Webm thread

Keep it video games




>Asura's Wrath
>Another damsel-in-distress trope where your wife dies and you gotta save your daughter

ugh... Fucking REALLY?

Sorry Anita

Get the FUCK out.
You clearly are missing the fucking context. Play the game you degenerate faggot.

uhh... sauce?






I really, really, REALLY like this gimmick


>daytime webm threads


But Asura's Wrath isn't a video game...

>using Botan to shitpost
Really? You're a terrible person. Fuck off.

it was cool but completely pointless
no one needs a shitty sword at that stage

what game?

isn't the fire sword one of the best ones though? not like swords are better than boots, but still
Dark Messiah of Might and Magic

>After all that.

I love Disgaea.

What the fuck game is this and why aren't I playing it right now?

one of the EDF games

global defence force is playable on pc using pcsx2. it is so much fucking fun



Holy fuck why did nobody tell me EDF was so fucking cool?!

>But Asura's Wrath isn't a video game...
It's more of a video game than Uncharted 4.


Damsel in distress is the best setting.
Women are weak and needs a man to save them and they will be clingy and want to have sex with the man.
Because a woman is meant to do that.

Can we stop shitposting at eachother for a sec? I'd like to have an actual thread for once, thanks.

EDF 4.1 on PS4 is apparently the best one yet. It's silly fun but very repetetive.

Which Disgaea is this?

Well, that means I need a PS4. Which I'd get if I weren't saving up for a new PC.

Holy shit, they added mech fighting from RAD?

That's what women are for.
Falling for the stronger man is a survival trait.
If you're that "thing" that don't succumb to a man you're not a woman.


Disgaea 5.

game ?

Hi I'm Rodney Reynolds, today I'm gonna spoonfeed the Might and Magic 10, it's a 100% Kickass product.

Dark Messiah of Might and Magic
there are like 30 video games with Might and Magic in name senpai



But only one is kickass


>bumper sword
wait what?






>bullying innocent harpies


wait that actually works? is this inferno or normal?

Because after I killed the pack of them there the first time around I rolled off the cliff to my death trying to loot them even though everything was dead.

What was the point?

Is this a skyrim mod?

read the title

Good grief Dark Souls 2 is so ugly

Aw shit, that's my webm! Man, that was a good day.

Are you supposed to do that in Crysis? What am I looking at?


>not inferno


so yes?
