How excited is Sup Forums now that all the upcoming games are so progressive?

How excited is Sup Forums now that all the upcoming games are so progressive?

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What's the bottom left?

New Destiny expansion.

go back to pol you're not wanted here

Honestly the BF1 guy is the only one that irritates me.
I really don't care about black protagonists as long as they aren't forced in for progressiveness.

Considering this is all happening at the same time I think it's pretty obvious they're all being forced.

>700 replies omitted

Fuck being progressive. Devs should make what they want and not bend to politically correct pressures. I'll take my games with 5 white dudes over any western shit.

Which do you prefer: black men or feminist women?


anything that hastens the crash is fine by me. not to mention, these are all shit games that i would play for about half an hour after getting from humblebundle.

Carthage game featuring Hannibal Barca.

Most of those game series are uninspired shit, though. Mafia is the only tragedy

>being so insecure about yourself to feel threatened about black video game characters
>being insecure about pixels
>being insecure about non-existent things

mafia 3 isn't a major franchise
no one cares about destiney or watch dogs anymore
no one gets battlefield for the campaign
call me when they're in major single player games

What kind of question even is this?

I miss the days where people didn't make a big shitstorm whenever a minority character was in a video game, or any piece of media.

This is solely the fault of consoles, as black people can't use computers.

>"Anime characters are white!!!"

Well those guys clearly are

not him but FF characters are usually white because of the western influences in their settings

Sorry, I wasn't saying African Americans in the world wars was inaccurate. I just would have much preferred to play as a French, British, or German soldier in the middle of the war rather than an American soldier at the very end. Honestly I feel that him being American irritates me more than him being black.

Seriously, this looks like anime to you?

Because they were properly implemented and not forced in because "It's 2016!"

>Western devs

>getting triggered over the mere presance of black people in video games
you're just as bad as the retards getting triggered over the mere presence of womens butts in video games

They should have met halfway and used Samuel Jackson's likeness in all of them.

I don't like playing black characters because I'm not black. I mean it's fine if they want to make games for that demographic, but don't accuse me of being raciss for preferring a MC I can relate with.

I wish we went back to non-humans ad robots

Industry SJW's got butthurt that witcher 3 with its 99.9% white cast won 200 gotys and sold millions. This is their response.

And you're just as bad as the Nazis for saying someone else is bad.
I'm bad, they're bad, everyone is bad.

So it doesn't matter as nobody can have any moral high ground, only thing that matters is that your kind aren't tolerated and eventually cease to exist.

How about no? San Andreas is one of my favorite games ever.

The problem is that an obvious shift is happening for no reason whatsoever other then being on board with the current PC trend. Which means games are being forcefully altered by higher ups.

>a minority within a nation that was a minority of the combat action should be the poster boy

Sweet frantic wiki searching skills, lad.

the watch dogs protag definitely feels forced, one of the trailers talks about how he turned to hacking or whatever because of police brutality and racial inequality

I'm more excited to watch people get butthurt over the fact that black people exist

>tfw people's reaction to mafia III is the same as when san andreas was announced

Wasn't MLK's dream based mainly around race (and etc) not even being a determining factor in any type of judgement or choice? If so, I love the irony these devs and SJW's have fallen into.

I don't care if it's historically accurate

More white people died during WW1 and more white people did heroic things during that war.

I wanna be a bunny

I was just thinking that.

Chances are mafia 3 won't be as awesome as gta:sa, but still.


The memes that watch dogs 2 is gonna produce are going to omares b supreme. It's gonna take itself so fucking serious with a r2d2 robot as a supporting character

I'm actually O.K with BF1's protag/Coverboy. The 369th Infantry Regiment were some hardcore fuckers, they deserve some light. Mafia III can be alright considering it's fucking New Orleans.

However the literal meme game Watch Dogs is just forced, fuck that shit.

literally why no asians

>pirating wd2 and using a skin changer any ways

I care less about black protagonists and more about the fact all those games look like they'll be real uninspired shit.

fucking worthless niggers
the amount that will play these games is negligible anyhow

Its being forced literally EVERYWHERE. Across the globe. In every facet of life.

There are invisible hands behind this, and not just in vidya. The vidya trend is just following the global trend, but the global trend is infinitely more worrying because its not just a unified push, its a precisely targeted push for multiculturalism where it will do the most damage to existing cultures and race relations. This is also coinciding with a big push in promoting racemixing and interracial relationships all across popular media, neither of which are wrong per se, but they are trying to force it hard for reasons entirely different from what they should be, with a fairly obvious ulterior motive of diluting racial bloodlines.

You know how in Civ you can take the sneaky route and gain control of entire countries by subverting their culture and destroying it, effectively making it yours? I feel like thats what is happening to the world right now.

Like said, some people got a annoyed that they had to play as a bunch of ghetto niggas but after everyone played the game and loved all those complaints seemingly just vanished. Correct me if I'm wrong but I fail to see how having some random black guy in a watch dogs two commercial. Or having a black guy (that's in all honesty is so white the only way he could even look african-ish is if you were to squint really hard at him at night.) in mafia 3 is making games more on board with the PC trend.

hehe tinfoilman.jpg

It's not just a comercial, it's the main character of the game.

i love how racist this forum is


underage Sup Forumstards

>A minority shouldn't be the poster boy for a work of fiction because there are more white people in the world
Back to Sup Forums you drooling edgelord.