Ace Attorney

So AA6 came out in Japan, and people are ripping the music.

What do you think?

Other urls found in this thread:ああ-ああああ-あ-あああ-あああああ-ああ-あああああああ

There are are various confirmed spoilers for the first few cases already floating around, so anyone trying to avoid that stuff should stay away from these threads I guess

Nayuta's theme is nice. The remix for Athena's theme is cool too.


I've seen some spoilers, but also a whole bunch of impossible bullshit. It's not like people spoiling that Ray is the mastermind, which was real.

>athena is metal now

Any info about cases 4 and 5?

It's the sweet synths from AJ's theme, really nice

Turnabout Foreigner
Turnabout Magic Show
Turnabout Ritual
Turnabout Music Hall
Turnabout Revolution
Turnabout Across Time (DLC)

nothing much beyond that

The only thing I heard about Case 4 is that it's just one big courtroom segment with no investigation segments

So, like 3-4? Would kind of make sense, considering they have six cases.

This greatly effects the level of fucks I give about the game
We know that Maya's locked up for Case 3 and that Ema is in Kurainistan helping him out - is Ema Phoenix's actual assistant for that case or is she just a side character

That turnabout sisters theme man.

this soundtrack is so fucking funky, what the hell

i don't know why it is like this, but i like it

reminds me of alexander brandon

She's likely the detective, she travels with Nayuta. She's in the second case too.

yeah I know she's in 2 and that she travels with Nayuta into 3
it's just that Maya is apparantly locked up again for that case so Phoenix still has his assistant spot open

No idea, really. There's the shota with the dog too, I don't know if he has an assistant role.


>that drawing of "papa" by Trucy
shit nigga that's cute
>they used Larry's T&T theme

Why? Why are they so keen on the T&T music? It's not that great, AA1's is much more iconic and generally better.



I'm not really feeling the ost this time around. I can't really put my finger on it, it might have to do with the cheapish synthy instruments.

is pursuit garbage or is it just me

time to die athena

you took my spot for too long

endgame spoiler

look who it is


The new music is nice I suppose.

It's not just you. It has nowhere near enough energy. If Nick is throwing a judicial hail mary then it should definitely have a theme that isn't so flat.

It's pretty subdued and liadback
which I don't mind except it doesn't fit the actual events/themes of the game all that well, Phoenix is literally destroying another country's legal system in this one

Please, explain.

Apollo has no personality so once again they're pulling out another childhood friend from their ass to keep the plot interesting.

At least thats what that picture says to me.

So the absolutely ridiculous sounding backstory spoiler was true? What the hell.

>Based Athena is playable
Feels good man.



is there an english cia file for it out?

do they seriously want to acknowledge the shitheap that was apollo justice?

they must really be desperate for that fanservice

like really scraping the bottom of that barrel

Thanks doc.

Holy shit, why does this remind me of the very first Pokemon opening song?

Is it September?

so i just started apollo justice, is it normal to feel like i skipped a game that doesn't exist? i played the first three but in this game they keep acting like i should know who all these characters are and what happened in the seven years prior

also who the fuck wrote phoenix's dialogue in this game? did they not play the first 3??

AJ was the first actually new AA story (as far as Japan is concerned) in 7 years, so they decided to do a time skip I guess

They do explain what the hell happened to Phoenix. How he is in that game is divisive to say the least.





You just have to keep playing. The game does have explanations for everything, but they're fucking awful.

>Based Athena is playable
Is this true? Don't toy with me man.

Phoenix has been through some shit. For about 7 years.


they ARE new, right?

truthfully i'm just pushing through AJ so i can get to the edgeworth games, which i understand are a lot more fun and more like the first 3

Look at the comments, my man.

I'm in the middle of playing Apollo Justice, too. I think the point of the janky character introductions is to put you in Apollo's shoes, sans his past with Gavin.

As for Phoenix? 7 years have passed. They wanted to make him a more mature, cynical character to coincide with how crappy the world's gotten. Apparently, the lead developer originally didn't want hobo phoenix to be Phoenix at all before Capcom said that he needed to be in the game. I sort of wish he -was- a different character because hobo phoenix is pretty awesome. Hope you don't mind spoilers because he reverts into the Phoenix you know and love for the most part in Dual Destinies. If hobo Phoenix was some random, cynical attorney, at least he could be doing stuff off-screen and still exist instead of Phoenix's character doing a complete 180.

Also, for some reason Capcom tries to shy away from AJ's existence to the point where most (but not all) of the plot points don't come up in AA5.


why are you people excited? she was another in a series of bubbly girls with a stupid tragic past like maya,magic girl and thief girl

the only thing interessing about her was the new gameplay gimmick she brought

are there new gameplay gimmick in this game?

Well, T&T was the original creator's ending to the series, he felt Phoenix had been completely explored as a character and that the overall concept had been done as well as it could (hence no new gimmicks in T&T). But the series was still popular so they made Apollo.

Because the composer since AA5 has been Iwadare, who had composed T&T previously. It's obvious that he'd be more comfortable remixing his own themes.

Because she's actually useful and can pull his weight even if she isn't Apollo or Phoenix tier?

Does it mean Lamiroir is Nayuta's mother?

This is the best Turnabout Sisters theme IMO.
We're getting a US release, right?

It's just yet another case of Capcom management fucking a series up.
The devs wanted to do something fresh and move on but Capcom said no and made them force Phoenix shit in which of course led to a janky uneven story.
And then surprise surprise people didn't like AA4 because of that unevenness so Capcom management used it to say they were right and that the devs need to double down on forced Phoenix plotlines.

Honestly it's only a matter of time before we get Ace attorney: DMC edition with some rebooted fresh and edgy Phoenix retreading the same ground we've already seen but slightly different and then it'll bomb and AA will join the shelves with Megaman.

>are there new gameplay gimmick in this game?
The spirit mirror.

>still can't listen to turnabout sisters without crying like a little bitch
>this version is actually kind of happy

I'm so glad I got into this series recently


what could be edgier than "The miracle never happen" ending?

As satisfying as T&T's ending was, I'm glad Apollo Justice exists. It's proved to be very fun so far. My only real complaints so far are that Trucy seems to be Maya with a new gimmick and Klavier is on your side too much from the get-go. Also, I wonder if the original creator approved of the Edgeworth games.

The Edgeworth spinoffs are very experimental (by AA standards), with the 2nd one just building on what the 1st one established

>the lead developer originally didn't want hobo phoenix to be Phoenix at all before Capcom said that he needed to be in the game
Hobo Nick early on in development was originally an brand new character, yeah.

Characterization-wise I was fine with Hobo Nick personally. His internal monologues always seemed sorta cynical and the game explains that he's been through some shit over the years + this was the first time we were seeing him through another character's eyes. It was really only the sloppy story around how he ended up like that which pissed me off. As a concept and character I enjoyed his parts of the game a lot.

It's not as new a thing as you're implying it is. AA1 wasn't developed with sequels in mind at all, AA2 only happened to cater to what Capcom thought the fans wanted. Franziska wasn't planned to exist, they originally only created her because they wanted someone other than Edgeworth to get wrecked by Phoenix in court.

>in 7 years
Just three, AA3 was 2004 while AA4 2007. It's AA5 that came after almost seven years (2013).

So it's either

>Wright is so good that even the gods can't stand against him in the court of law
>the spirit thing was absolute bullshit the whole time
I bet it's just some sort of display screen underneath a pool of water

They did it, the absolute madmen. What about Lamiroir and Trucy and Apollo's knowledge of their relation to one another?

The pond has nothing to do with god. You're seeing the vision of the person. What the person thinks they saw. Human error is always there, even during their dying moments.

The judge/jury are doing snap judgements, even though there are plenty of holes and "guesses" with what they saw.

Here's how the spirit mirror mechanic works.
It shows the victim's final moments, but not just what they saw, but what they also heard, smelled, touched and tasted (all five senses). Leifa interprets the vision in her own way, but she's incompetent and makes mistakes. This is where Phoenix comes in: he compares Leifa's interpretation to the actual vision and finds inconsistencies. Basically, it's comparing testimonies from two different people.

Favorite characters to lay as?

>Objection Theme for Phoenix will always be the AA3 one
>Objection Theme for Apollo will always be the AA4 one
>Athena will probably be reusing her AA5 one
Come on. AA1 - 3 changed up all the themes each game. Yeah, the circumstances are different now with multiple protagonists so they want to make sure each one has a different identifiable theme for them to stand out, but it's getting old. Edgeworth series would probably keep reusing remixes of Great Revival but that's a spinoff series anyway.

>she's incomptent

So why the fuck are they using her. Do they just not want to admit she's shit or something?

Didn't you see him through Maya's eyes in T&T?

They dont know she's really incompetent because she at least makes sense to the people.

Edgeworth = Nick > Apollo I don't know who Athena is

Edgeworth > Athena > Phoenix > Apollo

Er, Mia.

>she was another in a series of bubbly girls with a stupid tragic past like maya,magic girl and thief girl
Except, she's a main character who has an attorney badge and can defend. Even as an assistant she's way more useful because of the Mood Matrix. All the other bubble girls are useless to the point of 'why the hell do I even bring you to the courtroom?'

So the country is full of idiots then?

>Smug incompetent petite girl
This shit turns me on so much.

Well in most AA games people believe what they hear even though there are errors in the prosecution or testimony. Look at every AA game it happens all the time.

leave now, for your own sake

Just finished Justice for All.
I didn't like it. It only had 4 cases compared to AA1's five, and only the last one was up to the standards that AA1 set.
The objection music was a huge step down as well. Trials and Tribulation is better right?

Its a fucking religion thats based around this dead people stuff. Why do you think they banned defense attorney's? The minute you show the masses some magical bullshit, you're like god to them. Call them a fraud, and people are lining up to beat your ass.

Mind you, thats happened to Maya's mom when they called her a fraud for being wrong.

I prefer the Great Ace Attorney's OST so far.

Autistic logic detective Edgeworth is the best
Athena honestly is my 2nd favorite to play as, despite some issues I have with her as a character. She feels really fucking distinct compared to everyone else
Then Phoenix, it's sorta cliche but I just like the "goofy/laidback-ish guy who gets fucking serious when it counts" type of characters. Felt that they overdid the goofyness a bit with him in DD though
Then Apollo who I'm still not really feeling, I do think that he has the potential to be really cool though. Also Percieve is probably my personal least favorite of the character gimmicks mechanically.

Investigations 2 > Trials and Tribulations > Dual Destinies > Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney > Investigations 1 > Phoenix Wright vs Professor Layton > Dai Gyakuten Saiban > Justice for All > Apollo Justice

So yeah, it's one of the worst.

T&T is overall better than JFA. JFA's last case > T&T's last case though.

Well originally the first game had four cases as well they only added a fifth for the DS which is why it played so differently.

>Why do you think they banned defense attorney's?
They didn't, that gets explained.

Failing to defend your client has you suffer the same sentence that they do. Over the years Defense Attorneys just sorta died out on their own due to this clause.

phoenix's character changes almost as drastically between his time dating dahlia and becoming a lawyer as it did in AJ when he went full hobo

how many returning character are excluding all the girls like maya and ema and trucy??

i know there is larry butz and there was a pic of the gramarye and...?

Are there any references to pic related's game?

Edgeworth and Klavier, but both are DLC only. Blackquill appears in the main story.

All i remember is Lotta and Wendy
