My autism finally paid off. Kojima has finished the biggest ruse of all time. The entire last year has been a lie.

>new official Kojipro twitter tweets obscure album
>strange references
>user links the second album
>Kojipro manager comments his favorite track is at 18:37
>I go check the video for clues
>released 1984
>try to find missed clues
>check Kojima's twitter
>couple hours earlier he for some reason tweeted out that he bought Metropolis
>he made sure to note it was a specific remaster version
>go do some digging
>suspicions confirmed, released 1984

I'm telling you right fucking now. There is going to be Metal Gear at the Sony show Monday. I've been looking through tweets ever since the Lowroar incident in the company logo.

This is way beyond autism

>you will never be able to delude yourself this hard about anything ever

I sometimes wish I was deeply religious.

Post yfw you'll never be this autistic

What else do you expect from Metal Gear fans?


It's time to let go.

Im not hyped for anything from E3 so might as well keep riding the kojima cruise.
>tfw preordered MGSV.

Yeah and Quiet has a dick

None of these fucking fan theories are ever right. This entire 'kojima leaves clues' shit is entirely baseless.

What does a literary masterpiece have to do with MGS?

This used to be funny but it's not anymore. OP is worse than ChrisChan now

It's time to let go, user.

Why do you do this to yourself

Several months after the game came out, you MGS fans are STILL deluded?




>MGS5 was so bad that you have to make up conspiracy theories

>tweets check out
Ya'll might look stupid in a couple days, it is pretty weird.

it's funny i've grown up e3 after e3 and Geoff Keighley STILL manages to make me hyped for the same disappointing crap

A quick question since we have a MGS thread. Is MGS HD Collection for Vita worth it? Any downsides I should be aware of?

That's not entirely true. The choice of Garbage's 'Not Your Kind Of People' was a big hint that we weren't playing as Big Boss.

>We are not your kind of people
>You seem kind of phony
>Everything's a lie
>We are not your kind of people
>Something in your makeup
>Don't see eye to eye


>You drove by as I was sleeping
>You came to see the whole commotion
>And when I woke I started laughing
>The jokes on me for not believing

>We are not your kind of people
>Speak a different language
>We see through your lies

>We are not your kind of people
>Won't be cast as demons, creatures you despise

HD Collection is pretty good. There is some decent content though that got cut.

>no snake vs monkey
>no tony hawk pro skater

If you're just looking for the core experience though, then yeah, have at it.

>More nukes than ever
Peace day never came

Metal gear is dead you fat fucking autist

also Kojima was 20 years old in 1983, would have been the best time of his life. You'll never experience all the shit he got to see.

To be fair, OP could be a really really old neckbeard.

I'm and just wanted to point out that I also think this is a load of shit. I don't trust Kojima capable to handle the series he has created given MGSV was such a massive let down in terms of story and hyped up beyond belief. Controversial themes my ass.

I like this arg,
This arg is nice

Thanks senpai

Yet youre here bitching that the story wasnt what you wanted. Sounds like he succeeded.

This is still a good song

>I sometimes wish I was deeply religious.


The only cum that will come is in my pants.


MGS V is what it is and it's never be anything else. The series ended on a (possibly deliberate) anticlimax and the is no use complaining.

Whatever Kojima might be working on is gonna be its own thing. It might be good, it might be not, but it won't be related to Metal Gear.

Are you really gonna keep posting these threads until E3? Fuck off already, there isn't a single company on the face of the planet who would EVER do something like this. MGSV is shit because Kojima is a hack who got too influenced by western devs, and since Konami dropped all video game production their profits have been up by tenfold.

Nobody in the real world cares about how much you love Kojima or how much you hate Konami, Metal Gear is dead, and Kojima's games will be shit from now on because he's already been tainted by the Americas.

We Homo Ludens now

*tips fedora*

Sweet, I love Pachinko.

the MGS3 HD remake already leaked though that's probably what Geoff was tweeting about
I'm hype but pretty skeptical without Kojima


"See? Kojima pulled the wool over your eyes! You expected a good story? No way man, it's all about the BAD stories! He put a shitty story of no real consequence to the overall plot because he wanted to fool you! GOTTEM!"

Holy fucking shit dude do you realize how dumb you sound right now?


How many fedorasdo, trench costs and trip pants do you own?

Are you guys seriously religious?

*tipping fedora with the force of a thousand suns*

>being an atheist edge lord

I bet you vote democrat/socialist too.

Kojima's coming user, he even says so in his new tagline. Just be prepared to take it.

No seriously are you? Genuinely curious. Are you Catholic or?

I for one am Muslim

Nah Sup Forums is full of edgy neckbeards who would pounce on the opportunity to make fun of my relationship with the almighty. Not biting.

>Trying this hard to b8
Yep, definitely a newfag

What nationality?

So you are religious. What country?

Kojima left the studio and Konami is using the IP to make Pachinko machines. There ain't gonna be any new MG. At least none with true kojima vision.

>There is a large correspondence between people who delude themselves into thinking kojima knows what he's doing and people who delude themselves into thinking there is a god


>and people who delude themselves into thinking there is a god

Well no shit. Pic Related.

Not again

>OP is shitty at making. Threads, he needs to start b8ing just to keep a discussion going
Congratulations OP, here's my reward for you

This is not me.

I wasn't being sarcastic. It would be amazing to be able to believe in something that strongly instead of just having an apathetic and empty existence void of meaning.

>Kojima does a lot of research into music and other pop culture of 1984 because that is when his game takes place
>Discovers some gems and shares them on twitter
>Somehow this is evidence of a massive conspiracy the likes of which the vidya world has never seen
>You have to believe kojima and konami are still cooperating behind the scenes and every indication that he was fired and formed a new company is a lie when his last attempt at a ruse was uncovered fucking IMMEDIATELY
Kojima is not very talented. He was famous when there was a dearth of talent in the industry in terms of director figures, but now he is outclasses by all others. Please accept it and move on. It was funny at first but I'm getting worried about all of these die hard kojima fans that are behaving as if MGSV being a bad game fried their brains beyond saving.

Congratulations, you have the largest tinfoil hat in the thread. That's quite an accomplishment

>as if MGSV being a bad game
You dun it nao

Not that I disagree, but everyone will stop reading here

I'm not getting on another Kojima wildride. The payoff is not worth it

Wait what the fuck? When did this Norman Reedus thing become known??

Try not to wear your butthurt on your sleeve.

>but everyone will stop reading here
at the end of the post?

Yes ;^)

*tips mountain dew flavored e-cig*

When they unveiled the Ludens art a few days ago

>I know how to use Microsoft paint

Not an argument

Molyneux pls go, you have cult videos to make

*tips cheeto flavored e-cig*

Damn Geoff is excited as hell if nothing else. He gets excited, but I've never seen him quite like this.


But Konami own the Metal Gear rights.

Kojima can't make a game bearing the Metal Gear name.

You're an idiot, OP.

>He isn't paid

Careful with that edge, Eugene.

Konami did not fire Kojima.

He truly must be a shell of a man to still get excited for the liquid shit being IV dripped into us these past years.

>OP could be a really really old neckbeard

How does that change anything?

>m-muh ruse cruise!!

He may have gotten to see all that shit too




The entire drama with Kojima, setting up his own studio as well as Konami scaling down Video game production, it was all an elaborate news.

Kojima left and formed his own studio and is working on a game for PS4.

He is no longer an employee of Konami and his studio is not affiliated with Konami.

Since Konami hold the intellectual property rights to MGS, Kojima and his studio cannot make a MGS game without explicit permission from Konami.

I hope Johnny Walker is Kiefer's plus one

That would be a great show

But is he's an old neckbeard, he never left his room, and had no Internet in '84. He wouldn't have seen shit.

Engage your brain and think before you post, user.

Cobra unit ww2 confirmed

The trailer shows Huey and Quiet being tortured. Without knowing what the twist is, it's easy to assume this is about all the traitors in V.
Now, The Man Who Sold the World...

>he insulted muh god






he survives off your salt user

OP, you remember goodbye sausage?

>want to get excited about Kojima's new game
>constantly just think about everything that happened with MGSV
>wind up angry and sad

>Eli is a representation of the players
>Sahelanthropus is our hype
>Kojima is Venom, who, against all odds, beats us to a pulp
>leaves us wanting us to kill ourselves
>he sees himself as a demon afterwards


or he was in and over his head and ran out of fucking money.


Kojima doesn't own the rights to Metal Gear Solid.

He can't make a Metal Gear Solid game.

Why are you pushing this stupid conspiracy shit?

This is such a retarded way to attempt suicide. Shooting yourself in the temple like that probably wouldn't even be lethal, unless you bled out. You'll most likely just blow through your optic nerves, living out the rest of your life blind and in intense pain.