How's your YouTube Gaming Channel coming along, Sup Forums?

How's your YouTube Gaming Channel coming along, Sup Forums?

Other urls found in this thread:

I suck.
Should I make one?

I never understand why these threads disappear quickly, while other circlejerks reach +500 posts.
Anyway, here's my channel

I let's play obscure games that are either weird or spooky. Sometimes shitty as well.

Do it, user. I believe in you.

What should I do with it?

>a disdain for dahlings

A video recording program and games, my friend. Any game you so please.

Because it's against the rules. But who gives a shit. I like your stuff, user.

But do what with them? Talk? Comment? Just die a lot? I'm pretty braindead. My hands are fucked up too and hurt a lot, so I suck at games a lot too pretty badly.

Thank you user. I like you all.

I like to think it is improving, we've only been at it a few weeks.

If anyone is interested in a Game Grumps style let's play with drinking and facecam, check us out.

You can do what you want. Review games, talk about them. Show how bad you are at games and crack jokes about it. Just gotta turn your problems into something unique that people would laugh with you about

havent had the chance to make anything new

Drop the facecam or make it smaller. I didn't mind the content you made, but the facecam is way too big for what's going on. Even better just green screen and chroma it out.

>talk to people
Oh I bet I need stupid flashy intros too? Eww. Why would I want a bunch of random strangers to talk about me more than they already do and let them know shit about me? Most people just get mad at me or tell me to kill myself or say I'm sorry when they hear about my problems.

Sick click-bait commentary channel. Please stop.

I'll keep that in mind

Haha :)

check out the racist argument in this video i made, it's awesome

Please don't have a "flashy" intro. No one gives a fuck.

Well I said eww to that idea.
I'm not at all big on the idea of being social. People never like me for long. I have brain problems, and health problems all around. Never really had friends kind of a deal. I've learned that people will never like me if I ever open to them. Best to keep distant kind of a thing.

Perhaps keep it to yourself. The audience doesn't need to know much about you. You can just give your input, make a few jokes, laugh at yourself and be done with it.

I'm betting this thread is going to do good. So, here's my channel if you want to check it:

I do Dark Souls, satire, CS:GO, and I'll probably have way more in the future. I started a month ago and it's turning out well. Here's my latest vidya:

Give me your input, Sup Forums, I love it. And if you wanna check out the other stuff, go ahead. Like and comment and what not. Do as you please.

I'll be uploading later today is you guys stick around. I'm sure you'll like it maybe.

And I believe in you too, user. We all do!

That's kind of what I mean user. I'm no good for any of that. I'm not very witty, or fun. I'm kind of slow and bored, stoic and angry. Also retarded though from brain problems. So I wouldn't have anything to say that wouldn't be annoying.
The only people who seem to tolerate or be able to like me are pretty much Saints. I'm pretty shit at living.

I've got 2 ideas for lengthy video essays I want to make over the Uni break. Im a lazy shit so I'll probably only do one for the foreseeable future.
Which would you rather watch?

"Memes and Morality - Borderlands: what could have been"
> Talking about m Borderlands's story potential showcased in 1 was ruined by 2 and beyond completly missing the point of 1.


"Spyro 2's Story EXPLAINED"
> A parody of Vaati (and Souls lore videos in general) by spending a lengthy video drawing conclusions about the in-depth lore of Spyro 2 from "clues" in the world and "cryptic" NPC Dialouge, constantly praising Ted Price (or whoever the lead director was) about his genius and generally doing my best Vaati impression.

An old channel of mine has some minecraft videos on it from ~2009/2010

They have a quarter of a million views too.

Maybe I could have been a popular video game video person if I had continued making them

Write a script, practice reading it and adding flair. This would be good with reviews or anything like that.

>Spyro 2's Story EXPLAINED
>that one guy who will inevitably say you're being a Vaati clone without realizing it's a parody

Sounds like a fun idea, though.

I make a bunch of Souls videos. I'd love the Spyro-Vaati idea.

play to ur strengths my man

im not funny either thats why im doing shit like which is just like jeremy kyle where i get to let out my inner asshole

I don't know what games to play to draw in the crowds.

Spyro would be best thing. I'm this dude and most of my stuff is Dark Souls related besides my latest video.

So parodying Vaati would be fantastic.

I'm doing timelapse videos in Euro/American Truck Simulator because I like doing them and I don't know what else I could do.

Is improvising a good idea when it comes to videos? I've had a small review channel for about two years now where I don't write a script, but I take like two or three scenes making up stuff on the go. It comes out a lot more coherently than I initially believe but I know it's not always a good idea.

>Euro Truck Simulator

You're God-Tier at this point.

>write a script
user, did you miss where I said I have brain problems? I don't have the cognitive power anymore to sit down and think like that and be focused like that. iI wouldn't want to do reviews anyway. People would just give me shit.

>play to ur strengths my man
I have none.
I don't really know shit about pop culture at the moment in time either. I don't pay attention to news, memes or trends really. I live under a rock sort of. I get most world news from Sup Forums shitposts. I can't be assed to sit down and watch some asshoel on tv mumble about shit everything is. I already know it's shit. Why care about the specifics? Fucking why should I care about the economy when I don't even work? Or about the terrorism or whatever oil shit. Or another plane crash of people I don't know or don't care about in the slightest. Or "new" medical discoveries I've been saying for years.

call a suicide helpline if youre gonna cry about it all day

Thanks, I'm going to do some more of those videos when ProMods gets updated to the latest version of the game

>Sit down and focus
>Wrote paragraphs worth of text since the thread started.

Make up your mind.

I don't get what you want me to say user other than the reality of things.
I'm just saying it like it is. Not crying about it. I'm too old to give a fuck about my life ever being better at this point personality. I just delude myself into thinking it will be better, but I'm pretty eh to it all.

Anyway I really don't get why if I don't say "Sure thing user! I believe in myself! I'll pierce the heavens and shit!" that I must be bitching. I just don't think you get that normie shit like commentary and "what's up senpai lol i love this game but yo dawg these hitboxes be all shitty" or a long well constructed rant is something I'm capable of.

>implying it's not just rambling along on the thin rails of sanity
I can't construct thoughts or concepts too well anymore. Cognitive impairment is a big fucking shit. Brain inflammation feeling is a pretty hard road block to get over, and it's hard searching through thoughts in such a thick prickly fog. I had to correct words a lot just typing this because word salad, and typing so much was too much focus for me. Being short circuited is shit.
My head feels like how Sweettooths looks.

not your personal blog

nobody has time for other people's feelings

Isn't something I'm capable of. At least I really, really, honestly don't understand how.


I'm not blogging, just explaining. It's called having a conversation autist-san. I'm explaining to him why I can't take his suggestions. Really don't see how you can't understand that.

>nobody has time for other people's feelings
Edgy m8. How often do you cut yourself?

Nah, m80

I ran into a problem with adobe premiere. The audio desyncs from the video and its fucking horrible. Please how to fix? Id think that adobe would have a fix but so far the only thing I can do is use handbrake to convert the footage.

Are you trying to edit before the video finishes syncing up? Usually when you add a vid to the program, a litte exclamation point shows in the corner that says the video is syncing.

That's usually what caused my audio and video to get all fucked.

Holy shit let me check, if it is then thank you

What program should I use to record/stream? I'm currently using OBS but it sucks desu.

What is the point of getting nocied by so many people? I don't get it. Why? Boredom? Seems like a lot just for boredom. I never understood just wanting to be liked by so many. What's the point?

I've been working on a new video for a while now. Until then, here's this.

Shadowplay, you wont have to worry about sifting throw hours of footage to find what you want.
It's alright
I just make the vids for me and my friends now though, instead of trying to get "discovered" or whatever.
I think they turn out even better that way and I still have fun making them.

Its fun to make content that others can enjoy. For me at least.

>Want to start streaming and maybe upload to youtube regularly
>For the life of me can't think of a name that I won't regret picking down the line

But why? Why do you give a shit if other people enjoy you? Why care about what they think at all? Why do you even care if random people are happy?
I could see maybe doing this for money, but you wouldn't make very much more than likely.

Man, I miss being able to talk to the enemies

Jesus dude, you sound selfish as shit. But they arent enjoing me, I play games with friends and funny shit happens sometimes.

I don't understand why you would ever live for other people. It does't give you, or at least me, anything. I'm just curious is all. Not trying to be mean or "haha I am the edgelord and face me!" or anything. I just legitimately don't understand that shit. I'm a bad person, I am aware.

I make tech-related videos, talking about GPUs and shit.

My recent video about the 1070, 1080 and 480 blew, I got 300 views in two days

blew up**

But the typo made the joke even better, I guess.

Jesus, these videos suck

This is something I do as a byproduct to gaming. Im not living for anyone. You do how ever come off as a anti attention whore Sup Forums thread spammer however. And in the off chance that a video I make does gain some popularity, its nice to see.

>anti attention whore
So you're saying you're an attention whore?

So this didn't fix the problem. The more I search the more I realize that adobe premiere just doesn't support variable frame rates. Switching to vegas, which seems to support it.

No, you are. Are you saying your from Sup Forums? you should probably get back

Or I can make a better example for you.

Imagine you make a meme and everyone gives you (you)s.