>Mafia 3 has a black protagonist >Watch Dogs 2 has a black protagonist >"the Witcher has no black people" shitstorm >"Y no womyn in AssCreed Unity" shitstorm >sequel Syndicate has also girl protagonist >Mary Sue black girl in Uncharted >SJWs directing Mirror's Edge reboot
I don't care about black protags, I just don't want them where they don't belong like Mafia 3. The mafia in the past was about racketeering, money laundering, family honor, judicial manipulation and more. Not about selling crack to tyrone in the hood.
Juan Peterson
What's wrong with black people?
Daniel Gomez
East isn't doing that hot either.
Dominic Jackson
Hunter Wood
Much ado about nothing. Find another forum to discuss this.
Jacob Ross
I actually work for a polish vidya website and wanted to write an article about this SJW nonsense
Lucas Peterson
Julian Cruz
>>"the Witcher has no black people" shitstorm It deals with racial issues using dwarves and elves.
Julian Brown
>(8) you're not OP
Andrew Thompson
Nothing they are getting educated and want to participate
I'll let pol take it from here though
Hudson King
I really don't understand the obsession with niggers.
If you people like niggers so much then go live in Africa.
Angel Diaz
Brayden Long
remember that time in the sopranos when that one guy ganged up with the black dudes and tony made fun of him
Colton Johnson
>Sup Forums gets triggered by dumb shit >AGAIN
Dominic Richardson
>if a game doesn't have a white protagonist it's SJW garbage
Xavier Cruz
>playing any of this terrible rehashed "AAA" shit that has come out in the past 5 years
Jesus christ kiddies, do you still read game informer and have your moms bring you to gamestop to preorder the epic new release?
Levi Thomas
I dunno, Mafia 3 and Watch Dogs 2 having black protags totally fits their stories for what they're trying to do. The woman from Uncharted 4 is the only one on this list that's egregious really, at least the others are normal games developers being bad at characters.
Zachary Gray
Looking forward to New Ssper Mario Duplo World 3D Coin Land, Alex?
Josiah Watson
All of that shit except for MAYBE the witcher and i do mean only maybe is complete shit anyways.
Jace Cruz
Blake Campbell
Pol think about it for a min
Justin Perry
>Nintendo is the only thing outside of AAA games Hello, under age.
Caleb Anderson
>Can you name other recent examples?
I really can't, because I've been out of the western game loop for years now, and Sup Forums is pretty much all the western exposure I get now
Certainly don't regret going weeb only. Mind of well enjoy the fun before western imperialism fucks over Japan too
Christopher Davis
The elves and dwarves have white skin. There is no such thing as racism against whites.
Chase King
>Are you a part of any minority? No? Too bad, kill yourself. Thanks, western world, so progressive.
Justin Cook
>projecting your insecurities You know you can play other games without a nigger protagonist right
Andrew Sanchez
This thread has been pruned or deleted.
Michael King
it's just a phase and the side effect of our degenerate western society zeitgeist. soon they will all eat themselves, and the pendulum will swing back hard to conservatism.
Parker Flores
pachinko 'n grind
Tyler Watson
>I don't care about black protags, This. As long as they keep the niggers in their respective roles in their respective genres - aka ghetto gangsta simulators I'm totally fine with it. Just don't try to force a nigger into something he can never be - aka white.
Luis Lewis
>invest in graphics >dont invest in anything else >eventually graphics hit diminishing returns >have no idea what to do next >hide behind political correctness culture and try to milk recognizable brand names
Nolan Adams
it's okay when japs do it
i wanna succ his little sissy cock!
Easton Brown
>he doesn't know
Liam Gray
It isn't just this industry. It is Western society as a whole. An effort from outside forces to weaken it from within. Their aim is to destabilize social contact, by making every bit of it possibly hostile. No one will stand with each other when everyone hates each other. And it is working very, very well.
Isaac Mitchell
it's about industry pressure to FORCE game companies who are primarily comprised of white people, selling games to white people, to instead put black people in their games, even when it doesn't make any sense (see Witcher).
when diversity is forced by minority group pressure, we get shit like Dragon Age: Inquisition.
when diversity is allowed to occur naturally out of the artist's desire to make an interesting game, we get GTA: San Andreas.
Jose Wilson
Yeah, but they crossed the wrong strong black man, and now he's going to dismantle an entire mob family. Can't wait to see him and he strong sistah take down the Italian mafia and establish the black mafia in new orleans, you go girl.
Noah Hall
>Just don't try to force a nigger into something he can never be
Like a Mr Robot-tier hacker or a mafia Bravo Ragazzo?
Kayden Reed
Why isn't there a fantasy game where the population is predominantly black? You can shrug off any "not historical" criticism by saying it's a fantasy world.
Ryder Roberts
>mostly play Japanese games >mfw recent years has seen an increase in female protagonists >mfw some of them are qts like Kat from Gravity Rush and some are badass like Velvet from Berseria >mfw it's fucking great
Asher Sullivan
There are plenty of fantasy games with orcs.
Jonathan Adams
>Why isn't there a fantasy game where the population is predominantly black?
I guess because there isn't a predominantly black videogame developer team.
Cooper Mitchell
>orcs >not green wew
William Lee
mainly because niggers don't really make up the majority of the market for such games
nigger people buy and play fightan gaems and Madden/NBA
there are cool outlier niggers, like Ice Cube, of course, but the major market for fantasy vidya is whitey cracka honkey men
Aiden Fisher
>Prototype 1 >Awesome >Prototype 2 >Garbage Not sjw garbage, but garbage in general, mostly because of SJW bull shit.
Carter Perez
Jackson Ramirez
I don't care what color or gender or outfit anyone in a game is wearing as long as it's a good game. Don't have a black character in a game and then have their one defining trait as being black.
>"the Witcher has no black people" shitstorm Wins game of the year anyway >"Y no womyn in AssCreed Unity" shitstorm >sequel Syndicate has also girl protagonist And then that game bombed too. >Mary Sue black girl in Uncharted Everyone joking how that is bullshit >SJWs directing Mirror's Edge reboot Looks how that turned out.
Luis Campbell
Ayyoooo this nigga here got it right When your selling point is literally only "it has minorities and gay marriage" but it has totally abysmal gameplay then it's an abysmal game
Easton Ramirez
Why do you fags always have to write in all caps when you get triggered?
Adrian Perez
Why does it even matter?
Jeremiah Davis
Lmao spot the lobos
Ryder Bennett
I'll back u up if ur legit about it
Parker Morris
i'd rather pachinko 'n grind then feminism
Ethan Wood
this, see: dragon age inquisition
Chase Barnes
He also has help from the Irish Mafia and Vito
Juan Bailey
You guys do realize that you people who are mad about Watchdogs 2 having a black protagonist are the only people who even care about it at all, right?
Of course not
Jayden Morales
>>Mafia 3 has a black protagonist >>Watch Dogs 2 has a black protagonist >>Mary Sue black girl in Uncharted Are you new to Sup Forums? All of those cause shitstorm too.
Because mafia is about connections but it walks a fine line
It's not fucking GTA
Zachary Cook
Pretty sure Prototype and Prototype 2 started it all.
Carson Gutierrez
Google my peanus weanus :)
Nathan Powell
>The mafia in the past was about family honor
god you mafiaboos are so fucking pathetic. I really hate how these greasy fucks have been romanticized in the u.s.
Pro tip: mobsters are scumbags and are just as stupid, ruthless, cowardly as the average ghetto nigger selling crack on the street corner. There's literally no difference between the two.
Zachary Gonzalez
lol this is awesome
Mason Scott
So what you're saying is that if you have black people in a game it has to be a stereotypical role; otherwise it's offensive to you?
And you don't think that sounds stupid?
Charles Thompson
Italians were considered niggers back in the 60's anyway, so having a Black protag to explore racism is redundant
The rest i don't care about & is just cherry picking, most games still have straight white dudes, even Japanese ones
Henry Morgan
>Mfw if Mortal Kombat 2 came out today it would be called SJW.
Noah Green
Your opinion doesn't mean they're doing better. No one gives a shit what you'd rather. This thread isn't about western/eastern.
Fuck off to one of those threads.
Jace Lopez
No shit for brains that's what u just said
Levi Mitchell
Exactly! Niggers in Far Cry: African Bush fighting off LIONZ N SHIEEET makes sense. A nigger hacker does not, nor a nigger mafioso. Niggers have no range because niggers are always gonna nig.
Xavier Martin
>Any questions? Is this bait?
Juan Flores
Google "America". 1776-Present.
Dylan Ramirez
From Dust?
Evan Foster
You know what it's just easier to call you stupid
Isaiah Lopez
>Mafia 3 has a black protagonist shit game, shit dev, dead franchise >Watch Dogs 2 has a black protagonist horrible game, ubisoft >"the Witcher has no black people" shitstorm and the devs gave no fucks >"Y no womyn in AssCreed Unity" shitstorm ubisoft, shit franchise >sequel Syndicate has also girl protagonist ubisoft, ubisoft >Mary Sue black girl in Uncharted eh >SJWs directing Mirror's Edge reboot shit game
they're digging their own graves and they'll soon realize it. blizzard already did, at least.
Asher Torres
I'm saying I'll play the game but I'm hoping it's a good mafia game and not a gta clone with a mafia sticker
Gavin Lewis
Do you think they'll use the word "nigger"?
Chase Robinson
Probably not, Jax is a parody of Amerinigger movie characters like Apollo Creed and that one guy in Predator.
David Edwards
Lol ok you fucking tweak
Aaron Thompson
...those are the same guy.
Camden Price
If Metroid came out today Sup Forums would bitch about how having a female protagonist is misandry.
Owen Evans
>>"the Witcher has no black people" shitstorm
CDPR at least knew how to handle rampant SJW bullshit. In most cases it's obvious publishers are using the current climate to push free marketing, though.
Sebastian Lewis
SJW's loved Creed because it had a White guy train a Black guy, because that has never happened before like with Mike Tyson or anything
So progressive
Zachary White
>it's just a phase It better fucking be.
Alexander Taylor
Martin Luther King was a SJW.
Bull Connor was an anti-SJW.
Josiah Kelly
>Haha why do you need to change characters to be minorities in vidya just make your own
>They make their own
>Haha why do we need minorities in vidya
Julian Turner
So they shouldn't have artistic freedom and make the kind of game they want, but they should have set rules that you want them to follow? S-J-W
Oliver Gutierrez
considering industry only thinks and cares in terms of money if these games don't perform the fad will end very quickly. you have to keep in mind people bitching on twitter and other social networks doesn't really translate into anything tangible, especially because we know your average sjw doesn't actually buy video games.
Grayson Carter
I think people liked creed because it was a good movie