Gamedev thread

Gamedev thread.
What are you faggots working on?
ARE you fags working on something

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I'm lazily working on something. It's just my motivation comes and goes so progress is absurdly slow.

i really need to learn pixel art, any tips?


working from home rn, just communicating with the guys at the office. We're contracting a particle fx artist. Shit's expensive. Stress all around. Missing my personal projects but feels like there's no time

i've stopped working on my game because i need actual money, not fantasy money. Maybe one day, when i'm actually well off, i'd come back to it.

You'll never be well off.
Do you need actual money for the development, or just to live?

I started going through game maker tutorials the other day and it seems really neat. I think the event system makes it super easy to put a game together.
But what I have in mind is like a little isometric adventure game. Do you think it's better to stick with game maker for all the extra sprite stuff it comes with or would it be easier to just use Unity so I can set each scene really easily and then just rotate the camera? Like if I wanted to have elevators or slopes it'd probably be easier to just do it with 3D objects.

>STILL putting Unity in there even though it spies on its players
Anyone considering using Unity for anything should be fucking shot.

open up mspaint, draw pixels, bam, pixel art.

Check out pixel joint, then read Cure's tutorial. Then honestly just try it. Keep your palette small and your canvas small too. Then just go for it. Looking up how to make a palette and a color ramp is also helpful

Finally. I've been waiting for gamedev thread for a long time.

It's me again, faggots. Give me your best cheesy, exaggerated, cringy spell names. Shit like "Hypernova" or "Chronoslash Omega"


I've got enough "hypers" user


okay, I'll take it


Nova Gundown maybe?

Superiore zeta wave


Guys, if you have any 2deep4u shit referencing history (for example "Chrysippus' Curse" or "Monty Hall Problem") or psychology I'd be really thankful.

I haven't thought of putting word "nova" seperately, thank you.

That actually sounds pretty good, saving it.

Oh, that's nice. I've been trying to design a boss of the sunlight dungeon for a while, sun related spells will help. Thanks.


Decided to move on from the debug rooms and make some shitty attempts at making actual areas. Working on implementing 3 basic enemies right now that should be fitting for babby's first monsters. Didn't get anything meaningful done yesterday, just a bunch of setup, so here is an older webm.

Esoteric Calamity
Verus Death

Listed them all, Fimbulvetr is my favorite. That's what I'm looking for.


Fuck, meant for too

Keep posting user, saving them.

thanks user

Just finished a space level for my smw hack

I've been looking into making a game that has trains and automobiles running the rails and road. Not quite sure where to start.

Oh hey, finally a page for this.
Had a couple of ideas for a 2D L.o.Zelda-clone. UE4's been fucking my comp in the ass, so I have to resort to Unity, and I have no idea how to use it. Any tips, Sup Forums?

Also, story is basic. Team of dark edgefags get drawn to RE-style mansion and fight undead things
It's not meant to be a huge thing, but rather something to help me get used to Unity and adjust after dealing with UE4. Still have no idea what the fuck I'm doing

There are some good Unity tutorials on their own website. Should help you figure out how to use the program at least.


That's so fucking ridiculous, I love it.

I'm supposed to be working on states for my protagonist but the procrastination is hitting me hard.

I have billboard particles working.

I've got one more

I can now save and load the files.
It has some few updating issues (data not displayed after loading) but by tomorrow I will finally get back to Unity and recode my own animated sprite class to use those custom data

Thank you user for your contribution, saved them all.


>spies on players

wait what?

He's retarded.

Starlight Nova
Stardust Cascade
Starfall Tempest

>earthshattering pussyripper

my sides are in fucking orbit

Does anyone know how much monis you can make selling shit on the unity/unreal stores?
I'm looking at the stuff there and I can definitely match at least the average quality 3D models + Terrains.

Very nice user

>ARE you fags working on something
No I'm not

Does anybody still use Cryengine?

I tried this already, it's hard


wait what? Never heard about this since I don't pay attention to Unity.


I made a fairly recent update:

Also, a Japanese blogger kindly translated the manual out of nowhere.

Thank you!

The enemy fighter doesn't really work but its something

Oh shit is this a total conversion hack?

Also, when played on a machine with Japanese localization, the houses look cute!

If you mean like graphics and that yes


What exactly is this tool for?

>UE4's been fucking my comp in the ass, so I have to resort to Unity
Are you sure that's really a good idea? UE4 feels far more optimized than Unity.

Like OpenTTD?

What are you working on?

This is the first game in steam, we manage to get into the store.

I got lost on a mechanic-tweaking tangent while fixing a bug I noticed during boss-fight testing.

The biggest change is that you can now crouch+jump in mid-air to instantly trigger a hover (since there are no air crouch jumps) without double-jumping; DJing breaks your enemy air-momentum-matching so doing this lets you switch to a hover while mid-combo (hovering, you probably don't know, lets you use ground-combo attacks in air as you "walk" through it)

This is a really bad pass at doing this, I wanted to do something a little more complex to show it off (involving switching between propeller and aeroprop over and over by attack-to-block chaining switching the hover on and off) but my current crouch bind is C and my fingers just aren't meant to switch between shift, C and space with a good rhythm.

Tech used:
hovering ground melee
block stocking

Best engine to make a fighting game? Unity has problems keeping consistent framerates.

More hands on as far as handling citizens go. It's rail lines that I'm not sure where to go forward with. Mainly smooth movement and having a connected rail line.

Is Unity your first game engine? A locked framerate is something that every engine has a problem with.

>More hands on as far as handling citizens go.
Like, you handle day-to-day rail policy stuff, like ticket handling, prices, timetables, etc.?


Concept art.

Just got to get a pc good enough to use any game making software.

user, that doesn't sound like a game, it sounds like a job.

Put up my first game on the google play store 3 days ago. 2 years of very messy development with it starting on the PC with a friend as an online game, then scrapped once we didn't get any kickstarter funds. It was only scrapped because my programmer friend lost interest. Decided a year later to try to learn programming myself, then by chance found playmaker. Used it, learned it, and bam. Went through 6 different unfinished projects before I went back to Dega Madness to try and do it (as a single player game now) on android. Took around 4 months to make (I also work fulltime)

I find that the alpha maps in the title screen don't work properly on some of the lower end devices, just the ones that are set to unlit/transparent cutout (unity), so I'll have to go back and try to find out why. Also with my joystick that I designed myself, I had a problem with confining it to within a certain spacial distance. So you can move the controller all over the screen, but the player will only move if you keep the joystick within the bottom GUI area. Some players have problems keeping their thumb in that area, as they just tend to keep pushing it up the screen. Also some fairly bad lag on lower end devices. I'm not sure if that's because my game isn't optimized or if it's the phone.

Anyway if you have a decent android it should run fine, I'll have to find a way to try and bind the joystick though. For now just keep it within the bottom gui. Was fully made in playmaker btw.

***Game is called Dega Madness

The goal is to try to dodge all of the "Dega's" and reach the end. Each vehicle has it's own ability that can be used by hitting the "ability" button, and most abilities can only be used once per life.

Now working on a smaller, more simple "stack the blocks" type game.

Anyone have any experience with first person dungeon crawlers? I'd love to make one but don't know where to start

I'm trying to get back into Unity.

I wanto to make a clone of one of my favourite arcade puzzlers that I cant seem to find a decent copy of anywhere.

I previously gave up because my day job became too demanding.

Really shitty to be honest i just dont feel like working on it and im don't wanna keep working on more animations and a new character.

It's more of a sandbox thing. Like building miniature towns and trainsets. No clue how fun it'll be. I just want to make digital miniature things.

finished coding in all party members and their special events in town.

currently doing hillbillies' faces.

Well, I'd say go for it. I don't know what it is - I just really like games with rail systems.

I'm just fascinated with automated systems in general. I have a few ideas to make it more gamey, but I really want the emphasis on just building cool shit.

It worked for Minecraft and GMod

Just take the creative factor up to 11 and it will be fun. More "toy" than "game" but who gives a crap

Agreed with this

>What exactly is this tool for?
composite sprites. like the character + hat+weapon. all the position data. + palette edition for alts. Unity animator is nor really good for that sort of stuff . Also allowed me to test rle compression which ended pretty good, files are smaller in the end than the source picture

Thanks for sharing. Already brainstorming creative ways to provide challenge completely removed from the building process. Been watching tons of stuff like this for inspiration. And in some ways is what I'm ultimately going for.

if anyone needs a 3d modeler
hit me up

my portfolio is in the pic bottom left

i've been working with other Sup Forums dudes so it'd be fun to do more

Going for the "miniature" aesthetic might prove to be very freeing, from a design standpoint. You can create a deep game that goes beyond the confines of realism.

A design idea I want to follow is the idea that anything in game is in some way possible to physically replicate, even if certain models/toy concepts don't actually exist yet. The big freeing thing for me is I won't have to adhere to the realism that other city builders have to adhere to.

That sounds really cool.

What's the best option for a beginner who's short on cash and wants to one-man dev a few games?
I'm planning on spending my summer learning the basics on C++ and I ideally want to focus on 3D development, but I have a toaster PC.

>using a game engine
You aren't a programmer you're playing with lego blocks.

lol, this guy again.

His twitter is filled with some of the the most paranoid, delusional, nonsensical things I've ever read.

Well Unreal4 is free now and it uses C++ and blueprints, but I don't know how far you'll get with a toaster. Before I got my graphics card the default (mostly) empty room was so intense I could barely move the camera.

>using an existing coding language
fucking casual, go make your own

People will meme about the 3D but its actually fairly decent, and its free as in freedom and no money.
You'll have to learn GDscript though, but its basically python so it shouldn't be too bad.

>not using HolyC
Enjoy burning in hell.

skullgirls/indivisible fan here,

what do you guys think of MikeZ as a gamedev?

who came in deko's mouth?

get out mikez

Go away evaxephon


he's a coding monster

is he even a dev?

Entities can now own a particle emitter, like gibs owning the "drip" emitter.

>meatball gun
I want to play this

I'm working on something pretty cool but just like my motivation comes and go.