You have the rest of your life to explain why LttP isn't the best Zelda

You have the rest of your life to explain why LttP isn't the best Zelda.
Oot fags can fuck off. Nobody cares about your childhood experience with a game that's not complete trash so you think its good.

I've never played a single Zelda game so I wouldn't know

I beat OOT for the for time this year. I liked it more than lttp because it was more immersive.

Oot is close, but really is just a 3d version of lttp. Lttp is just a much tighter, more focused game, its way more fun to replay imo.

It's only the 2nd best after link's awakening though.

ALttP was my first Zelda game I played. Why would I say it isn't the best

Its my favorite one just for the light/dark world idea

First three dungeons kinda boring, way too easy.

Art is kinda ugly, never really liked it.

Most bland and forgettable characters in the series not counting the NES games.

Red tunic is near useless with how late you get it.

Final fight against ganon was pretty disappointing.

Those are just my minor nitpicks, still a fantastic game. I'm a hipsterfag and think link's awakening might be my favorite, that or ocarina.

No depth to swordfighting. Fighting darknuts is boring and frustrating, not fun, hard or challenging. Other enemies you just stab once or twice and you win.

I think LttP was the best because it was the last one to not explicitly made for 7-10 year olds.

Good for replaying. There's a world of games out there but you still want to replay Zelda

>Frustrating bu-but not challenging!

I bet you use the term "artificial difficulty" unironically too, dont you?

I would argue that was ocarina of time or majora's mask, never played either oracle game.

3D Zelda > 2D Zelda, and ALttP isn't even the best 2D Zelda.

I don't.

Whatever, you're not going to listen to anything we say anyway.

Still, try it. Fight a darknut and a stalfos in ALttP. Then fight them in WW and in TP.

Windwaker is the best Zelda and anyone who says otherwise is most likely a MM or OoT faggot so their word has no weight

>run past literally everything except when I need to find a key
>everything dies in one or two hits
>puzzles are stupidly easy
>can only attack in four directions

I'm about halfway through playing it for the first time, and it's felt really overhyped so far. It's just a good Zelda game, I don't see why it's the best.

ALttP has some great atmospheric music to it,

>Nobody cares about your childhood experience with a game that's not complete trash so you think its good.
he posts, while whining about why nobody cares about his childhood experience with a game that's not complete trash so he thinks its good

>five temples, not bad but the first two are just okat
>too easy
>triforce quest
Beautiful art and great characters and atmosphere though. Tried to finish it twice but the tri force quest just seemed too annoying. Feels like it could've been the best zelda but what we got was an incomplete game.

I like all the cute art it inspired.

>Fight a darknut and a stalfos in ALttP.
Not that guy, but, a Stalfos isn't frustrating.
Sword once, put a bomb on their collapsed body.
Seriously, that's it.

ALttP doesn't have darknuts, so I don't know which enemy you're erroneously calling such.
The ball & chain soldiers? Stun then attack, or throw a couple pots (if available), or spam sword beams. Certainly boring, but not frustrating in the slightest.

Sailing was shit and the triforce hunt quest was dumb but it was the first Zelda game I bothered to beat twice.

Literally ALttP is the most overrated stale game in the franchise

It was the first good.

>it was the firat good
But LttP is worse then both 1 and 2?

Proof that underage tards fill Sup Forums

Than. I wouldn't expect you to understand. If you had actually played all three you wouldn't even ask


I usually judge zelda games based on how long the game expects me to wait around and do bullshit before I can actually get to the next dungeon, so it's up there. I still like the first game a little more, though.

Twilight Princess a shit.

Different guy, but 1 > 2 > 3

I corrected you while answering you. The fact you even have that image saved proves you're an illiterate idiot who doesn't deserve replies.

Why are you zeldafags so childish?

You're wrong.

Your argument was that if I played the games I would think aLttP was better then 1 and 2, my argument is I've played all three of those and found aLttP worse then 1 and 2. Not bad just worse.
Great argument here too.

Lttp isn't the best but OoT fags can fuck off that's for sure. They're the furries of the Zelda fandom.

>the furries
Other then sounding stupid the most well known game in the series wouldn't be the "furries".

It's the original Zelda, but easier and with more exposition interrupting the gameplay.
It's ALttP, but easier and with more exposition interrupting the gameplay.

Majoras mask is so ridiculous it should be the furries. Twilight princess might have turning into a wolf but majoras mask has real life buying a fedora

>great argument here too
All you said was Zelda 1 was better than 2 what was better than 3. That's only the Skelton of an argument. Somebody telling you otherwise is equally as valid

Who /Skyward Sword and Minish Cap/ here?

LttP isn't considered the best because 3D is a factor in peoples' enjoyment of any given game. Also OoT has higher review scores overall, and a better (if only slightly) story. Gameplay in ALttP is excellent, and top notch for a 2D game (only overshadowed by subsequent 2D Zelda games, in fact), and if THAT was the deciding factor, I'd lean towards it, but really Zelda 64 pioneered 3D control schemes and did so in such a way that made it superior to all challengers.

That said, I just replayed the Phantom/Shadow temple, and while mostly forgetting it from previous plays, it gave me all kinds of shit this time to the point where I considered looking up a playthrough just to complete the damn thing.

it's the best because I was like 8 when I played it and I was too young for depression at 8

MM > ALTTP > TP > OoT > 4SA > I don't even like the rest

But it's not, the original Zelda is the best Zelda. Simple gameplay and exploration beats a fucking linear story-based game any goddamn day.

Your mom's paste bottle is equally as valid shoemonger fluffelkelp

It doesn't have Majora's Mask tier writing and world building.

the combat and movement is really stiff. Its hard to fight stuff when you have such rigged movement that you cant manuever around as quickly as youd like to

Its also pretty linear, I dont know why people give OoT so much shit when LttP does the same thing

A shield button wouldve been nice, I dont know why they could do it in the Gb games but not on the SNES.

And fuck, why couldnt any of the scenes after freeing the princesses be skippable?

Because ALBW is an objective improvement in quite literally every department and has a cool gimmick.

Pic not related

>Its also pretty linear, I dont know why people give OoT so much shit when LttP does the same thing

What are you talking about? Dark World(which is most of the game) is decently opened up.

not really

still gave you a few choices at times iirc.

It's on a shitty old system nobody likes except pants shitting autists

LttP is the best Zelda game, no question. No Zelda game will ever come close.

Where do I upvote?

>Dark World
>forces you to go to the first palace first
>get the hammer
>you now have all the tools to do pretty much any dungeon in the Dark World you want to do
>in any order you damn well please
There's only a single dungeon past the first Dark World dungeon that requires you to have a Dark World obtained weapon to access, the Hookshot, but getting around that is easy if you know an easily learned trick to get around it. After that the dungeon is pretty straightforward and easily beaten without any extra items you don't already have by this point.

My nigga

Zelda is for girls and children. Are you a girls or children? Then shut the fuck up

Your entire arument is forumlated aroung "hurdur, silly OoT fags".

Really, just think about how your dumb ass presented this shit thread.

well at least you showed yourself the door.

But user I know that LttP is the best Zelda-Game.

Twilight Princess is the best game. Fuck off.

How is Link's Awakening DX? I only ever played the brick gameboy one

Why is she staring at his crouch?

Same thing in color, has a optional color dungeon where you get one of two overpowered tunics. Fantastic zelda game.

No it's not. My argument is formulated on lttp being the least handholdy (besides LoZ and AoL) where Oot is super extra easy

>A shield button wouldve been nice, I dont know why they could do it in the Gb games but not on the SNES.
It's because the shield is only for projectiles as opposed to being used for damn near everything in the handheld titles.

You only need the tools from the first two dark world dungeons (and the Hookshot isn't always required if you know what you're doing) to be able to do any of the others in any order you want.

I was 7 when I played it so I beg to differ, it was right in my wheelhouse.

OoT has better dungeons and combat, therefore it is better than ALttP.

Because the Oracle games exist you FUCKING mong.

>actual exploration like the first game
>able to do later dungeons in any order
>many many items and upgrades for your arsenal
>magic that isnt useless
>later dungeons are actual labyrinths and arent piss easy like every dungeon since the 64 era
>no garbage item swapping the breaks the pacing like the gb/gbc games

But most importantly is that it still has the pegasus boots instead of shitpona

Almost forgot theres NO PADDING like the GC games and onward

But that's not Minish Cap.

I drew this silly thing.

>implying you're Scribblehatch

you should have made them kiss or touch each other's boobs or something

I grew up on Zelda, but you're out of your mind if you think they do anything that impressive or interesting with the formula. Zelda is important because it provided a lot of cornerstones of what a game of its kind should be, but it's not even close to as good as the games that it inspired.

The GB games existed.

Worst taste of the thread

It's not an objective improvement. In fact, it's completely different from the first two games. ALttP cemented the linearity and killed the style of exploration that made he first game so special.

>yfw Capcom made better 2D Zeldas than Nintendo themselves

The dark world has all the exploration of the original assclown. After you get the hammer you can do anything you want.
>implying you could explore the first game completely free without the raft and ladder

At least ALttP didn't have shit dungeons.

I love Link to the Past but to be honest I think the best Zelda game is Minish Cap


Alttp Zoras are the best zoras (Mikau from MM not included)

Minish Cap was great, but it felt too short. Couple of more items and dungeons and it would've been perfect.
The game was originally supposed to have a Fire Rod but they cut it for some reason.

personally like that link to the past more than any other Zelda game but Twilight Princess has more Beauty.

The Oracle games were better 2D zelda entries. LttP is better than any 3D zelda since MM but not nearly the best.

I prefer the original LoZ. Up yours.

ALttP is good, but the biggest gripe I've always had with it is the dungeon design, it's all very samey and almost comes off as bland, but it's forgivable considering the sheer amount of dungeons the game has to offer. Other than that it's a 9/10

Oracle games could be pretty brutal when it came to dungeon puzzles, I daresay they're the best in the franchise in that department.

Especially Hero's Cave in the linked game.

People are complaining about ALTTP's gameplay? What top-down 2D ARPG/Adventure game plays better? ALTTP's gameplay is fine, controls are tight and combat has some variety. It plays much better than the Mana games for example.

But is it, ALL 3d Zelda title are trash...

Good to see someone with taste on Sup Forums... thats pretty rare

To me OoT will always be the best, and when I think about the only reason why is that it's just that solid. I mean there really isn't anything too special about the game when you think about it in today's context, it had no gimmicks and everything it brought to the table has been improved upon by later titles. The game itself however is just really solid, it has no glaring flaws, of course it has it's faults but they're rather minor ones. I'd say the only other Zelda game like it is indeed the one posted in the OP, so when it comes down to which is better it's really a matter of taste and nostalgia, that just proves how equally great both games are.

>You have the rest of your life to explain why LttP isn't the best Zelda.
It's a great Zelda, among the best, but it has its own shortcomings.

For whatever reason, the world map feels a bit claustrophobic.Even the original Zelda's feels bigger, but that might be because there are open borders on it that lead to the ocean. Either way, LttP still has a cramped feeling I don't like.

The Dark World, while ingeniously connected with the light world in dozens of locations, kind of has a hurried/messy seeming layout. The light world feels so much more solid by comparison when you look at dungeon locations and overall structure of paths, etc.

Music was great! But some other games are far better. Even the first two Zeldas had more memorable music in most locations. LttP's was memorable, but just not quite as catchy as Zelda 1 or 2's.

The first 2 Zeldas are still my favorite, and LttP, Link's Awakening, OoT and TP make their own group for second place, in my opinion.

I agree completely, just going to state why I personally dont like OoT as much as I use to.

I hate epona and all that happened because of her.
A little bit of padding in the beginning but its easy to get over it.
The missing dungeon always gets me mad.
The item system with the young/old link is terrible, why would you lock me out of items I clearly have.

>Oracles not on the list
Go play them. Now.

first zelda i ever played. i was 9 yo and english isnt my native language so i couldnt understand shit. still managed to beat it as a 9yo.

20 years later, this is still my favourite game ever

pretty close list
drop twilight princess and links adventure down a peg and up minish cap and LTTP up a peg
then its perfect

It IS the best Zelda. Well done, user.

>Fighting darknuts is boring and frustrating
Are you okay, user?