Injustice 2 Gameplay World Premier

Injustass gameplay coming soon.

What do you expect?

The same boring garbage from every NRS fighter.

i expect it to be shit just like MKX. and no PC release so i couldnt care even less

More shitty tron lines

Boon to lie some more


Injustice 1 but on the even less fun MKX engine.

>sonyggers used Knack as a positive

>I can't recognize an obvious flaseflag

It's not like any of the other exclusives in that image are any better.

the same shit as always


Can we have a KP3 instead?

i enjoy the injustice comics more than the video game.


Kombat Packs are the worst example of cancer I've seen in a long time. Get fucked kid.

>implying Injustass 2 won't amp it up for their DLC campaign
You thought X was bad with this? It's going to get so much worse from here on in.


How the hell will they handle Captain Cold in a game like this?

He's been confirmed by the trailer, but I can't see how they'd make him work.

>back to block
>unblockable interactables
>stage transitions
>Heroic Brutalities

I like watching people better than me play Injustice and do sick combo shit to style on people in matchmaking

I loved the Injustice 1 campaign, the game itself was fun to play and looked good imo even if I didn't understand what was really happening most of the time

This was all before I got into fighters more seriously so I didn't know how to block exactly and I mostly just spammed things that looked cool

Its a shame games like this are plagued by never-ending paid DLC jewing that eventually kills its entire playerbase

Reaction images from the comic book.

Considering he is just Sub Zero I see no issue with it.

that NRS life cycle is a fact though.


name 1 thing that's wrong about it

Not him, but netcode of MKX is now great and it seems there simply won't be a PC version for Injustice 2. Also, MKX isn't even close to being dead yet. The online is still really active and a lot of people are clamoring for a third DLC pack, but it seems no one at NRS expected people to want continued support for MKX over a sequel to Injustice.

More confirmed characters
>pic related

>dr fate

wew lad

Captain cold and Harley as well.

>Atrocitus and Gorilla Grodd confirmed already
A good fucking roster.