Hitman - Trademark

I got the intro pack and enjoyed my time with Paris. How worth it are Sapienza and Marrakesh?

>MFW Hitman - Trademark would unironically be a much better name than "Hitman" with no subtitle.

Sapienza is godlike and a must
Marrakesh is decent but worse than Paris, optional buy

Sapienza is fantastic. Marrakesh is worst of the three, but still kind of okay.

I like them a lot. Sapienza is the best so far but Marrakesh is definitely a good time as well.

sapienza is definitely worth it, marrakesh is meh

you can pirate them and find out.

>if you put your target in a crate before killing him there's no actual way of killing him.

would you call this game breaking?

Sapienza is easily Blood Money tier
Marrakesh is honestly kind of mediocre, it feels like a level taken from the least memorable parts of Silent Assassin. Definitely the hardest level so far, though.

I would if not for the fact you can't put targets you're supposed to kill on the body container so the game prevents itself from becoming unfinishable

does the game give any reason why you can't put your target in a container?

No, it just doesn't let you do it so the game doesn't break. It says something like "You have to kill the target"

>mfw they finally made another blood money only bigger and better after that turd that was Absolution

Hol up there, you can't put targets in containers if they're knocked out.

Don't know about that yet, m8. Too early to tell with only three episodes out. It will need at very least two more Sapienza-grade levels for that to be debatable.

That's exactly what I said, my man.

>another blood money
Not quite there yet. Give me my sniper case and sedative syringe and make choking not knock people out indefinitely and then I'll like it as much as Blood Money.

Wait, what? Choking should absolutely knock people out indefinitely. That's how it worked since Contracts.

I agree with the rest of your post, though. Also, give me dual silverballers.

Did any of you fags do the elusive target yet?
>MFW I failed

>just snipe him from the tower.
>Get a stoner outfit just for fun
>roll away on my white tiny little car
i don't even give a fuck about ratings in these elusive targets, since i failed one by accident and don't want to fail any more.

silent assassin

Explain the elusive targets. How do they work?

a contract with a new npc that will be supposedly gone forever after 48 hours.

I did the elusive target with 15 minutes to go on my very first run of the Sapienza map.

Not going to lie, that was some seriously fucking intense shit.

>Started map, ran around like a tard, got lost, eventually found the church.

>Stood around like an idiot hoping i'd get an easy shot at him whilst outside and i'd just book it to the exit.

>Doesn't show up, start to panic

>Briefing showed some underground sewers, start searching nearby buildings, find stairs down, tunnels are full of guards

>Panic more, start scouting around the church, guards FUCKING EVERYWHERE

>Wander into morgue, knock out mortician, steal his clothes, dump him in a freezer

>Start wandering church grounds, all the grounds keepers can see right through my disguise, freaking right the fuck out

>Target walks right past me and heads into the church, follow him and a body guard down some stairs

>Alone in the stairwell, figure this is the best shot i'll get, knock the guard out, shoot the target, run like a bitch back to the morgue, change clothes.

>Sprint to the nearest exit

Messy as fuck, but it was the most fun i've had in a while.

Eh, choking is a step up from Blood Money with its easy human shield knock outs.

>DOAX3 has timed swimsuits

Why are we here? Just to suffer?!

The swimsuits I've lost, the elusive targets I've lost. It won't stop hurting.

Every night I can feel them, the remasters re-released with all dlc.

>MFW the unanimous opinion is the right opinion

So is there an over-arching story or just little mini stories?

Overarching story about some super cool secret super spy agent killer that doesn't afraid of anything and is a pretty cool guy.

There's an overarching story, but if you're at all interested in it i'd wait for the game to actually be finished.

At the rate it's being drip fed out at the moment it doesn't make for a terribly compelling tale.

>but if you're at all interested in it i'd wait for the game to actually be finished.
Oh I definitely am gonna wait if I do end up buying it but I was curious if it had one or not

so what's the deal with hiding Diana's face for the first 4 games? remember when people actually theorized about what she looked like?

Hold on to your horses. Better than Blood Money? Hardly. It's a great successor, but for it to be better, the next three levels would have to be really impressive.

>mfw don't have a PS4 to play it
guess I'll tell you in 4 years

>tfw missed two cause of trip

Marrakesh is the weakest level by far, but it's still fucking amazing.

did I miss the elusive contract with the twins or hasn't it been released yet?

I don't think its been released.

i dropped the bell on him but some fag died next to him so I got 4 out of 5 hitman™

Sapienza is fucking amazing and up there with the best levels in the entire series. Marrakesh is fairly mediocre. Killing the banker in the embassy is pretty fun but the killing the general in the school is really boring. Overall, both of the targets are pretty limited in their ways of approach though. Nowhere near as fun nor replayable as Paris or Sapienza.

>I put 47 spices in the pasta still tastes like ashes in my mouth
>Come back to me or I will find 47 ways to make you mine
>I'm seeking you, thinking of 47 ways to make you pay

>but it's still fucking amazing.
Fuck off shill.

I hope they make an airport level. Think about it:

>Tons of people everywhere
>Lots of cool behind-the-scenes stuff you'd need disguises for
>Can be designed in a really cool shape/layout
>Nice, clean aesthetic

So far I'm 3/3 for Silent Assassining them

>MFW I'm playing these levels
>MFW if I fuck up or am not around to play the level, I will never be able to get all challenges ever
Surely they're gonna let us replay these elusive targets eventually. Right?

I just want the next level to be at night, last two levels have been really bright

So far I'm 3/3 for Silent Assassining them

>MFW I'm playing these levels
>MFW if I fuck up or am not around to play the level, I will never be able to get all challenges ever
Surely they're gonna let us replay these elusive targets eventually. Right?

Read somewhere that Paris was supposed to take place during night but after test audience complaints that everything was too dark and hard to see, so they changed it to evening.

It would be really lame if we didn't get one night level, as much as I am not too fond of Absolution, the rainy Chicago levels looked nice with the neon sign of the hotel.

I don't know about Thailand, but a clever user spotted this on another thread

Left screen is obviously Sapienza.
Right screen looks like Japan.

oh neat, good eye on that user

well I'm happy