When will Nintendo actually show it?

When will Nintendo actually show it?
Will it have games?
How will it sell?
Is Nintendo autistic enough to release three underpowered systems in a row?
Thoughts and opinions ?

I hope it's a portable. Fuck Nintendo home consoles

They're clearly going to have their own event. I think there was a rumor late summer is when they're going to unveil it.

It should have games given Nintendo has had very few worthwhile releases since Mario Maker and a massive chunk of their dev teams like EAD and Retro have been radio silent for a while now.

Who knows how well it'll sell or what'll even be.

Well it damn better have games because otherwise I have NO fucking clue what the fuck Nintendo is doing right now, there's literally only one (shitty) upcoming Nintendo game on Wii U this year (Color Splash), and the only 3DS games to look forward to are Robobot (which is already finished and released in Japan, so they're obviously not working on it right now) and Sun/Moon, which is made by Game Freak, not Nintendo themselves.

That means that currently, as far as we know, for the next year and a half, Nintendo is literally only working on Color Splash, Zelda U/NX which should be a long way into development, and maybe Federation Force (which should be close to if not entirely finished at this point). That's not much. I HOPE they're working on secret NX launch titles. Because if not...

Probably not until next year. They need to get rid of Wii Us in stores over the holiday season and showing off it's replacement would hurt the Wii U's already dismal sales.

>Not Splatwoon

Probably in September. They have an investors meeting on June 29th, so more than likely they will announce when it will revealed there.

Chances are they'll probably show it off right before TGS to get the home country interested, so probably in September as said.

They did the same thing with the Wii U, doing a September presentation with games, price point, and preorder info.

When will Nintendo actually show it?
>too late for it to actually matter
Will it have games?
>probably not
How will it sell?
>considering PS4 and Xbox One have been on the market for like 2 years, not well
Is Nintendo autistic enough to release three underpowered systems in a row?
Thoughts and opinions ?
>I want to be wrong.

they're going to bring back spaceworld for the reveal.

Gamecube 2.0 baby

that's a good thing in case you were wondering

Why the fuck do people think it's a console?

Oh, donno, maybe because it's getting fucking Zelda U on it?

Nintendo are irrelevant now and they did it to themselves

Been referred to as a console on multiple occasions

No, guys it's not a console, they just cut the Wii U's sales projection by a crap ton for the fun of it.

It's a handheld to replace 3DS

>a handheld as powerful as a Wii U

Sure thing, bud

Ha, Ok.

I hope it has better spec than the vita

It will, but Nintendo will cheap out with the screen and we'll have a shit resolution again. Like 480p


What's the story behind this and why do I see it so much?

Just saying, Nintendo has a shit ton of divisions to make games. So where the fuck are they?

Nah, fuck people who play games outside or on the go.

I want maximum technical capabilities.

>Implying a portable will run the new Zelda