We're getting closer to E3

>We're getting closer to E3
How are you going to spend it? Why does this board seem more apathetic toward it this year? We don't even have a collage.

Other urls found in this thread:


>Why does this board seem more apathetic toward it this year?

Because it's an event for "gamers".

let's hope this doesn't become another furfag thread

Even devs are losing interest

>Why does this board seem more apathetic toward it this year?
Because Nintendo's barely even there.

A new game is inevitable, I can feel it

mods are getting better at deleting them now

They deleted my thread yesterday when I asked why this character was such a fucking bitch to her customers

So much of E3 hype always centered around nintendo, and they're only showing the worse version of 1 game

The last one wasn't until people like you bitched about what picture OP used.

Furfags will forever be a problem until you shut the fuck up about them.

Because e3 isn't where the exciting or good stuff is actually shown.

Personally, I'll be spending e3 far away from here and avoiding all of neo-Sup Forums's shitty uninformed opinions.

So should I start to piss them off even more?

no you fucking idiot, this is why people complain about it in the first place

I mean they've always complained about thm

This is why it happens. Nobody is denying how fucking cancerous furries were which caused people to complain. Keeping doing it to intentionally annoy people will only prove them right. Its just pointless arguments and spam that causes people to flip their shit over the sight of anthros. Why keep doing it

to watch both sides argue?
Its very slightly better than the sjw Sup Forums shit

>that last thread where mods banned the shantae avatarfag


Nintendo is a no show.

Sony will shill VR and the Paystation 4.01.

Microsoft will be Microsoft.

I hope I'm wrong, but this E3 is looking dull.


It's still only one game.

It's still a revival
All we need now are the Stampers

>Star Fox has been a testing ground for Nintendo consoles, with Miyamoto using the series to put the hardware through its paces.
>"I work very closely with the programmer of Star Fox 64. Basically, every time we get new hardware, we do a Star Fox prototype."
any chance for a better sequel or Assault HD?

if Command didn't hit the stupid gook so hard, Zero shouldn't either.

Because most of the actual posters here who aren't marketers spamming their scripts to get paid, or who arent underage who don't know gaming gets better than what we're given now actually hate what gaming has become, and E3 is the strongest symbol for what this shit industry is now.

You wanna know why E3 got closed to the public? Because these companies are scared shitless people will call out their shit long before release, and that the first thing they see wont be a reviewers bought out reviews. These developers dont try anymore, and these publishers do not properly pay devs anymore. Everyone is essentially uncreative code monkeys with no creativity backing them. Even Nintendo whose games used to push entire genres forward have done NOTHING since they started relying on gimmicks for a developmental CRUTCH.

This industry is fucked unless it moves away from big business, big advertising, and open shareholders/investors. That'll never happen either because these greedy jews only care about money, not games so ITS ALL FUCKED.

Collagefag from the past year here
I will be making the collab later today so get ready to lurk Sup Forums while I make a thread later to set it up

Heres a pic of the one from last year while I was making it

Stay alert

I want to impregnate that blue fox!

Go fuck yourself SkyNet

It's because of hipsters like this OP who would rather be sad about gay shit than make fun of it.


hoping for something that's not often posted in Sup Forums

like robutts, plants, xeno, or insects

Based. As I asked other collagefags before, put this as background with the E3 logo in the middle.


i-i dindu nuffin!

Unicorn is shit! SHIT!

Thank god, based 2015 collab guy. Shit was fun last year with you.

>wahhhh muh marketing money



Replace Goku's face with Phil Spencer, he will make xbox great again.

Why is Krystal so cute?

curly is best robutt

Hype threads were here I think a few weeks ago

here is a collage from the thread btw

Sue is best mimigabutt

I'm gonna sit at home and not give a fuck, because all E3 will spawn is more brand loyalty and more platform wars
Shit is fucking pointless and a waste of life

No that's chaco

>liking the niggerslut

>not liking sluts

What ever do you mean ;)

Don't you furry scumfucks have some diapers to be shitting up right about now?

Squilliam collab when? It's almost too late

>this guy again

not nice to ban evade, ya cunt

Sup pussy

>he's still going

Because there's absolutely nothing to look forward to and no reason to think there will be any worthwhile announcements.

Sup bud

Why is she so perfect?

>Almost no art

>Don't you furry scumfucks have some diapers to be shitting up right about now?
talk about irony

At least she has a lot of good ___NTR art.

PepperspotSunshine is the hero we needed


Eh, artwork that appeals to fetishes can be good even if the actual art is mediocre.

that's the nicest character in the game you just didn't get her to confess to you

>how are you going to spend it
Simultaneously laughing at and crying about the state of modern gaming yet again. E3 has become a yearly reminder of how gaming has devolved into complete and utter shit after the glory days of gaming in the 80s and early 90s.

No fuck you, her and her sister can rot in hell

That's not the final version though. :^)

>that Barneyfag addition.


hey made him a squilliam too

This pic is cute, CUTE!

>chens in it

fixed to go into the collage

>being this desperate for your furbait waifu

Stop posting Shantaefag

>fans complain that she ruined starfox games for YEARS
>she isn't in the new one at all
>its not any better
Nice try famalam no excuse now to blame the failure of your precious series anymore on krystal.

Oh come on, everyone likes furry butts.

don't forget how they made her into a giant scapegoat over all the actual problem in each Star Fox game


that's a qt bun

Brodie no.

bowser is a male

I agree


>Implying you wouldn't a female bowser


Yes, and?

is that Nick?

Nah that comic was made before Zootopia was even thought of.
That's just her generic fox bf.

Post more. I want to fuck a Female Bowser.

>Human Sue

fucking casuals

Tell me the comic name before this thread gets deleted.
And I'll post pretty pixel art

Nobody cares anymore, Krystalfag.

Nintendo wont show much because they are preparing for the NX,
MS and Sony will be all VR garbage and empty promises for games that might or might not come out in the next five years.
EA and Ubisoft will obviously be shit, SE wont announce anything new because they got so much in the pipeline already.

So why should anybody get excited? I'm actually considering not watching it at all.

go away bowserfags

Is this better?
>comic name
It's not from a comic series, it's just a silly panel made by oriole. Most of his artwork got deleted, but I have it all saved.
And that really is some pretty pixel art.


>No art

Being a Fay Spaniel fan, this is worse.

>fat sue

neither do people with Zero

i thought this was an e3 thread


>not liking fat girls

I don't think even OP wanted an E3 thread