If there was an Ape Escape 4, what would you want in it?

If there was an Ape Escape 4, what would you want in it?

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More lolis



You have to think of something more outside of lolis.

Even more lolis

loli apes

Something not-loli

No, no more loli, not even something close or opposite.

Ape Escape 3 was pretty much perfect IMO. I just want more of that. With a big theme park level like in the first game.

I wanna see more fun, big and comfy levels.

Make it like Ape Escape 3 but BIGGER AND BETTER! I also want to play as UK ps1 dubbed Spike just for shits n giggles

Oh fuck and Monkey Soccer/Football again. I really loved that minigame, it's the only reason I still have Ape Escape 2.

Spike is best protag, but i feel like the other 3 should be added too.

I thought it was too linear. I don't mind linear games, but platformers need to have big, open levels in my opinion. Preferably with some verticality too, like Super Mario Sunshine.

Fun weapons
Collectibles for galleries
Soichi Terada music
Costumes (but no costume music that replaces the level theme)
no serious shit like Million Monkeys, fun tone ONLY
no Move or VR horseshit

All these^ ideas, add in co op stuff and also some ape racing stuff

If there were to make anotehr ape racing minigame it would be cool to have the human characters as playable character and the wheel for their vehicle would be replaced with a PS dualshock controller as a fun easter egg.

more apes what gone and escaped

What is it with lolifags anyway? what's next, shota too?

Thick MILFs.

New protagonist but bring back Spike and his girlfriend as teenagers.

Why can't they just stick to already existing character? And who wants an older Spike?

One big connected jak and daxter style world that you can back track through with new items to unlock new areas and catch un reachable apes

>Open world Ape Escape

It could be good i guess

Since the ape series make 'rip-offs' from other titles; what about a dark souls/bloodborne combat/mechanics type of game but with the theme of the ape series and a bunch of mini games thrown in there too for a good measure?



We also need more sountrack like this

The spin offs are what kinda fucked up the series

directed by hideo kojima

I want an older Spike. It could work if done right. A new protag means Spike retains his gadgets.

Big Mission localization never

But i just like the idea of a fire themed spiky haircut kid doing crazy stuff.

Spike feels like the main character, why not just make the new kid someone they meet from school?

They'll just rehash the same gadgets, regardless. They attempted to introduce new ones in 2 and almost all of them were either awful to use or nearly useless.

I want yumi back. And all the transformations from 3 plus new ones.

I wanna see Spike, Jimmy and Kei trying out Yumi's spats.

Also, more pop culture references monkeys

Spike back as the main character, maybe Yumi as another playable character.

Have a lot of new gadgets + the transformations of the third game.

If you really want to make them different have Spike have more gadgets and Yumi focus on transformations.

This can lead to areas that only one or the other can go to.

Have a hard mode that sets the game like AE1 where falling in pits make you lose a life and getting hit makes you lose a full cookie.

Hot monkey dicks

Spike crossdressing

And Yumi looks whith jealoussy

And she brings the strap on

Spike lacks art.

fun minigame

Good controls


more of this

In all honesty? More of the same.

I'd probably be happiest with a game more like the first and second, without a gimmick like the transformations in 3. Maybe some new gadgets for some interesting gameplay elements, and some good level design should be good enough.

If after all this time the game was just more of the same, but kept the charm the series has had thus far, I'd be happy.

Also more of best girl.