When is the vita version coming out?

When is the vita version coming out?

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Was never a vita exclusive shitposting retard


I've never even heard of this game

I prefer the PC so I can't say I mind. But just about every time I just pre-order a Vita game I have to cancel it because it gets ported to PC.

How does it compare to vanilla OWH? Plus?

Who else sold their Vita? It's not worth it anymore desu...

Nah nigga I have a job where I get paid to play my vita

>Danganronpa class

It's a blatant ripoff of One Way Heroics. It supposedly has some perks, as well as some flaws in comparison to OWH+. But overall it has a higher budget and production values as well as more content.

OWH+ is however one of the best RPGs ever made. I can't wait to get both.

It was made with SmokingWolf green light. He even advertised the Steam release.

Well. There was some controversy initially around the time of the Japanese release. That also did not have the OWH subtitle.
But it looks like they've sorted things out.

I liked one way heroics, glad I didnt put THAT much playtime into it so I don't get burned out of this one. Will check it out when it releases.

I put tons of time into OWH, and I'm still looking forward to this.

I wonder if Heroes function the same way in this. Naked wrestling was my favorite build.

From what I recall, Spike wanted to port OWH to console, but, since the original was free, they made a new version with SmokingWOLF's blessings to justify actually buying the game.

SmokingWOLF posted a few shots of it and appraising it on his blog back when it was in progress.

This image is reassuring.

Now when are the tits?

Maybe that's why the game got a M.

One Way Heroics is absolutely amazing. There is something extraordinarily grand and I dare say legitimately epic about the whole concept.

A hero who ventures off on a gruesome journey in one direction, towards the demon lord that is already in the middle of the process of ending the world as we know it, so that the demon lord can be stopped and the world saved.
Venturing off on a journey that thematically takes weeks to months. Facing off many gruesome monsters and challenges, overcoming them one after another. Slowly but surely catching up to the demon lord. And finally besting the demon lord and saving the world.

But you also really feel the stakes. The world ending isn't just some throwaway line. The people and villages you encounter as you are on your way to the demon lord, they know that they're done for. They know that they can't escape the darkness. They assist you but leave you with bitter sweet goodbyes as they cope with how they know that you can't make it in time to save them. Leaving with you leaving them behind, allowing you to visually see them be swallowed by the darkness and perish as you venture on. Strengthening your resolve after seeing the effects of the world ending first hand.

Rarely have I played a game that truly makes me feel as heroic and as much as a hero as One Way Heroics. I'll probably always have a place for this game in my heart until the day I die. It's truly a special game.

>They know that they can't escape the darkness. They assist you but leave you with bitter sweet goodbyes as they cope with how they know that you can't make it in time to save them.
Yet the merchants still charge you for items.

Seeing this I thought it was released today but it's just a worthless bait thread.
Go fuck yourself, OP.

Game got an M because the dark lord is now a slut.

when are they going to port shiren 5 to pc? that game is literaly all i want to play on vita

Well. Yeah. I guess that's a kind of gamey aspect that clashes a bit with the thematics.
But I can easily look past it.

Traps can get you naked. There are loli classes iirc.

Stripping traps


My boner can only take so much

>Planet Howl
Interesting. Any idea what that even is?
On one hand it looks kind of furry. But on the other it actually looks like an interesting science fiction game. Is it?
I can't read Japanese, but I guess I'll have to try the demo.

is it still a trap if you strip it?

man i don't wanna see traps