The last video game you played is being adapted into an anime

The last video game you played is being adapted into an anime.

Does it work? Is it good?

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Senran Kagura already had an anime.
No it does not work.

Witcher 3 would be a pretty solid animu


I dont know how to feel.


>monster hunter
could be ok but they could easily fuck it up

>Dirty Bomb
Mercenary SOL with decent characters
could work

>Might and Magic
Japan has done the goofy fantasy world animu a few times, with varying degrees of success. Guess it would depend on the studio.

Given the popularity of Monhun in Japan I'm surprised they haven't done it yet

help me, weeaboo fags

>New Vegas
Could easily work I think.
>Divided into 2 seasons
>First season has the Courier following Benny's trail and gathering companions
>They all travel in one big group instead of one at a time
>Episode titles are quest names
>First seasons with the Courier confronting Benny at the Tops
>Second season goes into the war and the Courier picking a side
>The DLCs are movies

Cute girl terrorists doing cute terrorist things

You know what? This could actually work pretty well.

I guess you could create something out of Dota 2's universe.

>Metal Gear Rising
Fucking cool!



So basically, anime with more fanservice than SK? I'm ok with this.

>rainbow six siege
Unless they make it some hardcore operatin' it would just be some moeshit with girl adaptations.

Professor Layton and the Diabolical Box

pic related.

>Hyrule Warriors Legends
it could work

>dead rising 1
Make it just cromartie high with zombies and I'm down

>System shock 2

It might be great, something like Ghost in the shell

those chink fagots better do better than the rock

Okami. Pretty cool if done with good animation.

>Age of Empires 2

secret of monkey island

sure I'm sure it can
btw the remake is awesome and the way you can seamlessly switch from the OG visuals to the remake is neat to see how they changed things
that was such a cool feature

>TimeSplitters: Future Perfect
It would make a good sci-fi comedy ecchi.

7th Dragon, oh fuck yeah I can't wait.

Zone of the enders 2

Actually had an anime but I have no idea if it's good or not. I'm leaning on the later.

Fortune Street

>The price of District E's stock... has been changed.

>Dawn of War
I could see it working.

>monster hunter

It's basically already anime.

fallout new vegas.
I guess it could work... sort off

>Wipeout HD
I don't even know.

Japs don't know how to make good post-apocalyptic anime.

>Dammit! DAMMIT! That bastard, he... bought my cheapest property and he... he refuses to trade it back to me!

>Red Orchestra 2

Either it becomes a 2edgy4u anime with plenty of gore and blood or everyone turns into a loli.

Monster hunter X

Nice, crossover monhun cities!

>Rocket League

Enemy team's douchebag: HAH! All I have to do is score this aerial and we'll win Overtime!
MC: M- My team is believing in me! I have to fly!
*cue anime music*
Aerial goal for the win.

Company of heroes 2

MH doens't really have a story you can follow.
I guess the new RPG could be way easier to adapt.

Everything goes well with lolis.

>FE Fates.

I still wonder why they didn't made a animu of awakening and fates. That shit could print money like nothing.

I'm not sure how well it would work, but I'd like to see it.

Would watch.


Not sure this would work?

Last game I played too
>Turns into a chibi spin off

fair enough

>Angry Video Game Nerd 2

Yes. Yes it does.

Because people would only want to see THEIR pairings, so the anime would have to either make certain pairings and alienate everyone who did differently, or avoid pairings and skip over all the child units.



Yeah, somebody had to say it.

>ace of spades
Fuckin wat

throw some eurobeat in there and I'm sold

Well, BnL would work. Kinda, it has charactes at least.

league of legends

I dont know why it hasnt been done yet

>Payday 2

Please no.


Crusader kings 2

Would be a solid hbo series but not a good anime

Easy peasy

>Mount&Blade Warband

>Battlefleet Gothic Armada
This would be hilarious

It'd be like Game of Thrones the anime minus all of the high fantasy elements.

I guess Undertale could make a decent anime. It would basically be FLCL meets Adventure Time. It would sell, but wouldn't be for me.


I guess BRDY can make for some anime-tier battles. Those that are in favor of full sized battleships explosively teleporting into their enemy's face and unloading a disgusting amount of firepower on them please say "AYE"


>in the next episode, his royal majesty King Harlaus summons all of the Swadian nobles for a great feast in his halls

the plot and dialogue is already laid out for them they just need to do the art


gas the drones and kill the tchort (in 3 turns, didn't release Exitus-1 mutagen or lose any hp)
would really be interesting episodes

>Artificial Academy 2

Well, what can I say?

>all the things that have to be animated in order to have a good-looking animated space battle
Jesus, I most be looking at months and months of cumulative work over the space of a few seconds.

What's the source?

relates to this

don't know
I got it from Sup Forums

Oh Jesus, I hope not. This is terrible.

But it already exist

>Final line of intro song is "I NEEDU MYU PAYUDAY TUU" as the logo fades in

made by the same guy

I think it's this, or at least it was made by the same guy.


>Crusading smells amazing
>You have to deal with Saracens
Choose one

>Dying light

Does anyone have the Play of the game version of this webm?

Have you ever smelt Saracen blood after a fight? Smells like victory

>requires a willing partner

It smells like goatfucker and weird spices


>Final Fantasy VI
I'd watch it and probably enjoy it a lot.

>The Binding of Isaac
Eh....I'd watch it.

>Dark Souls 3
Fuck. I was hoping for something good from one of these threads for once.

Okay, lets try make it sound good anyway.
>Silent Protagonist, it's implied the protagonist is a rank and file soldier from the old world that was ressurected as an undead soldier to bring about the Age of Fire (fuck Dark Souls 3 Lore, it's shit, lets go full time travel)
>Story is told through other characters and information in the world
>Anime is done in the same sense of Valhalla Rising (Pic related)
>Ultra-Violent, and Protagonist has someone that talks to him or for him regularly
>too deep for you

Fallout New Vegas. It could probably work

>Path of Exile
>A story of 6 Adventurers traveling across the forsaken continent of Wraeclast after their ship is destroyed out at sea
>Features bits of them learning their way about, learning about "gear socketing," seeing the Passive 'tree,' etc. as they learn their way around
>First few episodes are Act 1 culminating in the Merveil fight at like Ep. 3 or 4
>Act 2 spans another 4 episodes each one ending with the defeat/joining of a Bandit Lord, which causes some schisms among the group, since they all have different interests, but put them aside once each has claimed their Apex, 7/8 episode ends with death of the Oversoul
>Next bit is them bumbling about A3, Tolman is halfway through the first episode, ends with finding the Undying Blockage
>Then the buildup to the Gemling Queen
>Then Piety's episode ends on standing before the towering Sceptre of God
>Episode probably 12 by now ends with them killing the High Templar, having saved the Scion and she joins the party
>Features making fun of game mechanics, like them bitching over mediocre loot, death is a literal illusion, Exile, the passive tree, skill gems, etc.
>Season 2 features them going to Act 4 and learning about the hell that the world is falling into, Ep.1 ends on them killing Voll
>Ep. 2 ends with them meeting Dialla in the Mountain
>Ep. 3 features the death of King Kaom
>Ep. 4 is the death of Daresso
>Ep. 5 they kill Piety again, kill the Trio, and after a long, drawn out fight, finish off Malachai
>Ep. 6 is the final bit of the Malachai fight as his body explodes, giving them access to the time warp
>They take it and find themselves confused being back on the beach
>Next episode is a montage of them doing it all again, culminating in them standing before the door of the Lord's Labyrinth in Cruel
>Next ep is them suffering through this and finally Ascending, multiple deaths
>2nd half of S2 is more montage, into maps, and final episode is them killing Atziri
I probably wouldn't watch it.

>EDF 2025

>They're firing upon us, better activate this shield system!
Every fucking show does this retarded shit. Why not activate your shields the SECOND you start fighting?

Hearthstone into an anime ? Did you ever see Yu-Gi-Oh?


Yeah, it already has a bunch of animated shorts.

That robot knew exactly what it was doing.

Power constraint? Possibility of "frequency detection" or similar?

If you can't afford to power your shields an extra few minutes you can't afford those shields

for a serious answer, suppose keeping a shield activated drained resources. now suppose if you threw up your shields and the enemy just pulled back. all that would happen would be you just wasted resources on nothing.

>nothing happens for 11 episodes
>last episode is a ridiculous change of pace
Wouldn't be the first time