So now the dust has well and truly settled is it fair to say The Witcher 3 is greatest game ever made?

So now the dust has well and truly settled is it fair to say The Witcher 3 is greatest game ever made?

I cannot think of any other game with the amount of depth and detail as this.

>inb4 b..but muh combat

>Now that the dust has settled

Wat does this even mean Sup Forums you guys love this phrase.

What are you, new?

Shame on me for wanting good GAMEplay and combat in the GAMEs I play.

I agree,Witcher is pretty much perfect for me.
10/10 Visuals
10/10 Story and Characters and Writing
10/10 Locations and Quests
6/10 Combat,it's nothing perfect but it is workable and does it's job
11/10 Music

>So now the dust has well and truly settled
Kek. The dust has settled over Witcher 3 last year in June. It was flavour of the month shit.

>Being this wrong

Its a great game but best is a stretch.

Na. Morrowind is a better RPG, so its the better game.

It also doesnt pander to children with needless sex or hold your hand like W3 does.

W3 is like Tlou, average fotm game thats overrated by a small but loud minority.

I'm trying to start a NG+ but it keeps saying "game not competed in this save" I've done the main game and both expansion stories

>better RPG

Do you honestly believe that you can role play better in Morrowind than in the witcher games? I could understand if you were saying it was a better game, you may like the combat or the world more, that's perfectly fine, but as a better RPG? That's just plain wrong.

The expansions on their own are better than most games

even side quests are better than most AAA main stories.

>>inb4 b..but muh combat



go read a book faggot

It is the greatest modern singe player game.
A lot of games made more money since cdpr practically donates content for consumers.

Translation: Seeing as we're still constantly shitposting about it...

It's a solid 6/10 without accounting for the DLCs

>Witcher 3

Top kek

>you can't bang the male prostitutes in the brothel
Why doesn't CDPR respect the preference of the players?

Name me a game with as many interesting quests and characters

That's right you can't

>Witcher 3
>Role play

Just like you can role play in GTA V or Super Mario, right?

You're playing Geralt. Geralt isn't a fag

You're a fucking idiot.



just click report on the shitposting meme pictures

Nice argument

It's easier with keyboard and mouse


I just come to these threads to read all the salty replies.


Polacks only good for cheap whores

Videogames not good. Just like Ubisoft.

Daily reminder, Witcherfags are the only ones who shitpost their threads to keep their dead game relevant


>Skyrim builds
How about a stealth archer? Or a stealth archer with magic? Or a stealh archer with two handed weapons?

What game has the best inns and why is it The Witcher?

I piss on CDPR drones. Polacks are the subhumans of Europe, even lower than Russians.

Gothic 1 and 2

Or a hand2hand boxing mage with zero skills in Sneak

Nice try Witchercuck

Just walking around the streets is comfy as fuck

Well at least that's optional.

>shills are actually praising "walking"

Witcher 3 is LITERALLY the Last of Us of 2015

Probably the best RPG of the last decade, but best game ever? nope.

>Shrieker is weak to water
Woah dat attention to details



I don't recognize this Overwatch map

Not even the best """"""""""RPG""""""""""" of the past half decade

How comfy is the first game tho

The combat sucks

Also the whole thing seems like an budget game with a AAA coating

That would be Bloodborne, friend

Pointless to compare every genre anyway. Its about being the best in your niche.

Where is this one?

Yeah part 3 really was the perfect combo of w1 and 2.

It was really made for fans of the first you can tell.

Gotta love the overall story arc


No one plays RPGs for the gameplay.
No one.

RPG's are precisely designed around the idea of removing gameplay. These ARPG hybrids are trying to put gameplay back into the formula, but at best it's a cherry on top.

And honestly, it's not even bad by ARPG standards.



It's probably one of my favourite games.
I really like the combat system, they really make you use every tools and magic you have to fight every battle.
The only people who say the combat sucks are casuals or people who didn't played the game.

Bloodborne sold like 2mil copies didnt it? It's ps4 exclusive so its main purpose was to sell playstations aka its an advertisement.
Thats the greatest single player game past 10 years in your opinions? How?

>No one plays RPGs for the gameplay.

Dialogue options are gameplay that dialogue heavy RPGs focus on, Witcher 3 also fails on this front because you get a grand total of 2~ choices on average that are some form of neutral (be it lawful, chaotic neutral etc) because Geralt by his lore/defintiion is not an outright evil character nor is he allowed to be.

Witcher 3s gameplay is watered down and railroaded on every facet, that's why people criticize its gameplay. Games like Planescape that have atrocious combat make up for it in their EXTENSIVE dialogue. Witcher 3 does not have that.

At least Skyrim has interesting races.

>I really like the combat system, they really make you use every tools and magic you have to fight every battle.

Except they don't because the games easy as fuck.

>The only people who say the combat sucks are casuals or people who didn't played the game.

Nice argument.

The combat sucks because:

>Game is based on what is essentially a spellsword
>One weapon type
>5~ total moves that you can't dyanmically string into a combo (No Fast + Heavy attack dynamic combos)
>ONE offensive Spell (igni)

It's just a complete abortion. Having a combat system this limiting, basic and outright boring in what is essentially a 100+ hour game designed around a professional swordsman is a complete disgrace, not to mention the fact that they had 3 huge games to get it right.

>Sale matter

So Fallout 4 >>>>> Witcher 3 by your own logic I presume?

>Games like Planescape that have atrocious combat make up for it in their EXTENSIVE dialogue.
If you like games like Planescape that Witcher 3 is probably not for you.
It's one of those games where the gameplay's more interesting than the story, I usually skip most of the dialogues in the conversation.

I just prefer that type of RPG. The gameplay is at least 10x better than Witcher 3, plus it has top notch level design and atmosphere. These are the most important aspects of a video game for me and BB is a 10/10 in both in my opinion.

And yes, exclusives are advertisements in a way, I guess? A lot of the highest rated games of all time are exclusives, what are you trying to say exactly?

Skyrim confirmed GOAT RPG.

>Except they don't because the games easy as fuck.
Confirmed for never played the game.
Does it make you feel better to lie on an anime forum?

>m-mah bloodborne
Is this game so forgettable that people have to talk about it in a Witch thread?

>Having a combat system this limiting, basic and outright boring in what is essentially a 100+ hour game designed around a professional swordsman is a complete disgrace, not to mention the fact that they had 3 huge games to get it right.

This. I was so disappointed to find the combat has basically the level of depth and complexity you'd find in the Batman games.

It's a game that excels at what it focuses at. Which is providing a combat orientated experience in what is essentially at its core, a traditional dungeon crawler.

Witcher 3 neither excels at its story (which is frankly generic and the weakest part even compared to its DLCs), nor its combat, nor its dialogue variety nor even its visuals (which GTA V was far more impressive technically speaking).

Its just another run of the mill, cookie cutter AAA open world game filled with the same repetitiveness and bloat that plagues games of that calibre

Nice argument m8

Exclusives on purpose limit their audience, they ignore 2/3 of major platforms to sell hardware.
In my opinion its generally negative when a dev makes a decision so less people to play their game, how can a game most people cant play be superior to multiplats?

Combat is not the strong suit of witcher 3.

>the level of depth and complexity you'd find in the Batman games.
That's funny because the combat in Arkham series has more depth and variety than Bloodborne which some casuals praise so much, it's essentially just X and R1 smashing.

Don't start these threads like this. We've had plenty of good Witcher threads past week but you're only triggering the webm autist, sonyggers and bethesdrones. I just opened this thread to leave this post, I'm not interested in arguing with a bunch of manchildren over nothing.

The fairy tale part of Blood and Wine is literally the GOAT

Confirmed for playing in "JUST THE STORY" mode.
You're really embarrassing yourself now!

muh ebin story and lore

>In my opinion its generally negative when a dev makes a decision so less people to play their game, how can a game most people cant play be superior to multiplats?

By your own admission then some of the widely accepted "best games of all time" lists that include such classics like MGS3, Zelda Ocarina of Time, Super Mario 64, Planescape Torment, Baldur's Gate, Deus Ex etc etc cannot be even acknowledged for such an accolade due to their exclusive nature.

You're speaking complete nonsense

>Witcher 3
>Role play

Still better and more fun than most games.

MGS3 2004
Zelda Ocarina of Time 1998
Super Mario 64 1997
Planescape Torment 1999
Baldur's Gate 1998
Deus Ex 2000

Any more examples from 12-18 years ago, when hardware prices and sales were completely different from today?

>suddenly it d-doesn't count

Just stop

> dev makes a decision
but go shitpost away, not like it matters.