Seeing as Sup Forums is always wrong, I'm pretty damn optimistic for this game

Seeing as Sup Forums is always wrong, I'm pretty damn optimistic for this game.


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The gameplay looks like shit. Like an even shittier MMX7.


t. kickstarter backer

Not sure if this is a bait thread, shitpost, or shilling but you must be incredibly foolish to expect great things from this terrible game.

I mean, you did play the backer demo, no?

I beat a leaked debug copy. It's actually not too bad, and pretty fun. A few places look good but some parts look really BAD graphics wise. Some of the voices are a bit cringey, but the OST makes up for it EXCEPT FOR POWERPLANT.

Also during cutscenes everyone just stands there awkwardly.

Nah I'm gonna cut MN9 SOME slack. MMX7 is certainly worse. You can beat MN9 without tearing your hair out. it's about 5 hours long with kinda shitty post game content like CHALLENGE MODE WOW

Face it backer, there's no way to salvage this game. One week after release it will be forgotten and everybody will move on.

Yup. I liked it.

Same guy here, also needing to point out that the credits show all 71k backers and its annoying to hear that same rap song about 30 times

>It's not something I agree with, so it MUST be bait!

what the fuck does hot-sue-nay-mee-koo have to do with mn9?

Cutscenes with expressionless character models with immobile mouths when they speak.
For some reason the game includes an option to turn text boxes/subtitles off, making these scenes look even more jarring and incomplete.

What games let me have some fun with Miku?

>Caring about cutscenes in a platformer

Nothing to do with Hatsoonay Meekoo in particular but this does have to do with pizza.

It's less that and more disappointment at the very obvious lack of polish in a game Inafune is trying to turn into the base of a huge new franchise.

Will you make your enemies cry...

Who are you quoting?

>tfw reading "rising crust" as "missing crust"
digiorno is fucking nasty and their stuff costs just as much as, if not more than, chain delivery pizza. how are they still in business?

Like a Japanophile at homecoming

your mom

like an Eastern animation enthusiast at a end-of-school reunion?


Nothing will ever be worse than MMX7. It's THE worst game I have ever played.

I thought it would be at least ironically enjoyable, but no.


Because it's not delivery, It's digiorno
>"I said those words to light a fire under the Japanese video game industry before it was too late," Inafune recounted. He painted a grim picture doing his talk emphasizing how Japan lost its will to win and developers have relied too long on nostalgia.
>developers have relied too long on nostalgia.

>"The fans have expectations, but they don’t just want Mega Man. They want something more," Inafune said hoping to get the audience to understand that they cannot just rely on established brands

Con Man is also a hypocrite.

OP weren't you beaten like an anime fan on prom night?

but cooking a digiorno pizza properly takes just as much time as waiting for delivery and the delivery is better in every way to begin with.

You never played x7 if you genuinely think that you colossal faggot

Except Dominos which is equally as shit

>Seeing as Sup Forums is always wrong

In some cases you'd be right, but this is a situation where EVERYONE is calling it shit, be it Sup Forums or not.

dominos is leagues better than digiorno.

tfw your family refuses to order pizza anymore and only buys digiorno
time to get a job, its absolutely awful

ITT: Backer's remorse

I can't believe we have actual shills for this game.
Just learn your lesson and never back any game ever again

>yfw you didn't back this


This joke got stale a while ago but I'm gonna reply anyway.

Jesus fuck, when will we have an autoban filter for the word "shill"? This got old ages ago.


If you want to read some extreme shilling and delusion and have some laughs, just go to any Steam forum of any universally shit game
Even the mobile version of FF6 had shills

Still no one is going to buy your game

that looks wretched

I'm counting like 4 different artstyles

>i-its not about the graphics its about the gameplay
>>then what is the point of a remake?

Don't worry

When Sup Forums is wrong like always they'll have yookalaylee to shitpost about.

spot the backers

I have played the game.

So far, the game is just like the Megaman games: Above average. It feels like a Megaman game, plays like one, has the plot of one, has he music of one.

I played the games when they came out in the 80s, and although I had lots of fun with them, I can tell you that they were easy to master EXCEPT for Megaman 1, which was hard on purpose. You are letting your nostalgia goggles get the better of you.

Also, fuck the Yellow Devil.


Yes i backed it and had my expectations let down all the same, but to actually insinuate this game could manage to be worse than x7 is brain dead fucking nonsense.

ok, con man

List me the flaws you saw on the game and tell me you didn't see them in previous Megaman games. Go on, I will wait for your arguments.

>it's going to be great

>liam going in full defense mode

Of course, user. Of course.

Nah it'll definitely be better than X7, and if not, well... at least it wouldn't be as bad as X6.


X7 at least had some effort put into it and wasn't designed from the very beginning to be a scam

Hey the game was ok but I wouldn't pay for it, it's not worth like 20$.

I pirated the debug version of the full game.

After beating it I found out how to debug and kept spawning the final boss Trinity until the game crashed.

The cost is the main factor you dipsticks


When I saw Capcom canceled Megaman Legends 3 and Mighty No. 9 was being made in response I thought Capcom was trolling Inafune for leaving the company, now I don't know who's trolling who anymore

Except Inti Creates has had 2 Megaman games and then some to get the formula down, there is no excuse as to why they and Concept can't get this right

after i watched the gccx ep where he beats the yellow devil I destroyed him my first time throguh thanks arino

I just want porn of Call

>there are twelve Call designs
>not all of them will get porn
>your favourite is one of them
fucking con man

>get 1 digiorno "large" for $20 at supermarket
>get 3 pizzas of the same size from a chain delivery place for the same price and it doesn't taste like hot garbage.

I've played the beta build, and it's actually alright outside of the graphics being hot garbage, and the dialog following suit. Luckily the latter is skippable.

Also the game is kinda kicking my ass, I'm pretty sure its because I cant get down how to use the dash well enough. Or maybe it's just poor level design.

Overall it seems at least okay so far. I'm enjoying myself well enough.

Maybe it's different where you live. But here:

1 Frozen Pepperoni large pizza $8
1 Pizzahut Pepperoni large $15 + Delivery Fee

>not mmbn7
>not mmbn collection
>not anything mmbn related

Not interested.


>$15 for a large from dominos
you mean an extra large which is like 16", whereas the digiorno is maybe 12"?

if you're going to buy frozen pizza get red baron or elios, hell even tombstone ain't bad.

They probably mean some cheap crap like Little Caesars and their $5 pieces of shit.

Then why are you here?

People who backed this are gonna be crying like an anime fan on prom night.

>Sponsored link MN9
>All of them are ridiculously low priced

Just looking at a shitty 3d version of that fucking tower triggers me


what is that, a castle for ants?

Nope. Just the normal large is $15 + Delivery Fee.

>ordering from the specialty menu
a build your own with the exact same stuff is $2.50 less

Not OP, but since i'm in the same boat, I felt like sharing this
tldr- They go over & clear up all of the misconceptions surrounding it, like people thinking backer money went into the cartoon pitch.

>buying a large
>not two mediums from carryout for the same price
>more pizza
>more variety

They don't even have the extra large here. Bastards.

>going out

Seeing as OP is always a retard, I'm very damn pessimistic for this thread.