Download game that isn't even that old

>download game that isn't even that old
>crashes on startup
>no patch from the developer to fix it
>google the solution
>have to edit a .ini file to fix it
>game starts, but crashes later
>oops lol, the game doesn't even work right on your brand of graphics (in my case Intel)
>have to download a .dll to place in the same folder as the .exe of the game
>it finally works, but barely looks any better than the console version because it was designed for consoles
Why to people actually believe PC gaming will ever take over console gaming? My situation might not be very common, but it'd enough to deter normies.

>being a pc cuck
not even once

git gud

The only game I ever couldn't get working was Mirror's Edge

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>oops lol, the game doesn't even work right on your brand of graphics (in my case Intel)
>in my case Intel
>trying to play anything but a gba emulator on intel igpu
you cant comprehend how mad i am

Anyone know the game I'm talking about? It *should* stick out like a sore thumb.

Invisible War? I never could get a full play through to work and I still have my disk.

Nah, it's Fallout 3.

Fuck pc gaming

Fallout 3 works fine on Intel's shitty integrated GPUs tho

>Install a game on a computer
>Everything works fine
>Try it on another computer
>It crashes for no reason and the only fix is ""did you try running it as admin dude"


Fallout 3 runs on damn near anything.
>Intel integrated
Retard. Post your specs so we can laugh

Not the HD530, or least not in my set up. Downloading the .dll that was made for fixing it on Intel graphics fixed the game for me.

>in my case Intel

Chill, I built my rig in anticipation of getting a 1070. I'm only using integrated graphics in the mean time.

Dude...there's an Indian touching your games.

I remember playing Fallout 3 on a 2009 work laptop on medium settings at 20-40ish fps @1600x900. Looked and ran better than a console

>an entire platform of gaming is bad because either am a retard or some shit didn't work on my machine

Now I'm not that big on hardware, so I may be wrong here, but isn't Intel only integrated graphics?

If you're trying to play a game on an intel anything graphics processor, you should kill yourself for expecting it to look better than a PS2 game.

Yes? Why are you confused?

Are you the fag from the GPU thread earlier that was going to spring for a FE EVGA 1070?

>buy game that isn't even that old
>put it in ps4
>doesn't work because it's made for ps3


Current Intel Integrated isn't much more impressive than the AMD chips in last gen consoles. What the fuck were you expecting? I'm petty sure even normalfags understand this, excluding kids

You can Google it. Fallout 3 and New Vegas crashing on Windows 8&10 is a common problem.

Yeah. I don't personally use intel integrated graphix to play games, but nowadays a more recent intel processor can outperform a reference GT 710 so its not like they're complete trash. Intel has put a lot of resources into upgrading their graphics capabilities so they should continue to improve into the future.

>implying those games are good
>implying windows 8/10 are good
shaking my head to be honest


>FO3 and New Vegas
>not that old
Weew Lawd.

Everyone who isn't a hipster already agreed Win10 was just as good or better than 7 ultimate.

Try not pirating it next time. :)

But Ami is already better