Fact: If piracy were impossible, video games would have more sales by volume and by profit

Fact: If piracy were impossible, video games would have more sales by volume and by profit

You cannot deny this.

right, so I think we should better talk about how dead KF2 is

All memeing aside, I believe pirating is morally reprehensible and that nobody should be entitled to a persons work for free.

But also, effect on sales would be minimal and I also believe over a long period of time the quality of games would fall.

Piracy has been proven to increase sales. So say all the tech big wigs who actually know anything about the industry they work in.

>if I draw him with an angry face then he will be a bad guy

So if I go to a shop and build an exact replica of a bike, but provide the materials and tools myself, is it still priacy and wrong? Gotcha now bitch. Now suck it down.

>Piracy has been proven to increase sales
Post it

>take away magic
>it becomes okay

>people don't want to pay money for something
>remove the option to not pay
>suddenly they really want to pay

Majority of pirates wouldn't buy the game anyway. There are a few who do it for idealogy, but I would think they are in the minority.

If people are gonna pirate, at least be honest about it. Just say you're too cheap to pay for the games or the lack of demos is what makes you try something you're unsure of.

I live in a country with robust consumer protection laws. If piracy was impossible people would just buy the game, play it, then return it and get their money back if it wasn't worth the price.

>tfw you exercise the power of a consumer and choose to not buy, pirate, or support something in any way
>company goes bankrupt

checkmate atheists

Can you provide substance to your "fact"?

Theyd also probably plummet even further in quality and there would be even less demos once they realize they have consumers by the balls.

Stream that film if you're so great

>effect on sales would be minimal
Except those doing nothing but playing free vidya would have to get a job or even develop games. The amount of innovation could be intense.

I have many reasons for pirating, some are petty, some are simple and some make me feel righteous.

The only way you're forcing me to do what you want is if you come over and fuck my asshole raw.

Or just take up shoplifting. Or hijack trucks and sell the games on out of the back of a car for a fraction of the retail cost, actually hurting the publishers financially with actual lost stock and lost sales.

>implying these same people would just not buy the game or watch a stream

>entitled to a persons work for free
Yet things like this happens since times immemorial. No one is entitled to feel bad for the one that got robbed too.

Remember good is an ideal, evil is rational.


Devuno proves games don't gain more sales through drm

Worst, some people saw it as a challenge.

Those things have real consequences. No similar percentage of those that pirate would engage with those things.

not by that much

maybe im just projecting, but it seems like people are more reluctant to buy games that you cant pirate now

i havent heard shit about any of the uncracked denuovo games from anywhere, even though some seem decent

relly make u think

You're pretending like perfection doesn't / can't exist, and you could neither prove this nor evidence it logically.


Sales increased or stayed the same if the game was already popular. Shitty games selling poorly isn't evidence of anything.

You're implying that people who can't pay for games would change their behaviour so that they could pay for games, which is wrong. Those people would just exclusively play free to play games.

How is it possible to determine more sales as a result of Denuvo if the game didn't have two releases: one with the drm and one without

Don't know what that comic is trying to say. if I could duplicate shit I'd do it all the damn time.


name me ONE game that had good reviews but the studio that made it had to shut down or fire staff because people didn't buy the game even though it was heavily pirated.

>You're pretending like perfection doesn't / can't exist.

No it doesn't. All we have is what's "good enough." The entire fucking world is the evidence. Perfection doesn't work cause simply because its perfect. It will stay as it is while humanities transformative mind would always wander off someplace else, see things in a new light, we gain deeper understandings while at the same time increases things that we are ignorant about.

Yes, you're right, simply because video games wouldn't be anything BUT sold, and they WOULD cost more money.

In all seriousness, the bike copier is in the right. The salesman literally loses nothing whatsoever; as a result he has nothing whatsoever to complain about.

Oh, don't worry. Denuvo is finishing it off.

Cry, little pirate babies. Cry.