Battle routine, set!

Battle routine, set!

Other urls found in this thread:

Why wasn't the final boss of starforce 3 a noise corrupted duo

I still want to have sex with Yai

>Playing MMBN3
>Going for BugStyle for BugStop
>Do everything right, glitch NCPs and everything
>Eventually get a style change
>ElecCustom style

if i want to get shadow style asap, do i just use a fuckton of invis chips during bubblemans fight?


It seems like everyone on Sup Forums had the same idea of Duo returning somewhere in the SF series. Almost every BN or SF thread has a Duo returning post.

>no Bass.EXE or Gutsman.EXE fights despite the Battle Cards


> gutsman and bass cards
nigger what?

>Have HeatBug
>Everything's breeze
>Decide to try something new
>Learn WoodShadow
>I am decimated by absolutely everything
>Even in regular Mega Man mode

I was really depending on that flamethrower and Bug bonuses like a scrub.

20-22, Aura (138)

LifeAura, Leo Giga 05


Who's this semen demon?

I think you are supposed to use them at least firing the last 50 battles before the style change


Starting the very next battle after a style change, you have to use Invis/AntiDmg/Shadow literally every battle until your next style change.
Easiest if you just preset them and use them first round.

good taste my dude

She's simple beautiful, and classy to boot.

Why won't they remake a BN for the 3DS... Oh yeah, Capcom hates Megaman and money. Duh Fuq?

which game should i start with?
dont say random encounter extravaganza

3 is objectively the best, so start with it.

the common jap trope is to make the rich girl dim and obnoxious but she is nice and smart

>tfw she takes lan and the crew to do fun rich stuff all the time


At least they put MMBN1-6 on VC with both versions of 4, 5, and 6 while also including any special unlockables like BN2's secret chips, or the respective BassCross for your version of BN5.

I'd say play them in order, 1-6 and SF 1-3.
Playing them out of order just makes the worse ones a bit of a slog when you have to go back to them after playing the better ones.
The general consensus is that 3 and 6 are the best, and 1 and 4 are the worst (1 for lack of content and the maps being all fucked, 4 being the black sheep of the series), and 2 is considered the worst among the Star Forces.
But by playing them in order, you can get a better appreciation for how good the better ones are and how comparably bad the worse ones are.

>You missed out on seeing her naked


>Playing them out of order just makes the worse ones a bit of a slog when you have to go back to them after playing the better ones.

Ain't this the truth, I went back to play BN1/2 after 6 came out since I never played them and I couldn't get through 2 hours of 1 and only made it half way through 2 before quitting.

>1 for lack of content and the maps being all fucked

I'd say 1 is the worst because your health doesn't regenerate. Enemy encounters are much easier overall but it's not exactly hard to just wait a battle out for a Recovery chip.



Did you mean 4? 1 is the only one in which your HP does regen.

>I'd say 1 is the worst because your health doesn't regenerate

BN1 refills your health after every fight. It's why it doesn't actual healing items.



she looks like a bald kid wearing a wig

>You will never spend the day with her at the park or the beach
>You will never see her smile under the clear blue sky
>You will never hear her laughter on the wind during a beautiful summer's day.

Be honest.

If you had a cute girl NetNavi, you wouldn't be able to resist doing lewd things with your PET.

I would use my PET to masturbate to netnavi porn constantly.

I guess.

What?? the only BN game i played was 4 blue moon and i thought it wasn't so bad although it got annoying once i had looped like 3 times.

>sharkman was only in one game
>you will never get to play BN using your favorite navi
>you will never get to play SF using your favorite alien

Of course and I would have no regrets

Play in order, you'll appreciate the changes in each series.
At least that's how I feel..

>play MMBN3 as a child
>it's the fucking shit, one of my top 5 games ever, dump almost 100 hours into it trying to get all the stars and secret stuff
>replay it again this month
>get bored by the repetitive thinly-excused game lengthening chores in between actual quests and lame stories for half the bosses like 'oh no it's an evil bubbly dishwasher crisis'
I still love it but shit my youth is fading too fast for me :(

>people actually think star force is best
What planet am I on?

Fuck off

>he doesn't like the writing


You're on Planet FM obviously :^)

Roll.exe is a miracle of the universe.
Meddy is also pretty good.

Psst, hey kid. Wanna see my wares?

>all this Roll and Yai posting

does anyone want a new MM BN game?



>nobody is posting Hub




Is it wrong to fall in love with what is essentially a computer program?

>decent MMBN art I haven't seen
>fucking Roll.exe art I haven't seen at that
Hot damn.




What are you talking about? I rekt dudes with Elec Custom
>Played this faggot using bubbleman folder
>Finally got my 4th Vars sword F
>My Flashman/Plantman folder is almost complete
>Get the no stun armor and additional health and Elec custom max charge
>Use plantman and charge shot combo, opponent can barely move
>Once I got a var sword, wait for flashman and break havok
I played easily 3 dudes with a bubbleman folder. No_skil.exe

>Megaman japanese voice in DS
>Netto-kun, Netto-kun

I always found strange that Lan wasn't well-known or recognized much by people in later games. I guess they addressed that in Star Force 3 where Megaman had turned into a celebrity.


Of course not. Find your digital waifu, user, and make her real!

Is the Battle Network series still only availible on the gameboy advance? or is there a port somewhere out there

Yes >No

He doesn't mind.

Though some games do reference his adventures.




There's the DS one, two to be exact
also gamecube and on phone.

But his was real to begin with. She got digitized and he reversed it.

Seen it but keep them coming anyways.
More Roll.exe is always good.

I don't think he was shitting on ElecCustom just expressing his disappointment over putting all that effort into getting a BugStyle only to get not that.

BN1-6 are on the Wii U's VC.
You could also always just emulate them.

I might as well post at least one image.


It's not a lot or anything. But sure.


It still counts since she was rendered unable to be brought back to flesh and blood right away. In a way, it'd be like Lan finding a way to make MegaMan.exe flesh and blood again instead of just using that robotic avatar or whatever.


>Custom style, Variable Sword and paralisys
You are pretty ruthless, goddamn.


underrated moment in the whole sereis

Go to sleep Baf

>There will never be Battle Network Online


anyone know if the battle network anime is any good or should i just stick to the games?


it doesn't follow the games story wise but I say you should give it a go

>there will never be fully functionally net gear that lets you plug into any usb jack and battle other players

And done.

As said, it doesn't follow the complete story.

However, do you love fanservice? Because it has fanservice out the butthole.

Which was more fucking weird, the plot of the games or the comics?

hopefully a fan goes crazy and creates the technology.

Im being serious
I dont what to be a dick but what does it have to offer besides being a dujmbed down BN?


It's even more ridiculous because only SF3 is a really good game. 1 is just kinda boring and unpolished and 2 sucks dick.