Deadpan, emotionless personality

>deadpan, emotionless personality
>legit autistic behavior

Why do people consider her a good character? Or is it because of the ahegao?

Other urls found in this thread: of xillia undub

I consider her a good character to cum inside!

I feel so sorry for you, you played the english version


>Or is it because of the ahegao?
I sure hope you meant ahoge, friend.

>Was told that the audio was fucked up for a character before getting the game.
>Put the game in and play.
>Literally all of Milla's lines make her sound like the lispiest nerd on the planet.

How do you fuck up so badly?

>Why do people consider her a good character?
The Xillia series was filled with flawed characters. The combination of gameplay and story (of Xillia 2) are what make it stand out above other titles in the snoozefest of a series.

The game has dual audio?

How did he keep getting away with it?
Damn he was fun to play as tho, kicked my ass during that one part.

I'm so sorry you didn't play the superior version with Sawashiro voicing Milla.

I want to FUCK Milla

>How did he keep getting away with it?
It's a Tales games. Party members walking all over each other is a common theme.


Ahegao can be pretty bad, but there's some good shit out there. If you've never read any of Turtle.Fish.Paints shit, then I feel sorry for you. That's how you do Ahegao right.

>People still don't know the difference between an ahegao and an ahoge


Xillia and Xillia 2 don't stand out amongst shit. They're mid-tier Tales games at best.

Put some clothes on Byakuren

>You can hear the sexual tension between Jude and Milla

The voice grew on me honestly. Pretty often she does the typical weak VA thing of putting emphasis on the wrong words in a line of dialogue, but her voice itself is kinda great

Who said she was?
Shes just a plot device/driving force where her whole personality revolved around her duty.

Are you sure you played Tales of Xillia?


I thought Sup Forums preferred non-ahoge milla

>Teepo starts motorboating her
>no reaction, she's completely dead inside


Am actually playing the game at the moment. Milla is the most cringy character i ever played As in a tales game.

Who's worse? Rose, or Milla?

This isn't even a question. Rose by far.

Just wait until you meet "Alternative Milla".


Then you either haven't played very many Tales games or you're playing the English version of Xillia.

- Group of ninjas that can kill anyone they wanted in seconds
- Leaves their female leader alone with a group of adolescent/spirit males
- Doesn't do shit to help her
Easily Rose.

The lisp wasn't intentional, her voice recording got fucked up in audio compression

abyss did the flaw character thing better.

i would gut Alvin like a fish if i was jude.

tsundere milla is best milla

b-but we're merchants during the day, assassins at night!

FakeMilla is bestMilla

Milla is old and busted.

Velvet is the new hot stuff

Why is he called Jyde in the German version?

Can't say Jude without 'Jew'

dont forget the 6 million goyim.

Alvin is incredibly charming. I would also forgive him a thousand times.

The lisp gave me a boner in my dick and heart. I loved it.

I like how Milla blue balls Jude in two different games. God Xillia was shit.

Do you know if there's an undub floating around?

>that fooling around on the couch in Sharilton manor
>all the HOWE AND CELSIUS FUCKED implications in the last 2 Jude chapters
Nah man. Jude finally got his nut. Just another reason Xillia 2 was such a great game.

Why did they make him suffer, Sup Forums?

The final scene features Julius putting two blades through Velvet's chest, before the background changes to shattering glass. How mad would you be?

why not?

"not bad"

If that happened in zestiria I would have cheered. Even though it doesn't make any sense.

He fucks best Milla all day every day in the after life. The suffering was worth it.

He destroyed his soul to save Elle from supercancer, user. He's deader than dead.

Can anyone argue against Milla being the most attractive Tales girl?

She's just gorgeous. She's so beautiful I played the entire Xillia duology for her. She's so impossibly good-looking I want to gasp every time she shows up onscreen. Holy fucking shit I think she may be the reason this universe exists at all.

There are undubs for every recent Tales game, including Xillia 1, Xillia 2 and Graces F. I usually download them from blackcats-games, but they should be up on other trackers as well.

They fuck all day every day.


True ending is complete shit. I hate that retarded ending so fucking much.

Because her arts are fucking amazing



>doing the true ending

make a new and better daughter.

Who suffered more, Fractured Milla or Ludger?

Fractured Milla was a way better character than Prime Milla.
The way literally every other character treated her upset me. It was fucking weird how horrible and cold the main cast was, just coercing her into suicide.

The bad end was the best end.


Lucky, lucky man. I'm jealous. Haven't made my way there yet.

Ludger a shit.

It doesn't work in Tales of Zestiria, but in Tales of Berseria, Velvet's arm could be a sign of a fractured dimension.

>Females voices much better in japanese, young male voices usually worse


>She doesn't know anything about humans
>You could literally grope her and teach her about sex
>She would discover sex and get addicted to your cock

Milla is perfect.

Guys... when does Zestiria get kinda good?

I am 20 hours in and its so fucking boring, I might just kill myself. This game has the worst camera and worst combat of the recent tales games, fuck me man

Its the canon ending, sides it makes sense for Ludger to die. I mean, wouldn't you want to die too after finding out that your crush liked your brother and was only acting nice to you for years, killing your brother twice, killing yourself, killing a robot that's sole duty was to protect others, destroying entire worlds that make you feel like an asshole for doing so, having crushing debt, and losing a woman who literally said I love you right before she died?

Who the fuck would wanna keep on living after going through all of that?

Here, have a Milla drawn by Minaba
It doesn't, sorry

>Let's make soup :-))))

I'm pretty sure the undubs shouldn't be too difficult to find in other places.

A quick search showed that torrents for the xillia 2 undub are up on nyaa of xillia undub
Looks like there are two for xillia 1 as well, but don't know if they are seeded.

Never you fucking faggot. We warned you.

I'm sorry user. I have bad news for you..

Why didn't I listen?

Zestiria is irredeemable trash, user.
Shouldn't have listened to the ">muh waifu" memers.

>the scene were she grows hungry and jude teach her how to eat.
>was expecting him to teach her how to relive herself.
>it never happens and never gets brought up.

i dont know why i thought they would touch on that subject.

Oh you did listen, to fujoshits cheering for Sorey x Mikleo, to loli lovers for Edna, to waifufags for everyone else

>finding out that your crush liked your brother and was only acting nice to you for years
I've played through Xillia 2 several times and I have no idea what you're talking about.

>losing a woman who literally said I love you right before she died
That was just weird honestly.

>having crushing debt
implying you haven't already paid it off

Elle didn't even want Ludger to do it. It was retarded. It was literally exactly like the Julius ending where you just completely abandon being reasonable and fuck everything up for a character who's accepted their death.

Very cute

I'd post their alternate art but I don't want to bother getting them

I don't speak freaky deaky dutch. What's it say?

Edna was the only good part of the game.

Thanks user. I'll ask outright: How did you get into BCG? I'm trying to slowly work my way up in the private tracker world, and /ptg/ are a bunch of unhelpful, unlikable cunts.

Yuri turned me gay

Before: Tales of Zestria's Heroine
After: Appears in Tales of Zestria

They had to get rid of the evidence.


Just because you're a shit-taste retard doesn't mean you've got an excuse to be spreading that kind of opinion around.

Here's a video of what I was talking about

And well, the true ending is the one that basically works well for everyone. Even though it sucks for Ludger, Elle gets a chance for a new life in their world. Sides I'm pretty sure if you go with the neutral ending the whole party gives you the stink eye and hates for not saving her.

you dumb nigger


She's like a programmer or something?


You made this thread for that, didn't you.

Sucks for prime Elle because she's never born. Also sucks for fractured Elle because she has to live with it. Sucks for the world because Luds wasted their chance to live without fractured dimensions

Fractured Milla best Milla

>not a positive


>Not playing the undubbed version

I bet you all played Coldsteel dubbed too lmao

Wait didn't they wish for a world without any fractured dimensions in the true ending?

It's been years, so I don't remember very well, but I think they had a short period of open registrations, so I just applied for an account. BCG is the only private tracker I've used in recent years. I'm afraid I don't actually know much about the subject at all.