost cereal.

Yeah, I had fun for like 100 hours.

Calm down nerd it's just a shitty game series

>biggest budget they ever had sold a meager 2.5M
>expect a sequel

ds3 is not as good as the other games(its better in gameplay and graphics) but is nothing like dark souls 2 either

It's an imageboard though

Halfway in DaS3 I just felt like I lost interest in these kind of games. I would like a new game but then at least make it an entirely different setting like how BB did it. Also change the combat mechanics a bit.

This, such a big corporation is going so see the raving reviews and awards, instantly think "gee how much money can I get out of this" and make a sequel, they are probably doing it right now. I mean in their eyes it's free money.

> I would see it like what Dark Souls 1 was to Demon Souls

You mean an entire new world with entire new lore and characters, while still using similar (but including some fundemental differences) gameplay and mechanics?

That's what the "no BB2" people want as well....

Bloodbornes story is done, there's lots of unanswered questions, but that's the point. Adding extra would just confuse things even more, or retroactively make stuff that was cool in Bloodborne lame. The other option is to set it far away from Yharnam and have it only tangibly connected, and to that I say "why not just make something completly new?".

They could make loads of games dealing with Lovecroftian themes and that kind of horror, but I'd rather a new IP each time with its own mythology and rules, instead of tarnishing Bloodbornes.

There's stuff I'm not happy with in Bloodbornes story (whole Pthumuru stuff is botched by being randomly generated dungeons, and Cainhurst is a bit underdeveloped), but I don't think another game could fix it while not simultaneously harming other parts of the story.

Myazaki said it's very important to him for players to take away thier own ideas and interpretations of the story, saying he himself can change his mind about stuff.

That's rendered moot by adding new things to a story. None of his games should have sequels, every new one should be like DeS to DaS or DaS to BB.

Get over it you pansy.

I can also imagine how many PS4s it sold as well, good on sony

Then post images faggot.

you too

I'm sad there will never be a Bloodborne 2 because there is so much to build upon.

Stuff like Beast transformation felt half assed and like stuff had to be cut. Granted the expansion added the kin and beast rune but it feels like there was supposed to be more.

Am I crazy for thinking they originally talked about Blood vials having more nuance? Something about corrupted blood turning you more and more into a beast and pure blood which cured you that could be obtained through invasions?

Maybe if they took some of the themes of the old hunters and just made a full game out of it, but i don't think they have enough inspiration left to make it better or even as good as BB.

They did Bloodborne instead of Demon Souls 2, so who knows what they'll do next? who knows what would have happened if Kaz hadn't written DeS off as a terrible game and almost refused to publish it, series would have been PS exclusive that's for sure

Hopefully Sony doesn't say "make us Bloodborne 2", they instead say "Myazaki, make us an exclusive and we'll put 'From the creators of Bloodborne' on the box".


that was shu not kaz ya dumb cuck

>Anyone who didn't fucking milk the series however, thought it was fantastic and the perfect finisher to the series, and they anxiously await the DLC.
>Citation needed

>Wanting more souls games

Just move on retard it's time to embrace the future of sci fi souls.

I love how easy pcucks make it to let you know how buttsuffered they are

>You mean an entire new world with entire new lore and characters, while still using similar (but including some fundemental differences) gameplay and mechanics?

Dark Souls 3 had the exact changes that Demon Souls > Dark Souls 1 had minus the "entirely new lore" yet it was still considered a rehash.

Anyone who played Demon Souls acknowledges how similar Dark Souls 1 was. Bloodborne could easily have identical changes as to what Dark Souls 1 had relative to Demon Souls.

I hope the new Souls game has a black guy in it

We should all shut the fuck up and play whatever Miyazaki and From make next they're on a pretty good hot streak.

i hope whatever miyazaki's next game is that its gameplay based, and not some turn based traditional rpg shit. i hate that wank.

and fuck I hope he makes something original like demons souls and blows us the fuck away with a new awesome formula we just didnt see coming, the same way demons souls did

Hope, never ever.
I don`t want to see another MUH NOSTALGIA:THE GAME