What's so special about this?

What's so special about this?

It's literally just a bargain bin Phoenix Wright.

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You should using literally so lightly, Sup Forums

Kill yourself

At least Zero Escape knows to stop after the third game

>I have adhd

I like AA but 999 was better than every AA game 2bh

>It's literally just a bargain bin Ever 17.

If you're going to be a dick, at least do it right.

but ever17 is shit compared to 999

ZTD will conclude the story but they never said the series would end. If ZTD sells well they will definitely make a Zero Escape 4.

Nah, I got so sick of those sandwhich scenes man. Remember11 was much more enjoyable.

Did you beat it???!!!!!!!!

But that isn't Danganronpa dumbfuck.

No I got to the library and got bored

>Shitposters have gotten so desperate for attention they're shitting on Zero Escape

>If ZTD sells well

What a fucking retard.

You need to beat it.
The end is the best in any game.

It probably won't sell that well, but he's right about a possible Zero Escape 4.

This. Uchikoshi literally came up with the ending first, and designed the rest of the game around that.

AA6 is fucking based.

Turn the 6 is upside down its a 9 now

>the game not written by Takumi
>especially after the trash that was AA5 cases 4 and 5

It's good. Harder than DD. Even the very first trial has cross-examinations that require you to think logically rather than just rely on evidence.

I'm just hoping the story isn't as fucking wacky as AA5's was. You could tell they were trying to emulate the original trilogy's success while also taking ideas from other games (like that conclusion segment that's ripped straight from Danganronpa)

>tfw just finished it and then this thread pops up
This must be the work of a morphogenetic field

What's special is the fact that Sigma dies, Phi is three people, Phi is Zero, Erick is LITERALLY Dio and Junpei isn't done being the action hero.

>Phi is three people
>Phi is Zero
I'm sold.

You're literally a bargain bin son.

same type of game, but entirely different types of stories being told

it's more about the meta-knowledge that the player has and using that to shape the story

Don't you mean phi people

Is she half xenahort too?

Uchi is so cute man

I want to be cute.

but I don't berieve you

There's no way he'd really have another guy suddenly come in to do music after it's been all Hosoe since the start, though.

Phi being three people and Zero would be dope

not that it'd matter, the guy referenced there directly reuploaded a persona 4 OST thing, or whatever, from another guy.

AAI2 wasn't written by Takumi and is among the best in the series. DGS is mediocre, JFA has one great case, the rest is trash, and AA4 is even worse than DD. It's not everything Takumi does is gold either.

but who was Phi

>that last music
Animations also look not fucking horrible with the jap voices

>Bargain bin Phoenix Wright

What did he mean by this?

Literally a snail.

I kinda hope this is legit, those would be pretty interesting

>Q Team injecting themselves with Radical 6

No wonder they go fucking nuts.

So, guessing that this is just a ZE thread now:


Uchikoshi is playing with his meat and the game is wrapped. Leak within 19 days for sure.

Fuck that made me snort

At least Ace Attorney knows how to make good endings.

I mean, if you discount AA1, AA2, AJ, AAI, and DD, then... I guess? Oh, and DGS / PL vs AA. Those were both awful.

AA1, 2, and 3 had great endings. You know, the only ones that matter.

AA1 just had the DL-6 resolution with the bullshit Karma takedown. He should've got away or been officially introduced a few cases earlier or something. I'm assuming you're not counting Rise From the Ashes because no one should because fuuuuuuck that case. Honestly worse than 2-3.
AA2's bad ending was ok beside the miracle never happen, but the true ending was just "lel everyone ends up happy and neither maya nor edgeworth is dead!" Like, any sense of something bad permanently happening just kinda got washed away. Engarde was a shit villain too, though I know I'm in the minority on that.
Not gonna argue about 3, that shit was a great send off for the series. Fuck AJ more than any other game for ruining a perfectly good ending.