Post your favorite FPS game and other people will tell you why it's shit

Post your favorite FPS game and other people will tell you why it's shit.

Sorry I can't

But user, you just posted it.

Omg, I love this game! I actually took part in this year's annual "bloodbath" hosted by the Transfusion community (Only Blood II, however)... Once a year, on Halloween, the sp00ky Bloodites emerge to play an online match hosted by a server in a man's basement in Detroit. I spoke with the founder of the Blood wiki--A way cool dude, really into Blood. Writes fanfics and shiet. Peace.

It's shit because of it's sequel.



Some of the level designs were convoluted as hell.

Not only is this my favorite FPS game, it literally is the best FPS game.

No games multiplayer can compete with it.

>BaseBuilder with with a unique building mode 30v30 matches
>The sound of the Mp40
>GOAT Maps
>The soundtrack
>The various game modes
>The perfectly implemented lean function
>Those character models
>That satisfying feeling when you get a kill compared to other shooters

Theres no fucking source port

It was one of the hardest games ever ill give you that, literally mechs and enemies will jump around corner and 1 shot your shit if your reaction time isnt 0.0001ms

But it was still great and deserves a sequel

levels are largely just rectangular corridors

that game was actually almost worth finishing

you expect me to bash the best BUILD game, one that I played for the first time just couple months ago, and loved to bits?

Blood > > > nu-Doom.

Tommy gun fucking sucks feels like you're doing nothing to enemies. Some levels are garbage like just about everything in the last third of the second episode. Enemy balance is all out of whack where there's hitscan cultists everywhere that are insanely powerful while all the other enemies besides hellhounds are not a threat at all. Some really awkward physics even by Build game standards that make it feel very amateur-ish. Bosses are really, really bad. Source port never ever ;_;

Hit me, you cant

YOU have Nothing bad to say about this

It was solid

If you dislike this game in any way you're clearly contrarian.


The hitscan cultists can feel pretty cheap honestly.
And I wasn't a huge fan of the cerberus dogs.
Music didn't really manage to grab me.

Still, I'd pay for a remastered edition a la Megaton.


My nostalgia is going off, thanks m8.

Start crouching ya dummy. Also memorize spots like when you take an elevator and find yourself surrounded by those fuckers too I guess.

>Kill enemy
>he drops a live grenade

>sub machine gun"S"? you mean the ak74u?

>three flash grenades?
>yeah give me the ability to completely immobilize my enemy for 30 seconds

I can't bash Blood 1.
But I can say that the sequel was utter horse shit.

literally 0 flaws

Source port never.

Hard mode: Avoid complaining about the level design

I will if they ever release a source port.

I guess it's weird since not a lot of oldschool games use crouching in combat.

Wow, the enemies walk at you. Such compelling gameplay.

This x200

Great game. One of my favorites. Ugliest (and I do mean the ugliest) character models in a game to date.

No shit that's the weakest enemy in the game. Trying to do pointless jumping around cultists will get you slaughtered in seconds.

Good Luck

It's hard to hate on Serious Sam, but you gotta admit you spend more time running backwards than you do running forward.

Too many missions with armed-to-the-teeth terrorists
Stupid ass motorcycle-tier helmets

literally 10/10

Aside from the 2 or 3 corridor of death levels, I haven't really noticed. I think you strafe more than anything else.

Your character nuts in his pants every time you pick up a health pack

Dual-Wielding is just a temporary powerup


AI was atrocious.

I liked it, should I reinstall or it aged as milk?

its still fun and not aged too bad, its just the art design thats off putting


>the source code still exists, 2 guys have it
>can't release it because of fears of litigation
who the fuck owns the IP? why are they being such complete assholes? do they have an undying hate for the game? every fucking idtech1, 2 and BUILD engine game has a source port but blood.



the guy behind Turok HD ports is working now on BLOOD EX.

I haven't played this in years, don't even remember which one it was I played.
A lot of big name FPSes seem like they always have that whole boring "war...war never changes" thing that's been done before and obviously their games never change either

>there will never be a source port

Can't they release in anonymously some how?

only 2 guys in the world, besides the code locked away in some server owned by atari, have the source code. how is that anonymous?

As far as I know, they're still "two guys".

its not an FPS

... is it? as i remember it was like third-person squad tactics except you had to ping around and control the whole squad yourself in real time. it probably had FPS for ADS/scopes?

>inb4 cheating

>other people will tell you why it's shit



who are guys who worked on the game and we know their names.

Well never mind then.

>in first person view, everyone has the same arms/hands, be it a female, robots, alien, or whatever
>fucking black cartridge bugged
>weapon balance is iffy at best
>need more bullet and explosive weapons compared to energy weapons
>melee weapon isn't cool or viable
>Cerebral Bore lacks the punch it had in 2

Still dumped hundreds of hours into Rage Wars.

Except for that one single-player level with the snipers.

Fuck that level.


>kills enemy
>drops live grenade

But that is a real thing though. In WW2 the Japanese were given grenades so when they were shot the soldiers had a few seconds of consciousness left to pull a string which detonated a grenade on the side waist.

>rats, bats, spiders, and zombies
The enemies pretty dull.

Wouldn't it have been better to have the soldiers throw the grenades at the enemy?

I found a flaw
It had an ending

amazing that no one put stalker....STILL

Atrocious level design. There are budget shooters that have better levels than city levels of Doom 2, it's horrible, it's not fun, it has zero flow and it absolutely murders any desire to replay Doom 2 ever again.


that's tnt evilution m8

awwww (bad aiming port)

Because Duke is better.

Is that the chaingunner rape wad or was that Plutonia?

>best fps
but user, FEAR exists

Some of the enemies are bullet sponges, some of the weapons feel really weak as a result, flying enemies in a game without vertical aiming is stupid, the grey gargoyle boss is way overused, having six different keys just makes navigating the map needlessly confusing - especially when the map doesn't show which key is needed for any given door, or even what keys you have picked up so far. I still greatly enjoyed it, but it does have issues.

Pic related is my favorite.

Holy Shit this takes me back ways. I think it was one of the most innovative games at the time, now everything it does has been copied hundreds of times and done better.


easy mode

>Posting a Doom 2 city level

build engine games all have vertical aiming it's not very useful for obvious reasons though

M16 is the exception, if anything. Doom 2 has both the worst and best levels of the two games.

Vertical aiming worth its name, then. Something that actually works.

90% of the playerbase have no clue what to do. Levels and hubs feel like mazes.

A door has opened somewhere indeed.

>for obvious reasons
Not really obvious, considering verticality is a major element in Duke3D's level design. The problem with vertical aiming is that it doesn't render properly (because Build is still an engine based on two dimension like Doom's) so everything gets stretched in funny ways.

Battlefield 4 is my currently favourite FPS.

>Console game

It's perfect tho

My fucking nigger

Unless you were one of those people who played 24/7 V2



It literally started the whole story over gamplay cancer

not exactly, tho'.
you can literally run and gun past majority of any "plot" elements.

>long winded intro
>bullet sponge enemies
>soldiers have too much health, have hitscan, and perfect grenade accuracy
>boring environments until Xen, the very end of the game
>neat but otherwise poorly weapon concepts (snarks, hive hand, etc)

>poorly executed

Battlefront II, but I technicall play it in 3rdP.

Those 24/7 Omaha beach servers.

It's a fantastic game, as there's little better, but it's like a 7/10 multiplayer truly.

Why haven't more people posted FEAR

>headshots enemy with 50 cal sniper

>>long winded intro
That's only a negative when replaying the game, in my opinion. On the first run it sets up the world beautifully.

>neat but otherwise poorly weapon concepts (snarks, hive hand, etc)
Spot on. I don't think Ive ever used the snarks, and the hive hand was the boring "hide behind corner spamming it since it has unlimited ammo anyway" weapon.

>I don't think Ive ever used the snarks
You've missed out. Unleashing them on soldiers is a lot of fun, as long as you got a place to hide and safely watch the action from.

It's too hardcore for Sup Forums.