Just unboxed this. Has anyone ever gotten a better crate?

Just unboxed this. Has anyone ever gotten a better crate?

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>all of these bad skins

>Level 20
You... bought boxes, right?

Kek, yeah right. This game was already too much money, like hell I'm giving those Blizzkikes anything else.

>Haha Blizzard are kikes, guys! Yeah, fuck those guys!

>Proceeds to give them money for a F2P game.

Please. Kill. Yourself.

Why didn't you take a screenshot of the bottom eighth of the screen showing how many loot boxes you still have left to open?


Show me a picture of your career profile.

Specifically the page showing which icons you have unlocked.


Well, sorry for doubting you.

>Good skin

Yeah that's a 5/10 at best m8

He's still not out of the woods yet. Im the same level and I only have a 3rd of the icons he has.

>g-give it to me for free blizzard

Kill yourself

Eh, I've had arguably better. I say that because two of those skins are bad, and two of them are for the same character.

But as far as number of legendary in a single chest go, no I've got two in one.

>Good skin

It's not even his best skin.

Probably because I've gotten shit luck on every other box. I haven't even gotten any recolored skins yet, just icons, quotes and sprays.

>"i'm a dogshit genji main" the skin

i just use one of the 75g skins

every one is butt hurt nice loot op

>lv21 with 0 leggos

life is suffering even in vidya

Bastion main found.

How does it feel knowing that you contribute nothing to your team?

>Doesn't change the color effect of his Shuriken/Sword
Bugs the shit out of me, but the shading on the flexible parts of his body get my dick hard.

>tfw the only legendary I've gotten was the wrong color
At least I have a noose to hang myself with now

But it makes them blue?

>Has anyone ever gotten a better crate?

Everyone who never bought a crate got the best crate. A crate filled with real money.


so many people use carbon fiber that it may as well be the default skin

>Two skins for the worst character ever

I am sorry for you.

>Level 43
>The only legendaries I've ever opened are Jester Junkrat and Cybergoth Zarya

>I don't know how to play him so he's bad

Git gud

33 0 legs

I'm talking about the light effect that is green still

There's nothing he does that Widowmaker doesn't do better.

Level 74


- T. Racer
- Red Devil Mercy
- Junk d.Va or whatever it's called
- Wood Toy Bastion
- Pirate Shark Roadhog (Thank God it was blue, the brown one sucks)
- Bike Gang Torbjorn

At least it's been the ones i really like.

Oh, yeah that's unfortunate.



i got imp mercy in a crate. better than all 3 of those shitty skins combined.

>level 74

go outside

I don't like imp mercy. It's not appropriate to put mercy in things like that.

I've already seen starred level 50+, 74 is nothing.

>only legendary at level 25 is Jester Junkrat
Love Junkrat to bits but I hate the jester ones. The game probably thought it was doing me a favor.

>justifying terrible RNG unlocks that are the textbook mobile platform's way of forcing players into buying points.

This would have been completely fine if the game didn't cost 40-60 dollars, user.

Only legendary I've gotten is the Fool for Junkrat, i really wanted the Jester

But to the enemy she is the devil.

I only play for 2 hours a day since I have to work.

74 is really that high?

Nobody is forcing you to buy cosmetics, user. I'm not going to defend them for shoving microtransactions in, but you're being ridiculous.

Tone your crusade back a bit until they start trying to sell game modes, then we can flip our shit together.

>He doesn't main /m/ Phara

Tell me you didn't pay money for that skin.

actually no I didn't. bought a couple loot boxes though.

I'm level 30 and have 5 icons counting the defaults.

Also, I don't think anyone has proven that buying loot boxes gives you better chances for epics and legendaries.

You don't understand. the make up and diabolical imagery sexualizes her. but she's pure.

Holy shit, this looks awesome.

>Paying money
>For free content

literally why?

And it's not like they hand over crates once in a full moon.

If Hearthstone drops are any indication (which they probably are) there is no difference between bought and dropped boxes.

Everyone knows the best legendary you could possibly get is a load of gold.

>he thinks there are mains in overwatch

I was actually referring to in game currency. 1000 gold isn't super easy to come by.

the right two sure, but both the nomadic skin for genji are his best. wish they'd change the eyes though

You know what I mean. It's a system that's relies on unreasonable RNG to get just one thing you want, giving intensive for players who don't went to risk playing 40-60 games to unlock one thing they want via RNG crate or more to get enough points from crates to buy it.

How about an option to unlock a top tier costume for a char once you reached a specific level or stuff like there used to be back in pre-PS3/360 DLC days? Everything now is either paid DLC or bullshit unreasonable unless you pay money. Nobody is forcing you to pay but you can either be lucky and get them early or end up playing hundreds of games until you eventually get enough points to just buy the shit.

>he doesn't main the most versatile hero in the game

Why is the gun clipping through her head?

You get gold either as a drop or when you get a duplicate item, then you can just unlock the item you want. This is perfectly fair.

oh please, you whiny fuckers don't actually want a F2P model, you just want the game to be free in its entirety. choosy beggars should be banned

Nigga do you play the game or are you just shouting because its fun
you get so much currency that you can buy the things you want anyways and thr rng shit is a bonus



Gold currency takes over a hundred games (30-40 crates) to get due to the crates also giving, skins (rare), icons, sprays and many other unlocks. The RNG is literally stacked against players who want a specific thing unless they pay money. You can get lucky but why the hell would you rely on luck in RNG?

Well you got one good skin.


>three of the best legendaries

>he thinks you have to pay cash for in-game currency
fucking retards who havent played the game are worse than shills who have

All I want is the choice to Disenchant stuff like Hearthstone. I am never going to use this legendary Genji skin so let me get some gold out of it.

>loot boxes are pro-consumer goys
How can you defend loot boxes you filthy blizzcucks?

Best box (not counting my one legendary) I've gotten so far had two epics and one blue in it. Shit sucks man.

Am I the only one who prefers chrome over carbon fiber?

Play the fucking game because you find it fun and it will happen to reward you in multiple qays, rng and currency to pick what you want
If you don't have fun, fuck off and kill yourself or at least stop posting it has the same effect


OP here, I concede.

>not using the jehuty skin


You posted the wrong image, mate.

>you came to the wrong neighborhood, motherfucker


But... they are? I mean you get one free every time you level up and they come with 4 items instead of 1?

And you level up to 1600 so you basically get that many loot boxes for free?

Stop being an ignorant cunt.


But the fact is the developers made them give shit loot so people would pony up their wallets. I've only gotten sprays and icons out of 90% of my fucking loot boxes.

>what is RNG
The reason you get shit to drop is because you are an asshole

level 50 here
already have 8 legendaries

someone did the math, it requires around 600 levels to get every single item.

so around 500-700 hours

and seeing how the common tf2 fag has 1000+ hours im guessing its pretty easy to get everything

>Punk Tracer

Absolute cancer.

Well you can always buy the shit you like with the credits you get from the crates?

I mean it's not like ALL skins are good anyways.

You don't get gold all the time. You're still fighting RNG when it comes to gold drops and dupe drops just the same as trying to get that specific skin you want. You can go over 20 crates and only get one gold drop and three small dupes to convert to gold. There are many youtube vids of players buying 50 crates right off the bat to test the RNG of items and only ending up with 1500 gold. The majority of the gold coming from dupes, meaning they paid 50 dollars to end up with tons of useless junk that got converted into would would be only 15 dollars worth of prepaid currency for most online games.

I bought 50 crates myself and got none of the skins I wanted from them. I got some good poses and stuff but the majority were sprays and other very low tier junk. Most of them were dupes as well that were converted to gold. In the end, I got about 1500 to buy the one skin I wanted.. and it only costed me 50 dollars. Most of the complaints regarding this system doesn't even involve whining about having to pay real money either. It's mostly people asking why they can't just throw in 10-15 bucks to just buy the damn skin they want instead of having to throw in about 50 bucks and cross their fingers that they either get it or enough gold for it. Hell, there's a thing going around in the Overwatch community that there's no point in paying any less than 50 dollars. If you want something, throw in 50 or you waste money.

Learn to read, idiot. I clearly say the system makes most players who don't want to risk RNG crating for skins or gold pay with real money to skip that process. Does your blizzardfag brain immediately put stuff into your head to justify your bullshit or are you just strawmaning?

Maybe you shouldn't care so much about purely aesthetic shit.

This argument has been ignored at least five times already user it's not gonna stick this time


>Crap... crap... how do I reply to this? uh... why do you care so much? It's just a game, bro!

Well, why do you care so much?

I wish you could buy these instead of just getting them randomly. I want that Doomfist Icon.

Yeah it's a bit shady to prey on the mentally ill who can't resist the slot machine minigame but nobody really cares you fucking queer because those people are retards who are going to blow their wallets on micro transactions one way or the other

>not using Anubis

>game gives you two legitimately free ways yo get loot, one rng the other not
>some people need a reason to bitch about microtransactions giving whales their third option
>it's still 100% cosmetic and not required to fuck people up in this game
what are you on about dude what's your fucking point

>tfw I spent 40 dollars on crates

>tfw its all voice lines and spray dupes

>tfw you'll do it again because you have a gambling problem and Blizzard is the devil.

>not Bloodhardt
Still pretty good though

No seriously, why do you care

I'll never understand you tf2 hat / csgo skin autists

Ive gotten two bullshit gold legendaries