About time already

About time already.

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>Urien wearing clothes
Anything more than a thong is sacrilege.

bixnood muhfugguh

>that Urien

What, that piece of shit game is finally being put out of its misery?

>The SFV Story Expansion is a 3~4 hour experience
>3~4 hour
This was delayed by 4 months just for 3-4 hours worth of content? You can't make this shit up.

Balrog looks mirrored.

Too bad the game is dead.

>Dat Urien
looks fucking cool

That's nice. I guess.

>all characters including Balrog, Urien and Juri will be playable in the story mode

>ryu looks like ryu
it feels so weird after 20 years without him
top right dude looks familiar but i dont remember from where

SP content in fighting games is useless for seasoned players anyways. Don't know why they even bother post-launch when casuals have already jumped ship.

Too little too late.

Casual SF fans don't care anymore, unless Capcom give this game some kind of massive pricecut or adopt the KI model this won't save SFV

his clothes desintegrate when he fights tho

Juri looks cute.
Ibuki looks cute.
Alex finna get somebody booty.
Ryu is doing his staring off into sace thing.
Urien looks like a rapist, but it's okay.
Balrog has super nigga dindunuffin lips.

Why is Evil Ryu here already, what the fuck

>The next related piece of awesome news: all six DLC characters are fully playable in the story mode. That’s right, in addition to Alex, Guile, and Ibuki, that means that Balrog, Urien, and Juri are also playable!



>Juri playable before Evo
>only in single player

Get your shit together Capcom.

Exactly, I don't see why they're wasting resources on this now. They've missed their chance with the casual crowd.

You can't fight your friends with him. This shit don't matter. None a this matters.

I want to fuck that Urien

Capcom works in mysterious ways. At this stage, they should do more to foster the competitive scene since it's those people still playing. Casuals won't jump onboard now. Whereas it is possible to make the game grow competitively like SF4 did. They should make the multiplayer experience better since it's those people who play online who still bother with the game.

>PC Hacks to make them playable anywhere

woah shit

I hope Rogs lips don't look like that in game.
His redesign looks great though

Urien SF3

Is that supposed to be Evil Ryu?


Fuck, I want to punch Ibuki already.

Maybe that's better..then whatever they're trying to do now.

It's about the same length as MKX story mode and there's definately going to be a "super" re-release at some point


Too lazy to save and upload.


Night Time Waterfall looks great.

>The in-game store will be upgraded with the PlayStation Store and Steam real money purchase options as part of the update in late June. At the same time, the free trial period for Alex and Guile will come to an end as we previously had stated.
Alex and Guile now paid dlc again.

You also get to play as the upcoming DLC characters early.

>that Balrog
>that Urien
aww yiss

it'll be modded for PCuck training mode

>that urien design

SFV is dead to me. It's easily one of my biggest regrets in purchasing. Especially after playing KI a month later and having it be lightyears better.

Yeah, in Street Fighter III. All of the characters here are wearing their main costumes, there's no reason to think that this isn't what Urien's default look will be.

I still don't know how they could get people back on their side after that horrible launch

>They're so incompetent they've just given up on the Zenny store
lol, why didn't they just use PSN and Steam's infrastructure from the start?

I'd like some technical improvements (dinput, keyboard remapping, no one-sided lag, etc.) but the new content sounds good at least.

Sitting on modders, goddamn

Who the fuck is AS-D

FF14 managed it
Just needs a rebranding and re-release

Ibuki is cute. CUTE!

>Fully modeled Azam


>Juri with a eyepatch


Are you seriously upset that he's wearing a suit? He'll get his thong soon enough

A re-release is the last thing they can do, they don't want to look greedy and doing the classic capcom SUPER edition.

>he has't gotten the fight money for them and the others yet

>why didn't they just use PSN and Steam's infrastructure from the start?
Crossplay requires you to run your own servers. Capcom probably regrets it by now considering how much headache it has given them with all those connection problems and shit.


More shots by the way.

Generic shadaloo soldier
I think he'll just be a mashup of other characters moves

Wait, I know why. They didn't' want to have to give Sony/Valve 30%

Didn't SE spend a shit load of money doing that though and it took them years to make a profit on the game

It wouldn't be the same as it'd just be the same game but bundled with the season pass or some shit so there's no need to buy the same game again

They can just make the Super update free for existing SFV owners.

The FGC will eat shit up as always.

Why is Ryu in this picture?

>playing SFV after launch
Still, I suck in the game.

Look at his face. That is not the face of a pissed off business man. He's not even blue the true canon colors.

Or they could just permanently drop the price to $20/$30

>The reason I was hopeful for SF5's story mode was because of how I grew up playing Street Fighter. Playing against the CPU, as one character, from start to finish, was a great opportunity to get a basic feel for a character, to feel powerful without playing against a moving goalpost of evolving human capability. It was a fun way to put time into the game that didn't involve other people.

>Street Fighter 5 failed in this regard at launch pretty fundamentally. Characters had three to four fights each in the shipping prologue, which is miserly, but more strangely, each match was just one round long. It was a trifle, more of a tease than a meaningful play experience. It demonstrated a completely different priority for "story mode" than what I, and, judging from some online response, many others were looking for in a single-player mode, seeking instead to build an extremely complicated, interlocking fiction for Street Fighter.

>As in the prologue, fights here are a single round, which, at normal difficulty, could be over in seconds. Literal seconds. The story bookends to these fights can last minutes. For all but the most beginner Street Fighter players, you're going to spend 10-20 times more time watching Street Fighter 5's story mode than you will playing it.

>When I was playing it, I often found myself confused about who I was supposed to be playing as — the point of view in each cutscene before the fight proved to be little indication of who the fight would belong to. I often wasn't sure what side of the ring I was on until after I got kicked in the face.


And people still dont want to believe Cammy only likes pussy.

I just meant for purchasing content. And honestly they shouldn't be struggling so hard just to run a matchmaking server, games have been doing it since the 90's

SFV is doing fine


not from SF i mean

Is that fucking Sean?


There it is


>It was a fun way to put time into the game that didn't involve other people.

Translation : I suck dicks at fighting games and can only beat CPU

It's too late. I've already moved on.

Thats what bothered me of people asking for a story mode. Its just a 3 hours mode that you play once or twice, it doesnt add anything to the game.

The whole fucking game is training mode and versus. If you want or need anything else than that its because you dont like FGs and nothing they add will make you change your mind.

>that Juri


When has Bengus' SFV art ever reflected what the characters look like in game

>same basketball
Jesus Christ Capcom can't model men for shit anymore

there's two dicks on that pic. one between the 'R,' and the other one is below it is entering a womb

I want to play as angry shadaloo man!

You think they just started working on this after the backlash? They said it would come in june before the game came out.

If they scrapped it they would be lying to fans, and they would throw away months of work because it wasn't worth it now? Your comment makes no sense.


>Casuals won't jump onboard now

Not true. I know a lot of people that skipped the game because of a lack of arcade/single player and always ended their statement with "I'll buy it when it has single player". Capcuck can still salvage the game, it just needs to market appropriately and vehemently.

I'll never understand people that buy fighting games for single player content.

>That said, my time demonstrated some problems. The most superficial and likely to be unremarked upon is the continued fan service present throughout. In case you didn't notice, Street Fighter 5 is extremely interested in detailing its female characters' asses. It's particularly creepy with upcoming DLC character Ibuki, whose canonical baggy-ish ninja outfit has been replaced with a short-skirted schoolgirl thing that still includes a ninja mask because why not.

Typical Polygon writer, can't help getting up on his soapbox. Doesn't even know Schoolgirl/Ninja has always been Ibuki's schtick.

how have you not earned enough Fight Money for these characters yet?

his whole jaw and mouth area is fucked

He probably has his thong design too. Every character has 3 costumes.

I'm a casual but waiting for the game to be cheaper and more content to be added.

some people ain't in the mood of online all the time

someone make a reaction image of rashid in that last one, im too lazy

People who don't want to actually learn fighting games. Perfect for fuckfaces at Polygon.

why does guile have a boner

>That Urien Design

I wish I could get a refund. SFV is dead to me.


i dont play online except for fighting friends and i didnt bother with the half assed story mode

Nigger in the middle really looks like blackface to be quite honest



>I'll just say that Ibuki has one of the most obnoxious forward heavy kicks in the game, one which leaps into the air above low blocks and, I believe, projectiles.

The concept of an overhead is apparantly foreign to him too

One fresh meme for my good user

>it just needs to market appropriately and vehemently.
After all of the terrible decisions they've been making don't expect that to happen unless they make some internal changes with their incompetent staff.

Wait so if they're playable in story mode does that mean they're just being held back for the sake of holding them back?