Game has no achievment for finishing the story

>Game has no achievment for finishing the story

Other urls found in this thread:

>super popular game
>achievement for completing the story which is really short
>only 14.8% of players have it

Completion achievements/trophies should be mandatory, but game progression ones should be banned.

>Game has only one achievement
>It's for completing the tutorial

>wanting achievements at all

Kill yourselves

>Game has two endings.
>You only get a Trophy for completing ending 1 while ending 2 rewards you with nothing.

Because that's not an achievement, it's literally what the game is made for.
Achievements should only be for things you have to go out of your way to do, fuck babby achievements

are there actually people who care about achievements

i remember when ps3 added achievements. every gamer was really excited and thinking it's just so cool that ps3 finally got achievements but i was just sitting there scratching my head because they're so lame

these games(0% in normal play) are the worst

> achievement unlocked: I play for the story

I like them as a method of record keeping. If you got the standard "One achievement for every level and a big one at the end" you can see how many people actually beat the game

Same for secret endings or good/evil paths

Actually, having one achievement for starting the game and a second one for finishing the story is useful as a casual filter, since you can look at their profile and see whether they actually finished the game or not.

>I pick my steam friends by what achievements they have
What are you, 12?

>do something that is extremely difficult
>all I get is an achievement

Finishing the story is an achievement in my book, brother.

Achievements are gay. Where are the unlocks.

>game awards you for getting all the achievements

This t.b.h. I don't like achievements, but I can at least understand the rationale for hard to get one. An "I participated!" """"""""""achievement"""""""""" is just dumb.

its because the devs cared and didnt want a DING in the middle of the emotional ending

did you know that selfaware devs put these achievements ingame to see how much of the playerbase is just idling for cards

Is Toradora worth watching?

Good to have an achievement for completing on hard mode too. That way you can see who didn't play hard mode on their first playthrough or didn't play hard at all.

Then put it at the end of the credits as a lot of games have already done.

Of course, it's the greatest love story ever told


>beat story on the hardest difficulty and get an achievement
>get all the achievements for beating the story on the lower difficulties as well

>Caring about achievements

Spotted the millenial autists.

>you dont get them
Are you a Neet?

Diablo 3 achievements : get a character of each class to max level. TWICE.

>Finish game on hardest difficulties
>You don't get all the other achievements

Yes, it's fun.

>Game only has achievements for progressing through the story
>No achievements for anything fun or interesting

Why can't you guys
see the rationale that other posters have mentioned? A lot of games don't get completed by most people and this info is useful. DS2 was completed by only 30% of players. DS3 is at 25.9% for one end of the game, 44.4% for Prince Lothric. Deus Ex HR is at 36.8%

It's valuable both to developers and players to know how many people actually bother to play all of a game. Like this post mentions, you can assume that you could talk to someone about the first 2 hours or so of Skyrim to practically anyone, but you'd be hard pressed to find people who could talk about being in Sovngarde.

Try talking to people about the Civ 5 scenario mate. There's a reason why most of them are at sub 1% completion

1% of players have the achievement for losing the Mongols DLC scenario. I'm one of them.

>ACHIEVEMENT UNLOCKED: Completed chapter one
>ACHIEVEMENT UNLOCKED: Completed chapter two
>ACHIEVEMENT UNLOCKED: Completed chapter three

Ragnarok survivor here And they expect me to replay that piece of shit on emperor after winning it on deity