ITT: Games that are the black sheep of their series

ITT: Games that are the black sheep of their series.

More like series that should have ended at the first game

Because it has the best story,characters and gameplay?



>not on PC

hmmm, coincidence?

...But the second game is literally better in every way?

>atlus is still using the 3D models from this game

Nothing is wrong with this game though, its just in a different style.
Black sheep would imply its an awful game like Devil May Cry 2.

does anyone even play this anymore after SotFS was released?

But UDG is good and no one hates the game itself.


literally best game in the series

best gameplay
best waifus
best fucked up shit Gentle{/spoiler]
best shock value

I feel like it's something I'll play again in like 10 years so I keep it close.

Because it came out last?

It probably will be soon on Steam. Spike Chunsoft seem to be interested in PC market, judging by their release of new One Way Heroics.

>this game

I still don't understand why they made this game.

Shut your whore mouth, Mega Man 8 might not be as fantastic as the rest of the franchise, it was still a good game.

People like to bitch about the horrible voice acting for Mega Man and Dr Light, but the guy they cast to play Dr Wily was so awesome that he made up for it.


To explore the world devastated by the Malefaction.

Voice acting isn't the only problem with it, and out of all the mega man games, it definitely sticks out for its poor design.

The first fortress boss, after completing another godawful snowboard section, forces to use one weapon against it. That wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't for the Mega Ball's awkward aiming and the fact that the boss can be HIT with other weapons, but they don't do shit.
Oh yeah, those fucking snowboard sections. Just... I don't have to explain those.

Now look, not everything about it is bad. It's one of the few non 8-bit Mega Man classic games (thanks capcom...), the robot masters are memorable, and some of the weapons are pretty unique. Basically, I don't think it's all that great, but at the very least, it's definitely different than the rest

>All of the children, in one form or another, are abuse victims
>Monaca, who suffered the least, shits all over their issues and fucks with them

I love how despicable Monaca is

>best gameplay
I can't believe they shipped this game with how abysmally it plays and how unintuitive the puzzle rooms are.